I'm so glad someone else said it, too - I agree 110% with Sher Khalsa Ji. I'm personally against resetting the board, because although you have a point, Heera Veerji, that it's good to start fresh, we have some really, really, really amazing resources on this forum, some truly thoughtful and inspirational posts, and a lot of heart and soul has been poured into this place.
Maayybeee.. if it's possible, and not too much work for Admin.. they could kind of.. stick everything from the old forum under a new section titled 'Old Forum' or something, with the General Section, Gurbani|Rehit|Literature, Multimedia, etc. reserved, and then have fresh, blank, brand spankin' new sections to start over with?
Now, I don't have a technical mind AT ALL - especially not when it comes to computers/internet and so forth - so I don't know how much work/space, etc. something like this would entail.. so yeah, just a suggestion from someone who really doesn't want to lose the lessons and memories from this place...
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!