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My Reasons
by Guest mehtab- 2 replies
Following are my reasons why Sikhs should be in power in India : We have seen five hundred years of Islamic rule where non-Muslims were suffering from continuous and endless oppression. Also, we have seen fifty six years where India has been ruled by those claiming to be secular and democratic, and also to be Hindus. These so called nationalists have a large list of oppressions done against minorities on their resume. Operation Bluestar, the mass murder of Sikhs in major Indian cities following the assassination of Prime Minister Mrs Indira Gandhi, the demolition of the Babri Masjid and the riots that followed, and the more recent Gujarat riots are some of their "landmar…
Last reply by Sarbloh Soulja, -
- 4 replies
I know this is long, BUT PLEASE READ! ------------------------------------------------ Author: warrior*princess Date: 07-04-03 19:16 My wife, the beautiful one I came in from the fields and found my wife sleeping, her head was down on the table, and there was some papers in her hand. Without disturbing her I gently removed them and read what she had written. She wrote: "Everything has been changing so suddenly, I don't know who to tell, there is no one to tell, but I must tell someone, so I am just writing this to myself to try to organize my thoughts, to try to find some sense, to all the changes, recently, in my life. My husband had been acting so strangely, …
Last reply by simran_kaur, -
- 21 replies
vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw! vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!! Just wanted to get teh sangat's thought as to keeping maharaj di beed at home, why or why not. At my house we got pothis of SGGS with arth and sakhi, I beleive that's the best way to learn from your Guru, and also giving it the same respect. This raises another question, should you keep the pothis in a closet (is it ok?) or have the pothis on a daybed/high seat of some sort, obviously clean sheets, and decorated because its still Gurbani. Anyways, what you guys think? :T: vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw! vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!
Last reply by Mkhalsa, -
- 17 replies
Waheguru ji!!! This topic was started on the old forum, and I wanna get it kickin again, there is such a big significance behind the number 5 in Sikhi. Let me start off with the birth of Khalsa!! When the human is born, God gives 5 fingers on each hand. When the human is born, God gives 5 toes on each foot. When the human is born, God gives 5 senses - touch, taste, smell, hearing and sight. Everything new created in this world is made of 5 elements - Earth, Water, Fire, Metal, Wood. 300 years ago 5 men sacrificed their lives to be reborn. Like a new baby is given a new name, these 5 men were given the new name Singh. Like a new baby is dressed w…
Last reply by Sarbloh Soulja, -
- 1 reply
vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw! vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!! United States Department of State Tells School Children Sikhs are Terrorists - Sikh Sentinel
Last reply by Deep Singh, -
- 3 replies
waheguru ji kakhalsa waheguru ji ki fateh jio im sure most of u are also memebers of americansikhs group@yahoo.... i jus happend to read a chpter from I.J. Singh's book. vicky ver ji said somrhying bout faking it. u know like when eva we taked bout beinga sikh, being good, nice etc u know..and he always points out.."init faking??" i can;t find that post now...i will answer that later ..have clas snow...grr.. :D u might get clues form this post... B) but read this if u haven; really does take only 10 mins the most. and i thin this answers the post of khalsa veer ji(the conversation with jassica paan ji) read on: Hello all, Below is an article written b…
Last reply by gupt faujaan, -
- 0 replies
vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw! vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!
Last reply by me moorakh mugadh, -
- 3 replies
Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa! Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!! Sarbat Sadh Sangat Nu Guru Harkrishan Sahib DE Gurpurab Nu Lakh Lakh Vadean many many happy returns of the day to our gurujee
- 2 replies
Last reply by simran_kaur, -
- 5 replies
rwgu bYrwVI mhlw 4 Gru 1 dupdy <> siqgur pRswid ] suin mn AkQ kQw hir nwm ] iriD buiD isiD suK pwvih Bju gurmiq hir rwm rwm ]1] rhwau ] nwnw iKAwn purwn jsu aUqm Kt drsn gwvih rwm ] sMkr k®oiV qyqIs iDAwieE nhI jwinE hir mrmwm ]1] suir nr gx gMDRb jsu gwvih sB gwvq jyq aupwm ] nwnk ik®pw krI hir ijn kau qy sMq Bly hir rwm ]2]1] (AMg: 719) Listen, O mind, to the Unspoken Speech of the Lord’s Name. Riches, wisdom, supernatural spiritual powers and peace are obtained, by vibrating, meditating on the Lord God, under Guru’s Instruction. || 1 || Pause || Numerous legends, the Puraanas, and the six Shaastras, sing the sublime Praises of the Lord. Shiva and the thir…
Last reply by Deep Singh, -
- 2 replies
Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa! Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!! Saad Sangat jeoo, if anyone among you has any doubt about the Khalsa, and that there is a difference between Guru Nanak Sahib's and Guru Gobind Singh's philosophy then read this article: Origin of Khalsa Quote-: >The hair is the gift of God, who ever keeps it on his head, in this world and the next world, he will receive respect.< by Guru Nanak Sahib (Janamsakhi)
Last reply by Mkhalsa, -
- 2 replies
Hello to all, I am new to this forum. I saw the dodra topic and I wanted to clear one thing up. Dhan Guru Nanak was first coined and repeated by sant attar singh mastuanawallay... if you need quotes, I'll provide them. We are all collectively progressing with the evolution of the collective force, governed by the primal force..... lets not lose sight of why we are here
Last reply by Sarbloh Soulja, -
- 1 reply
jly hrI ] Qly hrI ] aury hrI ] bny hrI ]1]51] igry hrI ] guPy hrI ] iCqy hrI ] nBY hrI ]2]52] eIhW hrI ] aUhW hrI ] ijmI hrI ] jmW hrI ]3]53] AlyK hrI ] AByK hrI ] AdoK hrI ] AdYÍk hrI ]4]54] Akwl hrI ] Apwl hrI ] ACyd hrI ] AByd hrI ]5]55] AjMqR hrI ] AmMqR hrI ] suqyj hrI ] AqMqR hrI ]6]56] Ajwq hrI ] Apwq hrI ] AimqR hrI ] Amwq hrI ]7]57] Arog hrI ] Asog hrI ] ABrm hrI ] Akrm hrI ]8]58] AjY hrI ] ABY hrI ] AByd hrI ] ACyd hrI ]9]59] AKMf hrI ] ABMf hrI ] AdMf hrI ] pRcMf hrI ]10]60] Aqyv hrI ]AByv hrI ]Ajyv hrI ] ACyv hrI ]11]61] Bjo hrI ] Qpo hrI ] qpo hrI ] jpo hrI ]12]62] jls quhI ] Qls quhI ] nids quhI ] ndsu quhI ]13]63] ibRCs quhI ] pqs quhI ] iCqs q…
Last reply by Summeet Kaur, -
- 1 reply
Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa! Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!
Last reply by gurkiya_sakhiya, -
- 0 replies
Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa! Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!
Last reply by me moorakh mugadh,