A Sikh is a learner, someone who believes in the teachings of the Guru's. I know a lot of members may bash on me for saying this, but you can become a Sikh internally. No one has the right to tell you that you aren't a Sikh if you haven't taken Amrit. Your Sikhism is a direct connection between you and Guru Sahib and no one from the Sangat (congregation) can tell you otherwise. Only you know how much you strive to become a true Sikh. Therefore, you have to decide how you want to become a Sikh. Bhai Gurdas Ji writes:
"He is true Sikh who surrenders before the Guru and bows his head;
Who puts his mind and forehead on the feet of Guru;
Who holding dear to his heart the teachings of the Guru expels ego from his self;
Who loves the will of Lord and has attained equipoise by becoming Guru-oriented, gurmukh;
Who by merging his consciousness in the Word has acted according to the divine Will (hukam).
He (the true Sikh) as the result of his love and fear of holy congregation attains his own self (atma).
He remains stuck to the lotus feet of the Guru like the black bee.
Getting enveloped in this delight he goes on quaffing the nectar.
Blessed is the mother of such a person. Only his coming to this world is fruitful."
Vaar 3, Pauri 20
God Bless, Brother
Bhul Chuk Maaf