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Everything posted by mskcan

  1. WJKK WJKF Just wanted to pass on that Sikh Inspired Health forum is up and running with a fresh new look: http://sikhinspiredhealth.motionsforum.com/forum.htm WE encourage members to join for free training nutrition advice. New things to look forward to are: - Video Journals. - Real results from People I've trained: I have been training a Singh this last year and he went from a flimsy bench of 95lbs to 275lbs, and achieved a deadlift of 405lbs, and a squat of 315lbs all in 1 year! - New cardio information and log & Much more. * Please sign up and encourage anyone you know who is interested in health to have a look. Please help us grow in our community WJKK WJKF
  2. Neurological signs require Immediate Medical Consultation. If there is a viral attack on the bodily systems, you will need to determine this with Neurological examination. This is a common issue in certain STDs. Please examine this issue at the earliest, as there is potential permanent disability if not taken care of. Regards
  3. mskcan

    Sad & Lonely

    Dear Sir, Please find out about Rehabilitation for your issues. In particular Physiotherapy will give you a chance for improved mobility, and daily functional activities. Furthermore, please examine individuals who have the potential to motivate you to do something greater: http://www.lifewithoutlimbs.org/ There is not limits, even with disability or injury. The limitations are in our minds. Regards
  4. Gurfateh! Try changing your beliefs, and changing your life path... Leave all up to God, God knows what you can handle. Look for signs that your prayer is guiding you, because it will. Do not let past experiences dictate future results. Regards
  5. What a useless thread. I usually wonder why ridiculous articles get posted in Canadian Newspapers. I wonder twice why useless threads get posted on Sikh websites. We are filthy, and we do not recognize the vice of our own Egos. Edge God Out. See where it gets you
  6. mskcan

    Excessive Sweating

    Diaphoresis - excessive sweating due to an underlying medical condition, could very well be possible. It would not hurt to have bloods done, the treatment may simply be change in diet. It is always important to clear such things because the earlier anything is got the more successfully you avert dysfunctional pathways from being laid down
  7. If God opens your eyes, you have to decide to step forward. The thought, feeling, and emotion should guide you...
  8. Lol, thank you. The reason is that we switched forums, the old forum is now phased out. We had over 100 members. Check out the Daily Updated Video Journal: http://sikhinspiredhealth.motionsforum.com/training-journals-f3/canucks-journal-i-believe-t7-50.htm#291 Also, please feel free to discuss other health related topics... There is a bunch of MMA stuff that we are slowly bringing in.
  9. Bumpity Bump. Please see the new format, sign up, and share.... http://sikhinspiredhealth.motionsforum.com/index.htm
  10. Have you seen the fish with 'Darwin' in it? Darwinism is the number one reason that the west turned atheist. The Church was once used to be held as the position of knowledge. The facts of the Church did not meet with the facts of science, so the Lab Coat became the source of knowledge for us up until today. The future is in the fact that Darwinism does not explain biology. The new BIology --> "Epigenetics" is the answer. We have to incorporate the Spiritual Sciences, the modern interpretation of quantum physics into our interpretation of the the way of the world. Without them, all we have is the material. We extrinsically deny the existence of Gravity because we can not see it. Yet it does. WE feel its effect. The effect of God in our lives, is our Breath of Life!
  11. Men of Honour - starring Cuba Gooding Jr Patch Adams - Robin Williams What Dreams May Come - Robin Williams The Celestine Prophecy Rwanda Forrest GUMP! - probably the best movie ever
  12. Amazing! This is exactly in line with new epigenetics research in prenatal and peri-natal nurturing of children. What the mother, and father, expose the child to even while the mother is pregnant influences the GENEs that form the individuals psycho-social, and physical components of being! The most glaringly obvious type is that when a child is born with a disability due to the mother consuming alcohol or other toxic substances. But we rarely ever measure LOVE!. Love in the form of a calm, relaxed mother can help improve the child's development by 33%! A classic study is that in a Romanian child orphanage, in which there were children who had their nutritional needs met, but were still smaller by 30% than their counterparts who had the loving affection of their parents. Love is the extra component, on top of a clean healthy environment, and proper nutrition, that affects the behaviour of a child.
  13. It is high time, we need to make an active effort to stop the 'gay-bashing'... ageism, discimination against disabled, and any other minority group that is constantly discriminated against for being different. Pornography is a far greater disease than the few non-straight individuals that are out there. We live from Lower chakra levels, and are raised in lower chakra levels. It is not genetic, else how can it be explained that some people have spontaneous remission from straight-non-straight to straight. Here is an example of someone who has overcome the public misperception: http://www.ramdass.org/biography As well, this heaven/hell concept, it must be re-iterated belongs exclusively to the semetic religions. We must break away from this misconception. Whether or not being 'gay' is still around 2000 years from now when the planet has awakened consciously and lives at higher chakra and spiritual centers, who knows. But at the very least, hate is not going to get either them, or us to that point. We must consciously evolve through Love, compassion, and Acceptance of God's Will
  14. So whats the point? Is it meant to convey something? Why just say God, God. I feel like I am not getting something here... Tanks for the reply though All the best, Wales There are various articles that define and break up the VV H G R of Vaheguru explaining how in each age, a different name was primarily usef ro God, such as Har, Ram, I can't recall the article by heart. These aspects have been explored in Gurbani, and no specific Name is mentioned or used therein. However, Gursikhs have time and again proclaimed the power of the True Name of God when chanted.
  15. Well on you, but just remember, a lot of people show dark ugly faces on the internet they wouldn't otherwise some are just lurkers looking to push buttons, and some dare I say it, are fanatical in their atheism, scientific materialism, etc. Some people are just plain brainwashed, but that can be said about pretty much everybody to some extent If one is informed, let others choose to, or not choose to make informed choices themselves. For example, we all know Phama has an agenda to make money, but that doesn't mean we sway people away from Pharmaceuticals completely, we just offer alternatives, and seek out and explore better pathways where possible
  16. mskcan


    95% of our behaviour is subconscious 99% of our innate behaviour is programmed while we are young by the environment 70% of our thoughts are negative 100% of our brain is shut down when we are slaves to television of course we have to be careful about what we watch, hear, see, so that we do not become apathetic, careless, and emotionless to important things in this world We are personally responsible for everything in our lives, including toxic and non-toxic things that are a part of our lives
  17. 'I discovered that when I believed my thoughts, I suffered, but that when I didn't believe them, I didn't suffer'.
  18. If you believe in that, then you have created your own problem. You attract what you inscribe on the core of your being. And this thought, and ultimately emotion and feelings about this concept will constantly create barriers for you. Chances are, you have been subconsciously conditioned to believe that it is more difficult to find a wife. 70% of our thoughts are negative, this is just another self limiting and defeating belief. Change your Beliefs, and Change your Life. That is the only way forward
  19. If there are any members interested in sharing articles, news, information, or health ideas, please submit me a PM and please support our site: http://sikhinspiredhealth.motionsforum.com/index.htm
  20. Ji, There is one very powerful way that you can overcome this 'dilemma'... However, be ware, it is so powerful, you have to be careful in its use. For the unguided mind can use it incorrectly. If you wish to let your heart go of any pain or anguish, merely concentrate on the idea/concept/feeling, and say to It... "I Don't Care about _____." In order to overcome the powerful ability of the words "I Don't care" to make you absolutely not care about the thing at hand, think about the things that you do like, and say to them "I care about (volunteering/riding bicycle/studying for University)", and let your heart focussed attention move to that. This will re-route your heart strings appropriately. without destroying any and all feeling inside of you. But be careful, as I said...
  21. God has blessed me with so much, through the ups and downs, I remember His Support, and continued Support to Live in this world.
  22. I believe it is necessary to contact the Local Women Support Groups/ Shelters, that have information in this regards. I know after the string of Murders in the Vancouver area, Violence against women groups became more prominent. Finding these, and using them as a source of support may be a first step in the correct direction. Also reporting your story to the local India media (they love a story), may give you the prominence in the public realm to put pressure on this individual Regards
  23. Being a Lighthouse, requires Sacrifice, Vigilance, and Truth... Beliefs must be True, Heart must be Peaceful, Lamp of Love in One's Heart to Shine Bright... This Pure one, when touched, makes others pure, rather than this pure one, when touched, takes on others impurity... Ask God to Guide You to the Lighthouse that you need, and it shall be...
  24. Ji, What is it that you aspire to do/be... What inspires you? Perhaps while you were growing up, you were surrounded by thoughts or ideas of 'lack', 'can not be done', etc. Removing these subconscious programs, requires being in a state of positivity, and being on the path to achieving that which you desire. Very similar to yourself, I thought that I am a vegetarian, I am short ~5'6, and a natural weight lifter, but that didnt stop me from making a website about Sikh fitness/health, and achieving my career goals. At times I had thoughts as well, and these were very much negative beliefs, that I can't do certain things because I have limitations placed upon me in my life. However, in reality, I knew deep within I did not believe in these things. Because, I have been placed on God's Green Earth to do something positive. FOr example, look back to when you were a youngster. Perhaps you enjoyed certain things more than others, and while you grew up perhaps these changed. However, you know you have a natural inclination towards these things. Perhaps, it is reading books, or even reading books to others. Can you start getting involved in your community at this leveL? There are many hospices or care centers, that encourage youth to be involved volunteering with such simple activities. I recall recently hearing a statement regarding ancient Egyptian belief about what it will be like when this life ends. Apparently, they believed that you will be asked 2 questions upon the end of life. 1. DId you experience Joy in your life? 2. Did you bring Joy to the life of others? Pretty profound statements don't you think. When it comes to being a Sikh, it is difficult to see or experience God's Working hand in our lives, unless we actually choose to live our lives to the fullest. We aught to bring Love to that which we do in our daily lives. Past experiences do not define the future. But if we choose to hang on to negative conditioned beliefs, they can re-create our past experiences over and over, if you will. Even if you move to another city, and think you can obtain a new lease on life, it will not happen. Not until there is a fundamental change in our foundational beliefs. Beliefs that can carry us forward. If you Trust in God, within your heart, believe that whatever endeavour you partake upon will come to Fruition, it probably will. If you Believe that God can choose you as a candidate to take upon a path that will allow you to Experience His Love more fully, then be patient and look for signs that God is letting you know that you are almost ready. God knows very much what we can handle, so we have to work hard if we want to take on a lot more on our shoulders. If I were you, I would actually sit down with a pen and paper (not a computer screen), and write down the things you like to do, what you believe in, and what you wish to accomplish, both worldy and Spiritually. See what really gets you Fired up and motivated, and start looking for pathways to lead you to happiness. You are personally responsible for everything that happens in your life, as long as you are aware of that fact. You may not be responsible for the conditions of your life, but you can choose how to respond within those circumstances. Gurfateh
  25. There is a saying that "Kisai Di Kes Di Anak Jagaouni" UPon a few the Eye of Awakening to Keep Kes Opens. This is merely a Light switch, that allows us to begin to tread upon the path. The actual practice, and progression is still requiring a lot of work
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