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I know, but to get things moving you can start a topic on mindless things such as my wife/mother in law did this and have multiple replies. Those get a lot of replies.4 points
2 points
Good point. In fact, in the old days, there simply were not enough birs of Gur Granth Sahib ji to go around. So prakash of shasters was done in some Gurdwaras. You can matha tek to a Gutka Sahib, too.2 points
When you are at home, you can do ardas in front of sastar as well.2 points
2 points
In general, no one really uses forums a lot anymore and growth is stagnant. Usually they're populated by OG users and once they stop posting and cease their activity, others tend to follow suit. There are still some socials that have engaging talks about Sikhi. You can try Twitter (X), Discord, Reddit, Tiktok, gurdwareh group chats, etcetera. Idk man. Sikhi as a whole is pretty much dying tbf. It makes sense that you'll see less engagement over time. A lot of people contend that the religion is being revived in the west, in particular by Gen Z. The zoomer lot is definitely kind of active, but they're mostly all talk and no action. It's like some kind of flex to feign religiosity. It's not just Sikhi though, it's all of 'em. Not only that, but at one point you just grow up and have more serious matters to attend to. I used to be online for hours and hours and mess around and post but now I don't even have time to do anything b/c I'm spending time with my family & getting married soon. Now, I'm just worried about making babies. Everything's a blur. There are probably others that feel the same as well.2 points
I guess easier ways of learning have taken precedence. There are so many Youtube channels and podcasts available that people are more ready to listen for knowledge at their own leisure. There are so many great kathas available online that take months to listen, so that people may not really get the time to come here and write.2 points
do ardas at home, do ardas outside, and do ardas at gurughar. Maybe there is a smaller gurdwara where it is less crowded and there are less programmes, that you can go to?2 points
No I do not think so. Most Sikhs would prefer to live under a racist white regime than under Sharia rule.2 points
Refraining from killing innocent people and raping women is not "virtue signalling." What is the purpose of massacring innocent people who are taking a train to Pakistan? What threat do they pose? How is killing people who are already on their way out of country necessary to ensure your survival? If you think it is okay to kill innocent people who pose no threat to you, then you don't believe in Sikhi. If you think it is okay to kill children or rape women under any circumstances, then you don't believe in Sikhi. It is not that complicated.2 points
2 points
Nothing really shocking from a Jihadi to be honest. Only savagery on these people really works. You have to out-muslim the muslim in this case unfortunately. It is the only language they understand. I think the only thing that will stop Hamas is complete genocide of Gaza. Not something I am proud or happy to say2 points
We are all shocked to hear and read about the sickening terror attacks on Isreal by mindless, crazed religious fanatics of Hamas that are supported by Iran and others. I am not saying isreal are angels but theres no justification for they did to children, elderly and women. What Hamas did was what many have faced in times gone by when sword of islam wiped out whole religions and peoples as they were considered a "non believer" with devestating consquences. We witneseed babies throats being slit, children shot, beheadings and cruelty the world has never seen at the hands of these low life scum of the earth. But what happened in isreal only a few days ago was not just an attack on Jews or Isreal. This was an attack on the whole of Humanity. But most importantly and significantly this was not just an attack on the Jewish community alone, but on the whole non muslim world. Yes you and me were attacked only a few days ago. The way the world is at the moment is that it is split in 2 distinct enties and peoples. There are two distinct and very different kinds of people on earth. A non muslim and a Muslim. A clear divide has emerged and it is time people decided which side of the fence they are sitting on. Any attack on a non muslim by muslims is an attack on us all. The whole world needs to unite to eradicate the extremist element of islam. Its going to take unity from Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs and even people that dont have a faith to unite against these evil doers. Non of us can single handedly take on the extremist. When a Buddhist is attacked it is an attack on us. Thats how we should see it. The muslims have unity yet we non muslims are un unified and that is whats is making us weak. Anywhere in the world when the sword of islam strikes on a non muslim all non muslims need to get together and fight these people. Or other wise we are just going to be the next target down the line. Its time we set up a non muslim global defense league or combat force to stand togther in times when minorities are attacked by these fanatics All over the world. Currently muslims are trying to take over countries and enforcing sharia and their religion on others. While us non muslims sit back and watch it happen. Its time for actions. But what lacking is unity. We non muslims dont have its time all non muslims looked at each other and see our common beliefs that we share and try and become more unified and strong. Otherwise prepare for a an islamic world in every country.1 point
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You need to slow down and be calm. My advise is, to make Degh Prashad at home then do Ardaas (with Bhog and take out 5 prashad in sarbh loh bowls). Following the Taksaal Rehat when making Degh is highly recommendable. During Ardaas ask for your desires. First time things will go wrong / prashad is not fully cooked, burnt due to bhanda having a previous unwashed stain... but over time making Degh will improve. If you can't make it everyday then once a week. The recommendation is making degh once a month. If you REALLY gun for it can even take your prepared prashad to Gurudwara then do the mandatory 40 stanzas of Anand Sahib in front of Guru Granth Sahib Jee follwed by Ardaas. The panj Prashad can be distributed to any five Singhs sat in Sangat (after taking it out in bowl but put it back in your main bhatta). Bringing your prepared degh is ideal at Amritvela as their will be less Sangat. Home or Sangat, 5 Singhs will visit and eat the Prashad if everything is done correctly, in Maryaad and with Sharda.1 point
They are a violent people, the tried and tested way is to mete out even more violence against them. That is the language they understand. The more violent you are, the less violent and more reasonable they become. You will see how quickly they capitulate and go into "treaty" mode. Our violence comes from defense, theirs come from where there is no resistance. They are bullies.1 point
The muslim countries do not care about the Palestinians as they are quite troublesome. However, because Israel is there then they seem to show some care for the Palestinians. The muslim's problem with Israel is that it is Jewish. The Gulf countries (with exception of Qatar) are more interested in fermenting economic links with Israel. Here some facts about the Palestinians. Most of the population of Jordan is Palestinan and they tried to overthrow the monarchy there. Read up about Black September. Do you know who helped out the Jordanians, the Pakistanis. Lebanon had a civil war from about 1975 to 1990. Do you know how it largely? The very large Palestinian refugee camps there. PLO was based in Lebanon. Kuwait had a large Palestinian population. When Iraq invaded Kuwait, who did the Palestinians support? The Iraqis. The Kuwaitis expelled the Palestinians. Now with the Gaza war, there is pressure for Egypt to accept the Gazans by opening up the border. Egypt is reluctant to, even though between 1948 to 1967 they controlled Gaza. That is because once the Gazans leave for Egypt, Israel will never allow them back. The Israelis in my view are playing a very clever game. They allowed for Oct 7th to happen, so they can create the circumstances to push the Gazan population to the southern part. My observations is that they will probably reduce the Palestinian population drastically not through genocide but by pushing them into Egypt. Northern Gaza will probably be some militarized buffer zone and Hamas will largely be eradicated. What remains of Gaza will be a rump strip even tinier than before. Once they have dealt with Gaza, they will try to normalise relations with Saudi Arabia. Then they will either go for Iran, which if there is ever a regime change there could mean dried up support for Hezbollah which means Israel will shore up their Northern borders.1 point
Islam will never conquer the west, no chance at all. All they can do is increase through birthrate and immigration, but they will never acquire real power. A few celebrities or commoners here and there don’t change the broader picture (same kind of conversion stories exist for all faith groups with neo-budhists being a case in point). Euros/whites are far more likely to revert back to some pre-christian faith system, or re-invent Christianity for their current tastes, than choose Islam. Plus, they have hundreds of other modern day ‘isms’ to choose from instead of an outdated desert tribal religion. If the whites feel threatened enough, they will switch on their genocidal mode. Unfortunately, we will also be wiped out along with the muslims if it reaches that point. Also, don’t fall into the social media algorithm trap. Muslims are not powerful by any stretch. They punch well below their numbers, and the amount of countries they own they should have been vastly more powerful, but they aren’t. Most of their countries are subdued with American dominance and ‘aid-funding’. Don’t think just because a few million have settled into first-world western states that they will somehow take them over. We need to concentrate on our core values and have faith in Guru Maharaj to guide us into the future. We may not matter today on the global scene, but that can change in the coming centuries if Guruji will it. Learn from the accomplishments and mistakes of others and our own, then wisely chart our next steps. We'll be ok.1 point
This woman has those eyes that look through you not at you. There is no soul behind those eyes.1 point
Adharmi and Dharmi live by different set of rules. The Aharmi will use the Dharmi rules against Dharmi. It is like bringing a knife to the gun fight. The Adharmi is under no obligation to bring the knife. Dharmi cannot prevail in these circumstances. You put yourself into a straight jacket.1 point
When survival is at stake, all the virtue signalling goes out of the window. At that moment of time, living by higher values gets you slaughtered. For dharma to prevail adharmic things have to be done. Do what needs to be done, ensure your survival and then you can self reflect in all the bad things you had to do, and feel shame. If you want to ensure that you want to live by higher values, you need to put the mechanisms in place like not having adharmi people and ideologies to take precedence in your society.1 point
What was the alternative? Live side by side with muslims who are the majority in the state? The chief minister of Punjab would always be a Muslim and so would the head of police. Do you want to hear the Muslim call to prayer 5 times a day? Do you want their men perving on your female relatives? It's one thing living next to Muslims in the British Raj era where everyone was against the British rule. After the era of kings and emperors demographics count and the muslims heavily outnumbered us in Punjab and with their breeding habits the gap would be even more today. Not to mention post 9/11 Pakistanis have gotten even more fundamental with bombs going off left right and centre in their cities, do you want that happening in Amritsar and Ludhiana? The Hindus still regret letting the muslims stay behind in large numbers and their numbers are forever growing. We at least nipped the problem in the bud. The muslims started the violence with the Rawalpindi massacre on us and we just did the same back to them with extra. Compare that with the Bengali Hindus who got massacred in Noakali and never did a similar attack back, that's why their West Bengali state is 27% muslim today and why Hindus in Bangladesh have gone from around 22% in 1970 to a paltry 8% today. So I don't condone any of the violence but if you don't retaliate when something bad is done to you or your community you just present yourself as being weak and that is what muslims take advantage of. They are a community that likes to test the waters, they push and push and see if there is any reaction from the other community, if not they show even more bravado. That's what happened when the Rohingyas were preying on Buddhist Burmese women and also when the muslims burnt the train in Gujarat, the Buddhists and Hindus then went berserk on them.1 point
The real issue here is India. The Indian regime could have fallen through diplomacy. They sponsored agents on foreign soil to take out a Canadian citizen. There may be points to concur Hardeep Singh's legitimacy but a democratic government hiring agents for an assassination is absurd. You can say India got kind lucky by the media attention being diverted to this Israel-Gaza conflict.1 point
If the world needs to unite against some sort of common enemy, it really does not matter whether or not Sikhs are a part of that. If the rest of the world can't win without Sikhs, they will not win with Sikhs. The Sikh community is tiny, has no organization, no clout, no influence, nothing. If you guys occasionally stepped foot outside of Southall or Wolverhampton or Brampton, you would realize that.1 point
Frankly, I am disgusted by both sides and I am tired of so much of the media's attention being focused on a relatively tiny number of people fighting over a tiny sliver of land. I wish Sikhs would stay out of these issues. We have nothing to gain by sticking our necks out when: 1) neither side is in the right, and 2) neither side cares about our issues.1 point
The issue with Slough is the immigration, one ethnic group pushes out another ethnic group which pushes out another ethnic group. It creates a knock on effect. I live in the Bucks area.1 point
Have a contingency plan and put a strategy in place with what you have said in mind. Maybe look to put your kid into a primary school maybe in an area outside of your local area as an option. The Slough Sikh Community is moving into South Bucks area. Like we mentioned before, there is a typically a 30 year cycle where a Sikh stronghold starts to change. The Grammar School system in Slough has become increasingly competitive and like you mentioned with those South Indian IT types in Langley will begin to hog up those grammar school places.1 point
When you read about that Sakhi of guru gobind singh dressed as Uch Ka pir... the singhs had halal food once they did bhog with a mantar as advised by maharaj they were eating karah parsadh degh. the parsang is from gurpartaap suraj parkash granth...1 point
There are two types of people who read/listen to SriGurpartap Suraj Granth… 1. Gurmukh Jogi 2. Manmukh Bhogi The first type of person will listen to Gursikhs of Samparda ( the lineage of Sikhs from Guru Sahiban). These people will do immense Abhiyaaas of Naam and seva. They will follow and adhere to a very strict code of conduct at all times. These people will not take any scriptures at face value. Their immense Abhiyaas and sangat of great Gurmukhs will teach them to become a Hans ( a hans can separate milk from water). This is a metaphor for seeing the deeper meaning and moral behind a story. These people will learn to se the wider picture in every situation… Sadly, there are many people who are of the mindset where they see filth in everything. These people have not done any sangat of samparda Gursikhs. These people are self taught…1 point
Bhangu's work is heavily Panjabised, whereas Kavi Santokh used Braj bhasha so, that's not surprising. I like the raw, often gritty narrative style of Bhangu as well: it reads like a saga, or a Game of Thrones type story, To say I found it very engaging is a major understatement. It was an important read because we are talking about a historical narrative uninfluenced by colonialism. It's undoubtedly a pre-colonial Sikh historical classic. I'd love to read the unedited text. I don't think I'm at that stage yet, but I can read the Gurmukhi and compare to the english to evaluate the translation and can see many of the extra bits the translators put in. You're on the right track, this is what MK has to say: n.f. a manly sport, a variety of ਕਬੱਡੀ. Mahan Kosh Encyclopedia ਕੱਬਡੀ ਵਾਂਙ ਇਹ ਭੀ ਪੇਂਡੂ ਖੇਡ ਹੈ. ਜੁਆਨ ਆਦਮੀ ਇਕੱਠੇ ਹੋਕੇ ਦੋ ਦਲ ਬਣਾ ਲੈਂਦੇ ਹਨ, ਇੱਕ ਲੀਕ ਦੋਹਾਂ ਟੋਲੀਆਂ ਦੇ ਵਿਚਕਾਰ ਖਿੱਚੀ ਜਾਂਦੀ ਹੈ. ਇੱਕ ਪਾਸਿਓਂ ਇੱਕ ਆਦਮੀ ਅੱਗੇ ਵਧਕੇ ਦੂਜੇ ਪਾਸੇ ਦੇ ਆਦਮੀ ਦੀ ਛਾਤੀ ਤੇ ਤਿੰਨ ਤਲੀਆਂ ਫੁਰਤੀ ਨਾਲ ਮਾਰਦਾ ਹੈ. ਜੇ ਤਿੰਨ ਤਲੀਆਂ ਮਾਰਨ ਤੋਂ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਉਸ ਦਾ ਹੱਥ ਫੜ ਲਿਆ ਜਾਵੇ ਤਾਂ ਉਹ ਹਾਰਿਆ ਸਮਝੀਦਾ ਹੈ. ਜੇ ਤਿੰਨ ਤਲੀਆਂ ਮਾਰਕੇ ਬਿਨਾ ਫੜਾਈ ਖਾਧੇ ਆਪਣੀ ਵੱਲ ਮੁੜ ਆਵੇ ਤਾਂ ਜਿੱਤਿਆ ਜਾਣੀਦਾ ਹੈ. ਇਸੇ ਤਰਾਂ ਦੋ ਦੋ ਆਦਮੀ ਨੰਬਰ ਵਾਰ ਉਠਕੇ ਖੇਡਦੇ ਹਨ.1 point
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Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki fateh! With Vaheguru ji's kirpa, das has mostly recovered and am in Chardikala!? Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki fateh ji!1 point
Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki fateh ji I use igurbani to upload Shabads ji Bhul Chuk Maf ji1 point
Yea that's true, I guess it mostly happens overseas? Like in my country in Punjabi school I had a Mona friend who despite knowing about Sikhi and knowing that I have a rehat to follow, he kept trying to convince me to cut my hair so I broke my friendship with him. Many of our apney overseas are following western culture. Many Sikhs in my country neglect Sikhi. Whenever they see people who keep rehat, they will mock them by talking amongst themselves and saying fateh,( they won't say fateh to the Gursikh) they mock the Gurfateh and call those who keep the Rehat Desi Baba. This trend occurs in Punjab too, many of our apney may soon get influenced by western influence if we don't get Quality leaders who can pull crowds towards the Rehat and teach them to be Tyar Bar Tyar. Some of the Gurdwara committee members are drunkards! They have those big stomachs and are not Tyar at all and neither do they believe in Rehat. There is absolutely no Gatka Practice in my country or archery. It's up to the individual to find ways to learn. We need to strengthen our quality of people.1 point
Sorry ji, accidentally uploaded shabad of the day here ?1 point
Just want to apologise if this seems like a therapy session or something i really value your guys opinions and want to improve. You're too right bro i will defo try to be more grateful and thank guru ji for any changes that are happening. This past month has been a huge blessing. The thing is i cant afford to fall off again, its taken so much from my mental over the last few years being in limbo and im getting older which means i gotta get married soon, more household responsibilities are gathering and im moving further in my career which means i have to develop more confidence in myself to deal with clients and colleagues, and having a whole battle going on in my mind in the midst of all this may not end well for me. My biggest enemy by far is myself and that i constantly guilt trip myself and make myself feel bad about minor things like a silly thought being rude to someone and i'll start beating myself up about it. Even my friend a while back told me im too hard on myself, but i just want to know that im improving. The hard part is having no clear knowledge as to whether i am improving spiritually through doing paath and simran because even though it feels great, my mind is still producing thoughts of hatred or spite or envy. I wish we had a karma tracker or something so we could know how much dirt we are cleaning and how much remains so we can see progress lol i guess mine is just fully jammed right now and i need to work twice as hard. So far so good bro ive been visiting the gurdwara often, keeping up with nitnem and doing ardaas to keep improving. I have also been going to some programmes which is really nice to be in sangat. I still get self conscious and feel like they may judge me so i dont talk to anyone i just go and sit for a bit but then leave before everyone else loool One HUGE change that has happened this time round of me restarting this journey is that i made a friend who is sorta into sikhi (not gursikh) but fully into shastar vidya and history. And this has had a massive effect on me because im now buying shastars and learning how to use them (just playing around right now but he says he will teach me soon), and i've learnt so much about historical wars and empires of the past. Ive started reading books on maharaja ranjit singh and researching into 1984 and reading posts on sites like 1984tribute.com Its giving me a sense of purpose which previously i may have not had. I always focused so heavily on just simran and paath (spiritual) but never paid any attention to the warrior aspect of sikhi and looking into our history is giving me that sense of purpose. Its still a work in progress and i pray one day i retake amrit and commit to this for life. I hope you guys are all in high spirits!1 point
Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki fateh Sangat ji,please read as much bani as possible and do naam simran. May Vaheguru do kirpa on all ajd protect all.? Bhul Chuk Maf1 point
Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki fateh ji Sorry for the late reply I was busy with exams and family things. Hanji, when world does paap, bad karma is added to the world.The world is taking too much Paap.Even our planet is a soul and is alive, there is a limit to how much paap can be handled. So bad things happen as a result, Natural disasters, wars, floods.The only thing we can do is Jap Naam and encourage others to read Bani as well.1 point
What crazy events? I'd rather live in this time than the past. Ever seen the weapons people used to fight wars with? Is your home at risk of being burnt to the ground, by the tribe next door? Hows your long walk to a well to go get water? Where's your next meal coming form ? Suffered any droughts lately that killed family members or your food sources? As for the Rona...did you hide after the financial crash of 07/8 because in the years after that the death rate globally was higher than it is was over the past 2 yrs. Go check statistica the stats website. If you and your social circles didn't watch the news I'm sure your life would be quite chilled. Despite what you might think you are currently living in one of the most peaceful times in human history ... Can you name any major wars / conflicts going on at the moment? Where's the mass starvations? As for global warming it's been raining most of summer here in the UK and people have had coats on. I guess this why they try to stop critical thinking and people learning about history . Also look at things like 'mass psychosis' and 'incestious amplification'. Dont watch the TV , choose what you allow to enter your eyes and ears and you'll be much more chilled1 point
So is the theory that the world history restarts itself every 100 yrs true? So soon expect big big wars and a lot of bloodshed?1 point
I have been looking for Vangaar, Sikh Shahadat, Fatehnama etc myself. Sikh Shahadat does have a lot of archived ones. Fatehnama you can contact them from Facebook etc. Send me a DM, if I get further updates, I will let you know. In my family, we have dozens of old magazines, I will try to get them online one day.1 point
It's not my Manglacharan. If you have a problem take it up with Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaaj. Who said we don't? In order to do Nirgun Bhagti, you first have to go via the route of Sargun Bhagti. Do you even know who/what Sargun Parmatama is for Sikhs? It's Satguru Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaaj. When we do Seva of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji that is one example of Sargun Bhagti. We very often say "Dhan Guru Nanak Tu Hii Nirankaar"...you should look into what this means. The Devi Devte are what Sanatan Mat believes are Sargun Saroops of Brahman, and while Sikhi does accept that they are avtaars* of Brahm, it does not accept that they are actually Nirankaar in Sargun form because in Sikhi that, as I have already said, is Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. * The concepts of Avtaar is not as simple as most people think; there is a hierarchy, and Guru Sahib is at the top. Please refer to Sant Gurbachan Singh Ji's Japji Sahib teeka or Amir Bhandar teeka. I can't spoonfeed your ignorance. If you think you can skip the Sargun route then good luck. You must've been born with Uchi Avastha. Where did I say I still believe in Ganesh or Saraswati? You're the only one giving them the status of God lol. Just because you cannot understand these terms from a Sikh perspective, you jump to wild conclusions. You quote Dasam Guru Granth but selectively, these same terms are used in there and they don't just have one arth as you seem to think. Every time you wanna point out the differences between Sikhi and Sanatan Mat because it fits your world view and confirmation bias of what you believe Sikhi to be. But you oh so conveniently gloss over where it overlaps, and then when it does, you cry "RSS RSS". Lmao. ॐ doesn't have one arth in Hindu Mat. ਓਅੰ doesn't have one arth in Sikhi Sidhant. But some of the arths are exactly the same. Om and Oan is the same thing. You live in India, I'm sure you're familiar with Devanagari script, and so please tell me what sound does the chandrabindu and anusvara make? Oh yeah it's a nasal sound which is internationally transliterated as "m" for Sanskrit, and tippi in Gurmukhi is transliterated as "n". I already went over the vyakaran with you many months ago. Are you finding it hard to digest lmao? That you can't even accept the words of Dr Sahib Singh who is a Tat Khalsa Sikh. I only used his teeka for your benefit; I don't personally care for it. Why do you get so triggered when there is some overlap between Sikhi Sidhant and Sanatan Mat? Did something happen to you once upon a time? You're gonna have a hard time in Sikhi if you cannot handle places where they cross paths. The "m" and "n" you are referring to are added at the end of words when there's a nasalisation. Not a full consanant. Which represents an anusvara, chandrabindu, tippi, bindi. Or it refers to words that end in न् - the diacritic mark called a halant/virama - this is Sanskrit vyakaran not Gurmukhi. Why would ਓਅੰ need to be written as ਓਨਮ ? Why isn't your definition just written as is? ਓਅੰ doesn't have the consonant "n" or "m" sound in it so why is it written with full consonants in this instance? Why....it's because Onam refers to something else all together lol. Why would Oan need to have both "n" and "m" sound erroneously written? That's not how Gurmukhi works. Are you stating that Guru Sahib doesn't know Gurmukhi rules? Obviously you are having a hard time digesting this because you had to resort to saying I'm lying ?. IF YOU had read Dakhni Oankaar you would know what "Onam" refers to. Oddly enough that is where that Shabad Arth I provided comes from lmaooo, and it's accepted Panth-wide. Do you even know the background (Uthanka) to this Bani because it seems like you don't. The Bani isn't even discussing "is it Om or Oan?" because they're the same thing. It's about the way Om/Oan was being used and its asli arth, which Guru Sahib did Uchaaran of because Om/Oan had become Karam Kand. Anyway I'll make it easier for you: ^ Dr Sahib Singhs teeka - Vyakaran and Uthanka ^ Amir Bhandar Teeka, Uthanka - historical context of the Bani ^ GurShabad Ratankaar Mahankosh - Gurbani Dictionary ^ Generic search results for ਓਨਮ Is that enough evidence to refute your jhoote iljaam that I'm lying about Gurbani???? Or do you still think that you're Brahmgyani and only Sant Baba Ajeet Singh Ji has the correct arth and Brahmvidya???? Honestly, I'm not trying to prove Sikhi is part of Hinduism. I'm just providing what Sikhi actually is, and if it overlaps with Sanatan Mat that's not my fault lol. It's on you to accept that otherwise whatever you're practising isn't exactly Sikhi now is it? If anything the one who's actually leaning towards Sanatan Mat is you, because for some reason the things you say sound more like Neo-Advaita i.e. the hardcore "Nirgun Upashak, Nirgun Upashak!". I agree eventually all Sikhs are supposed to become Nirgun Upashaks, but one does not begin there. How can you conceptualise and do dhyaan of The Unseen if you have no focus? Sikhi is the middle path. Your claim about Sikhs being "Shabad Gyan Pujaris" is also as dangerous as the RSS mindset because strictly Gyaan Yog is rejected in Gurmat. Sikhi is the path of Prema Bhagti, which begins at the Sargun Saroop of Nirankaar which for the third time is Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji - Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji - Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. There are countess examples of Sargun Bhagti in Sikhi. So Ajeet Sio, you can continue to reject what doesn't fit your version/ideology of Sikhi and keep on believing and practising whatever you are already, but I assure you it's not Sikhi. Instead of trying to make Sikhi adapt to you, why don't you adapt to Sikhi? Soch la dhyaan naal. Gurbar Akaal!1 point
Having darshan depends on your Kamaee. As your Kamaee increases you will start to have spiritual experiences, remember your past lives, have visions of the future, have darshan of Shaheed Singhs, see your own real self and eventually of Vaheguru. You are lucky indeed to have the ability to lucid dream. Since you are in control of your dream what ever you want is creation of your own imagination. You should not confuse imagination of God with Darshan of God. But one big benefit of lucid dreaming is that you can do all the paath you like while in your dream and increase your Kamaee. We waste so many hours everyday in sleeping, imagine if you can have control over your dream you can utilize your time to do all the paath you want, those hours would be well spent. Advanced Tibetan meditation practitioners do this, they call it dream yoga.1 point
waheguru ji ka khalsa , waheguru ji ki fateh to everyone. I have started mool mantar mala , but each mala takes me 40 minutes , I want do it faster, My goal is to 32 mala a day. will it get faster on the way? Is there any way it can be done faster than 40 minutes? waheguru ji ka khalsa , waheguru ji ki fateh1 point
like veers have implied, the purpose isn't numeric, obviously the more the better why not try doing one mala properly, with full attention and focus....... if your mind wonders try again.......... keep trying........ do it for the 40 minutes or however long, but dont worry about how many times you do it1 point
i would agree with pjs veerji on this one....just sit down and forget about the things you have to do and start and the ras and the anand is what we need and all of a sudden you wont even know when its done,dont think too much aapne aap hojauga1 point
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh Veerjeo, I absolutely love reading posts like this! :happy: But why would you want to do it faster tho? have you got some 'worldly motives' behind doing the jaap? Forget rushing it, just sit and let the fragrant sounds of the jaap infuse your senses, once you are in tune with Akaal, you will notice your speed of breathing, thinking, and reciting has slowed down to a crawl!! THAT'S what we should be aiming for! The Rass! The Anand! Waheguru Waheguru tuhi Tuhi tuhi tuhi tuhi tuhi tuhi tuhi tuhi tuhi tuhi tuhi tuhi tuhi tuhi tuhi tuhi tuhi tuhi tuhee tuhee tuhi tuhi tuhi tuhi tuhi tuhi tuhie tuhi tuhi tuhi tuhi tuhi tuhi tuhi tuhi tuhi tuhi tuhi tuhi tuhi tuhi waheguru waheguru waheguru waheguru waheguru waheguru waheguru tuhi tuhi waheguru ji tussi hor kush ni tussi tussi whaeguru waheguru waheguru1 point
vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw! vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!! Sukhmana Sahib jee are collection of shabads spanning four raagas by Shri Guru Ramdas Sahib jee raag bilawal panna 833 - 836 raag natt panna 980 - 983 raag kaanrhaa 1308 - 1311 raag kalyaann 1323 - 1326 puraatan singhs used to learn this bani by heart SEVA SIMRAN SAMARPIT SOCIETY # 1659 SECTOR 64 PHASE 10 SAHIBZADA AJIT SINGH NAGAR NEAR CHANDIGARH PH +91 172 2232627 With the blessings of Maharaj jee SEVA SIMRAN SAMARPIT SOCIETY has done a great job by publishing Gutka Sahibs including this Bani and distibuting them free of cost. Interested sikhs can contact at the address and phone no. and benefit vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw! vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!1 point