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Everything posted by SikhSeeker

  1. I think you are right. I have heard of loads of young people. Not only covid, but just in general. Bit weird that
  2. WJKK WJKF Shabad is in the link below https://www.sikhitothemax.org/shabad?id=1549&q=Ameh&type=0&source=all&highlight=18263 Can use Sikhi to the Max to find any Shabad you require
  3. WJKK WJKF I have been speaking to someone at work about spirituality etc and we they asked the question about children. So they asked why does God make children have cancer and other diseases. I explained about Karma and how its God's will which we accept, even though its can be hard to get your head around, but ultimately there is no Dukh or Sukh they are clothes we wear but im not sure they understand. Anyone got any good videos to suggest that might explain this better than me and more simplified.
  4. Sorry to hear this. If you need anyone to talk to, please DM me anytime
  5. Colour aside, this is what, the 4th PM we have had out of 5 which the public didnt vote for? No democracy at all, Tories are using this country as a game
  6. WJKK WJKF Can someone send me some links please to Sikh charities in India. Helping families or with Sikhi parchaar.
  7. Is it something like this that you drink? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Clipper-Fairtrade-Restoring-Turmeric-Organic/dp/B0983TY8PX/ref=asc_df_B0983TY8PX/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=570395698214&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=6551031515345593782&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1006656&hvtargid=pla-1644360937179&psc=1&th=1&psc=1
  8. Thats scary that our Forum Baba got this right. Can you let me know who will win the Champions league this season as well?
  9. Does anyone have any suggestions of what to drink in the morning, to clear the digestive system and also loose weight well? I heard apple cider vinegar in the mornings Also anything for clearing skin or keeping skin refreshed/ ?
  10. Great, exactly what i was looking for!!
  11. WJKK, WJKF As we all get ill, I thought it would be good to have a thread of desi medicines we can all share. I feel Western medicine as good as it is, in some cases doesn't want you to get 100% better but just enough for you needing to go back for me ( this discussion is probably left to separate thread). So if we could write all the desi remedies we have learnt so we can share with the sangat, and also if the sangat does have issues they need a remedy for, this would be a good place to add! To start off with Hayfever I have been having couscous every morning a teaspoon with water for this. Seems to have work slowly but not sneezing as much. Aches and pains Haldi-milk. Sure everyone has heard of this before, and western world is catching up on this one too but great for aches and pains and many other things Please add more on the thread so we can share! WJKK WJKF
  12. Was thinking that as well, but would like it if it was all around the house, but might look into it!
  13. Can you connect multiple devices to a tablet/phone via bluetooth?
  14. WJKK WJKF I wanted to have Gurbani playing in the house at most times, when the kids are around, so they can have it one whilst doing homework or just in general. Anyone ever done this with an alexa or Google nest? Id rather not purchase one of them as i dont like the fact that they listen to you, there anything the Sangat does or is it as simple as a bluetooth speaker and connecting a phone? Phul Chuk Marf
  15. Beautiful and inspirational! Waheguru
  16. I watched 1917 that was good. Good story, makes you think how much them kids went through, in a war in a foreign country, watching your friends die. Compared to kids these today crying because they only get 3 likes on their Instagram post. If you enjoy that then Band Of Brothers is defo next. Prestige- one of my favs, with Christian Bale, Hugh Jackman, Scarlett Johanson, Micheal Caine David Bowie. Great movie about 2 magicians completing with each other and a great twist at the end. Fight Club is great, good spiritual message in that, well I thought so about giving up material wealth and staying in Sangat- although their sangat was a fight club... Last TV show i watched was Succession, which was fantastic. Great acting and well written. If you like anime, Your Name is a decent movie. Deathnote is a great show as well.
  17. Its a protest but they turn it into a riot so people/media think its just black ppl stealing and looting causing violence. They basically inciting them to loot etc to put them in a bad light.
  18. Waheguru. I heard a story similar to this where 2 men went to a village to work. On the way back from work they stopped overnight. One of the men got greedy and deicided to kill the other man and take his money he had worked for. Years later the man got married and had a boy. The boy was constantly ill and couldn't get better. The man spent money on medicine etc to make his son better but to no use. When his son was lying on his bed ill, the man said to him that he's spent so much money on him but he isn't getting better. The son asked how much have you spent, to which his dad replied the amount. The son then replied thats how much you took from me after you killed me and now you have repaid it, and passed away.
  19. WJKK WJKF Does anyone have any recommendation on any yoga or Pilates routines? With no gym I was thinking of getting other forms of exercise and stretching etc. Has anyone got any recommendations on which to do or any you tube videos to watch?
  20. This Virus didn't happen because someone ate a bat. Im sure there were other factors that contributed to it, The 5g does make me wonder. I was driving around last week and roadworks were going on to install fibre lines. How is that key working?? I seen videos of people testing radiaton near a 5g pole and its crazy high so it does make you think if these 5g poles are emitting radiation that is causing us to have some sort of sickness like corona virus symptoms. But then if that were the case how can you justify people catching it from infected people? All these waves wifi, 5g etc cant be good for the body, so we need to be careful. But the technology is everywhere, you can go out without passing it or even in your own home!
  21. WJKK WJKF I been working in IT for around 10 years now, moving up from entry level IT to now a systems engineer, working on Office 365 maintaining servers etc. I’m looking to go into a more specific field, mostly because what I do is generic. The place I’m working at right now is decent but I’m not really learning. Does anyone recommend what field to go in? I was thinking cyber security but I not sure what qualifications. Was wondering if anyone had any recommendations?
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