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Everything posted by Ramanjot

  1. Sat Sri Akaal everyone! My name is Raman, and I am conducting a research study to explore the influence of culture on perceptions of social issues among second-generation Punjabi Canadians. Completing this study should only take around 30 minutes, and you may enter your email at the end for a chance to win one of SIX $20 cash prizes! To be eligible to participate, you must: Be a second generation immigrant (parents were born in India, but you were born in Canada) OR you immigrated to Canada before the age of 5 Have a basic comprehension of the Punjabi language Be over the age of 18 I would truly appreciate all eligible individuals to complete this survey, or to share it with people who fit the criteria. We are looking to explore cultural perceptions of critical social issues, and would be grateful for your participation! I will also be glad to share the results when the survey window has elapsed! To access the survey, please click the following link: https://ualbertapsychology.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_d57eKIkQdXK2p37 Note: Please complete the survey on a computer or laptop rather than a mobile device. Thank you for your time. Intercultural Communication Lab, University of Alberta, Dept. of Psychology Kim Noels, Professor Ramanjot Kalher, Undergraduate Student The plan for this study has been reviewed by a Research Ethics Board at the University of Alberta (Ref# Pro00091492).
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