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Everything posted by Redoptics

  1. I do not have enough knowledge on the subject myself but found a previous thread.
  2. Have you tried dating sites ? That people are actually looking to get married and not a fling? Like shaddi, Asian d8 and asain single solutions?
  3. Yeah but you have to put work in as well, or we all wouldn't get out bed and just say its in Vaheguru's hands
  4. They are out there, so I am sure you will find someone like that, just have too keep looking
  5. Yeah I have seen, when me and the Mrs used to go out. I was lucky she didn't dress like that 'for your eyes only babe' she used to say lol
  6. Hoarding knowledge to exploit the ignorant, Sri Guru Granth Sahib is supposed to stop that, no ?
  7. Sorry totally ignorant to this but what is a 'Deras'
  8. Just seems we give these people dirty looks and in our minds or with friends talk trash about them, without understanding the issue. Which from my understanding we should not be doing according to Sri Guru Granth Sahib.
  9. Thats making an assumption, its your view point, we should be asking the people who are doing it.
  10. To be honest you shouldn't paint people with the same brush, some people just dress that but does not make them what you say. Totally against them doing it in a Gudwara, just a quick question, have you ever approached one of these girls and asked them why they feel the need to dress that way? They might be feeling very insecure about themselves.
  11. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sikh-Religion-Vol-Writings-Authors/dp/133024852X/ref=pd_sbs_14_3?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=133024852X&pd_rd_r=451750a2-06af-11e9-b077-351724338b6e&pd_rd_w=eBYSL&pd_rd_wg=Sm1Qw&pf_rd_p=18edf98b-139a-41ee-bb40-d725dd59d1d3&pf_rd_r=QC39WNTNJR81B14XSDYE&psc=1&refRID=QC39WNTNJR81B14XSDYE There are 6 volumes link is to the first volume.
  12. You basically get government that governs the mind and entertainment that entertains the mind. And we are free
  13. Ohh i know , i used to study all this crap a decade ago, secret societies, astrotheology etc etc
  14. You need to do some research on the subliminal messages and the disgusting satanic rituals in most music videos. Then you get the dummy Jay Z , throwing up Illuminati hand symbols and his of legion of sheep just follow. It is sickening
  15. Ohh didn't know that, interesting.
  16. Well it depends on the user, there are nicotine free liquids then you add your own nicotine to it. Its the nicotine, i think thats the adictive part of it.
  17. We all know we shouldn't smoke, what are peoples thoughts on vaping ? I think if it helps to stop smoking its a goid thing, however I do know people who vape far more than the used to smoke.
  18. Ohh lordy, we need to petition to get him on tge Avengers lol
  19. Where are you lot from? I have never seen a short skirt in the Gudwaras I have been to
  20. Im definitely not over emotional and I was talking about people in general, did not mention him once @Jaggaa
  21. Hope its given you an insight, broadened your understanding
  22. To be honest, in the UK they dont celebrate Christmas, its usually just for the children. We had trees etc until I was around 12 then it just stops.
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