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VJKK VJKF! Hiiii i havent logged in here for donkey's years lol but saw that u visited my profile...awww... thanks for coming all that way to our wedding! lets hook up soon! God bless
awwwww hey love...hope u feeling better. anytime!!!that space is always happy to get a visit from ck singhni like u=) EXAMS?(5more days to what?)
talk to u later lov...hope u NOT dreaming about me hahaha sweet dreams..akal sahai xxx
I thought i would come here and vent out some anger 'cus i know right now u r someone who understands it exactly! :@:@:@:@:@:@ ARRGGGGGGHHHHH another 5 days to go!
*breathe innnnnnn & outttttttt*
there. better hey! :)
thank you xx
"kar kirapaa saadhhoo sa(n)g miliou sathigur dheeno dhaan ||1|| rehaao ||
Granting His Grace, He has led me to join the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; the True Guru has granted this gift. ||1||Pause||"
oue saajan oue meet piaarae || jo ham ko har naam chitaarae ||
they are my companions, and they are my dear friends, who inspire me to remember the Lord's Name :)