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Everything posted by MisterrSingh

  1. Arabs unite together after BJP spokesperson insults Prophet or Arabs offended after BJP spokesperson speaks truth about Islam Depends on your point of view.
  2. It's not the specific instrument per se, but the collective affect caused by the melodies, beats, and lyrics if we're talking about these things on the subconscious level. Harmonium Vs Rabaab is a purist argument of Tradition / Heritage. The bajaa hasn't made Sikhs nastiks, lol, it just means we eschewed an authentic musical form of expression for something comparably less rich in musical complexity and texture.
  3. I vaguely remember something about studies conducted where plants responded to classical music through better growth compared to other types of music.
  4. Yes, it stems from ancient Vedic aatmic energy / vibrational frequencies philosophies, etc. Same with food / diet regulations, i.e. satvic, rajas, tamas, etc. Apne religious instructors don't explain it because they don't have the knowledge to go into the subject on a deep level AND because they didn't study the subject itself, so they rely on Islamic-Sharia style decrees to prohibit it, making Sikhi seem like a one-dimensional Islamic sect.
  5. I'd also be very suspicious about that, too. If we're going to be swept up in a messy situation stoked by various parties, with our miniscule numbers it's going to be a problem.
  6. Good call but there needs to be a very clear dharmic / religious sentiment that underpins it otherwise you'll get hyper Sikhs with guns resorting to bullets to sort out domestic issues instead of looking beyond their personal, petty conflicts, which is the culture that the likes of Moosewala are perpetuating. With a cognitively limited group such as ours, leaving things to interpretation is not sensible. I'm surprised this was even identified as a problem, especially mosques. It's the first step.
  7. I wouldn't go that far, lol. I'm referring to the patriotic English being almost compelled to defend and justify these institutions because they've been convinced they're non-negotiable cornerstones of their identity. If they were a little more brave and radical, the English would do well to jettison these actually traitorous institutions who've selfishly sold them out for their own desire to exist and feed off them. By the time the penny will drop for the English, it'll be too late. If you watch something like GB News in the UK, it exemplifies the saying, "He gives with one hand, and with the other he taketh away" lol. It seems "legit" from a native right-wing perspective, but it's actually perpetuating the tropes and narratives that are the required counterbalance to their ideological opposition in order to maintain the desired paradigm. I think it's referred to as "controlled opposition."
  8. It's empty posturing. Doesn't make sense.
  9. I'd call that more than tampering. OP made it seem like GOI was going around on the sly with Tippex and black Biros.
  10. Can't stand the Royal Family. Make my skin crawl. Controversially - just my opinion - but the white right-wing have been hoodwinked into accepting the Royals and figures like Churchill, and general World War II triumphalism as inalienable aspects of their identity. These three aspects and other similar factors are designed to trap them and to stop them from identifying a path that will lead to a solution to their problems. It's very effective brainwashing.
  11. Construct something worth respecting; something they haven't encountered, and they'll start sniffing around you to find out how you did it. If it's civilization altering you better hope they don't come after you to steal your idea. Show them you mean business without burning bridges, and you'll get their respect, but always keep your guard up. The 80s unrest was due to scripture tampering? I thought it stemmed from political issues, mainly the Anandpur Resolution.
  12. Stay away from Soho... or Hampstead Heath if you're into that kind of thing.
  13. I'm guessing from the very little bits I've heard of that ^^^ kind of Punjabi fusion music, the people making them now hardly know anything about music theory, because the key of the sampled track doesn't fit with the key of the Punjabi tune / lyrics, which makes it sound like nails on a blackboard. It's nastiness for the ears.
  14. What are you doing in London? ?
  15. MisterrSingh


    I guess they probably see it as an indulgence, and therefore something that demeans their spirituality. By spurning degh they signal their superiority to the rabble who are busy yamming it into their gobs as fast as possible. Just my opinion. ?
  16. It's irrelevant whether Palestinians are censored or not because Israel will do anything it likes, and nobody's going to stop them. Jews are at the summit of the Persecution Pecking Order, therefore they're immune. They get criticised, etc, but they have enough leverage to ignore it.
  17. "...doesn't follow our Community Guidelines on dangerous individuals and organisations." India's been in Instagram's ear and told them to censor certain things.
  18. To be fair, there were kharkus back In the day from Hindu families. They converted, etc. Maybe clutching at straws but it's not a stretch to believe that some criminally minded / dangerous guys end up gravitating to religion and associated figureheads when facing a long stretch behind bars.
  19. We're getting there, lol. Could be a good turnaround even if the majority wearing them would do it for clout.
  20. That usually leads to either fatally misunderstanding women or an ignorance of female nature. In both cases, the male suffers for his lack of knowledge. Saying that, there are TONNES of Punjabi guys who were raised in a two-parent household who have absolutely no clue about anything outside their safe 9-to-5 world, so it can't all be about having or not having a dad around. I know a few Sikh guys with domineering, micro-managing fathers who, when their sons encountered problems early in their married lives owing to a wayward, poorly-selected bride, these khattar dads were revealed to be utterly toothless and powerless when it came to other people's "kids" impacting their own carefully curated family unit. A guy really is on his own when it comes to these issues, father or not. A "strong" father is no guarantee of a young guy being inculcated from life's problems. But having an elder man in the house (as a father, not in a gay way, lol) is comforting and an emotional anchor of sorts for a young man. There's studies that show how difficult life becomes for boys who grow up without dads. It affects a lot more than just masculinity.
  21. There's the beginnings of a push back against this phenomenon from religious American blacks, but it's swimming against the tide for those who want to restore family and religious values to the centre of the black community. Entire generations of black Americans have been sold out to a lie by celebrity blacks. The traitors within.
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