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Everything posted by Borat

  1. Sorry but the so called "Aryan invasion" is a myth. Indians do indeed have some genetic diversity but that wasn't from invaders. The caste system in India has lasted thousands of years and it pretty much means that Indians are the most racially undiluted people on Earth. Rather than refute my point about Brazil you took the moral high ground with no proof of your own. Sorry, but the truth hurts. If you love race-mixed losers so much then go enjoy the dangers of Brazil. I don't care how "offensive" my views may seem. All I care about is the truth.
  2. The media are pushing this degeneracy with garbage like Bend it like Beckham. Mixed-race filth are a sub-humans. Just look at Brazil which has a huge crime rate. They want Indians to mix out because they know we are the most resilient to it. It's not a coincidence that the royal family suddenly found some supposed Indian ancestry. The gora elite want Indian women in particular to marry out because they know that it is the most effective way to commit genocide against us.
  3. Yet Wikipedia has been overrun by Muslims who make out that it is a myth. I don't care how "nice" any Muslim you know. Not one of them will lift a finger to stop this.
  4. I've also been on Wikipedia and despite my sincerest efforts, I have been unable to get rid of the lies calling forced conversions of Sikhs as a "myth". The author of the book being used as a reference on the love jihad is this Katy Sian who claims to be a Sikhs but her treachery is endangering countless Sikhs by propagating historical ignorance. The most astonishing thing in this video is that there are uncle tom "Sikhs" who make it seem like Sikh terrorism was far more "effective" than Muslim terrorism!
  5. @Legal Singh perhaps you have not heard about the plight of Sikhs in Pakistan or in Afghanistan. http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2032514,00.html If you honestly think that Muslims will give you such respect and protection than by all means, go live in a Muslim country. Unfortunately the Sikhs who do live in Islamic hellholes are resigned to suffer and only the lucky ones can flee. You do know that Guru Arjan Dev Ji was murdered by Muslims? Perhaps you should learn more about Sikh history and particularly about the Sikh holocaust of 1746. Muslims have and are still trying to wipe us out. My original point which you did not refute still stands. Muslims are a far greater threat than the EDL. That doesn't mean every Sikh has to side with the EDL, but that every rational Sikh should oppose the Mohammedans.
  6. @ LegalSingh If you knew anything about Islamic history then you'd reconsider who the real 'facists' are. Muslims have continually persecuted Sikhs and continue to do so. The EDL are the ones taking the abuse, their leader has been hospitalised by Muslims and there have been at least two serious terror plots against the EDL. Those 'muslim women and children' have no problem becoming suicide bombers. Without a shadow of a doubt the biggest threat between the EDL and the Muslims are the Mohammedans.
  7. I agree with what Johnny101 has been saying. Might I also add that if the Rohingiyas are so innocent, why will no other Muslim countries offer them sanctuary? Bangladesh went so far as to shoot at Rohingiyas trying to pass through. http://www.rfa.org/english/news/burma/refugees-06202012193820.html
  8. Muslims will destroy guduwara, mandir, church and temple alike. It's what they do.
  9. Typical Dalsingh101. Always pretending like Muslims aren't the biggest threat to our religion. Props to Mohinder Pal for creating such a indepth, and to-the-point article. But I think things are only going to get worse before something changes. Muslims will undoubtably do what they always do; cause wars. Just like in Chechnya and Lebanon. Then ths issue could be ignored by no one.
  10. I really hope India isn't built on a bubble. But then again what isn't? These days you got to just make money where the opportunity arises, even if it is short-lived.
  11. For me. Labour- pro-Muslim and sharia = anti-Sikh (Tony Blair's sister is a convert) Conservatives- anti-non White = anti-Sikh (Enoch Powell) Neither of them deserve our support; they are both dangerous to Sikhs.
  12. I watched it and I was disgusted to find Dr Misra speaking as if Sikhs were divided on the issues of these atrocities. She is just a mouthpiece of the BJP; just another sneaky Hinduvta agent trying to deny the wrongdoings of Hindus. I am glad we had someone as articulate and well-spoken as Dabinder Singh to stick up for us.
  13. @ dalsingh101 Is it a generalisation to say they are Muslim? Exactly what religious group do they belong to? But if the "its only a minority" argument helps you sleep then you're in for nightmare.
  14. They're too scared to admit its Muslims doing the raping, instead its "Asian" gangs.
  15. I concurr with _wonderer_ British Asian girls are vain, loud, boorish, selfish, beligerent, crass, obtuse; just unpleasant to be around. Excluding family of course. Indian girls are the complete opposite. They are intelligent, calm, well-spoken.
  16. I see what they're saying in that its predominantly Pakistanis doing this stuff. But that doesn't mitigate the fact that imams have been involved. The media doesn't shy away from bringing up Catholocism when their are peadophile cases against the Church. Muslims are clearly using their supremacist beliefs to justify this behaviour. They need to stop this 'Asian' libel which is inaccurate and unhelpful as there is no 'Asian' community or culture.
  17. http://tribune.com.pk/story/446972/militancy-when-hundreds-of-sikhs-lost-their-homes-in-orakzai/ The problem will only get worse, since this is "the world's fastest growing religion" that we are dealing with.
  18. Rebel you sound like a guy I used to know. But he came from East London. He was a real funny guy, the kind of person that you'd imagine starring in a GTA game.
  19. I'm sorry DalbirSingh but I strongly object to the inclusion of any mention of Allah in the Sikh scriptures. Muslims have siezed on this and used this as some sort of proof that Sikhs should convert to Islam because they acknowledge Allah. Allah is a fabrication made by a peadophile, rapist, thief, warlord (Muhammad), purely to further his own materialistic and political desires. It is a mockery of all things Sikh to include anything associated with such a despicable person.
  20. @RebelSingh I think siding with China would be a mistake. The Chinese are extremely racist against anyone who isn't Han Chinese. They would easily throw the Sikhs under a bus once they got what they really wanted.
  21. If they're trying to stop these nonsensical multi-religious weddings than fair play. The guy is a kala anyways. The 2011 riots showed everyone what kalas get up to. Sikhs should avoid associating with them.
  22. Could you explain why this had become a trend? Because I just don't get why Hindus would want to get married in a Guduwara instead of mandir.
  23. Ok if they have to convert, is this before the wedding right?
  24. @ RanjeetSingh Did the Gurus marry for love? I do believe being Sikh is more important than caste. That said, considering Sikhs are an ethnoreligious group.
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