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Everything posted by Suchi
He is right. The Chinese soldiers killed by the Indian Army hasn't even been admitted to nor did China come to collect their bodies. The Indian soldiers reported how easy it was to break their necks in arm to arm combat. In the following conflict Chinese used Directed Energy Weapons to have a chance of winning which was considered an act of cowardice. China has lied about its progress as many companies have been bankrupted due to debt.
An alternative view?
It was created to promote the growing and harvesting of bhang. It's in the word so those involved are heavily invested in it promotion, and destruction of the youth. The agenda has been successful for them.
This is a standard setup used in the West to take someone out. They are all paid actors (including the two so-called witnesses) as part of a play to cover up the truth. Actors are part of the eco system used to subvert facts, promote a particular agenda. Seen it so many times in both the UK and USA. The fact that Deep Sidhu was about to disclose the truth about the Farmers Protest speaks volumes about the motive for his murder. That would have exposed those at the very centre of the conflict. Perhaps he already did disclose material that put him at risk, hence why the authorities in Punjab took this step. They had all the means to carry out this heinous crime due to their connections with the media, police, hospital staff and who knows who else. It's a very similar assassinstion to that of Shushant Singh Rajput carried out at the behest of the Maharastra govt, using police, hospitals, many actors and a honey trap.
Oh if only you knew!
So no credits for looking after parents throughout childhood and adulthood?
The latest evidence claims otherwise. Better wait until there's a consensus on this, if ever! But this looks compelling to me. https://indiafacts.org/aryan-invasion-myth-21st-century-science-debunks-19th-century-indology/
How many living that can claim that these practices have been proven, and further their thoughts can't be intercepted? Please check out this website on how the Military Industrial complex is using AI tech to control humanity:- https://everydayconcerned.net/disclosure/ https://www.stopeg.com/news.htm?tid=1644547990
If so, how many on this site have experienced Enlightenment? Or even have a clue of what I'm talking about?
Sure, I'll be happy to watch for my ongoing research. As I've already posted I've already experienced Enlightenment but this was reversed using Military technology to stop me gaining powers. I doubt that any text will be able to provide a solution to this particular problem. Once one has the experience of Enlightenment it should be easier to make it permanent. However RF and microwave tech can reverse it due to the nervous system being agitated and stressed. As you know we have to be in a state of deep relaxation/meditation to experience Enlightenment. Once experienced no text or teachings are required as you already have true knowledge.
The Dravidian language and culture has been debunked. https://frontline.thehindu.com/the-nation/article30217467.ece
Hindus do not follow Amritvela as far as I'm aware. They may rise at dawn for Surya Namaskar. And do Aarti during evening prayers. Amritvela is essentially Sikh far as I can make out. I was trying to find correlation with Sufi/Islamic practices but could not. I've just come across this website that describes GGSji's call for Amritvela. Is this a true account? https://www.sikhfamilylife.com/2018/06/the-low-down-on-amrit-vela/
My mother's side were from Multan, father's from Ludhiana. I am an ex-IT professional and a whistleblower on govt crimes, now semi-retired. I was brought up in a secular household due to my mother being an Arya Samaji. Father was a follower of Mahatama Gandhi and politically left as we all were at one time. Both sides of my family were highly educated but deprived of their land and property following Partition. I am keen for Unity within Punjab and India as I believe that is what is currently required to bring world peace. I don't want an Islamic Caliphate For Sure.
The Sikh Quom has had 500 years to build a civilisation worth mimicking. They have failed due to numerous reasons. If they want a chance to realign then they have to shed much of the falsehood being parroted daily. They have to demonstrate they are capable of administration. As far as I can see, only if seasoned administrators join the Panth they have a chance to do this. Any administration has to be capable of including those outside the panth. Instead, these outsiders have been successful in recruiting the Quom to their cause. For example from my research the 5 kakkars are a British invention which the Quom has thus far refused to acknowledge. Maybe it was done on purpose as a Divide and Rule tactic.
You have manipulated historical truths to justify your propaganda! Jats have been in India for at least 2000 years. How is it they only got economic power 1800 hundred years later? If they were not Hindus as you claim then they must have been outcastes. Then how are they claiming Jat as a caste? Surely they must be a tribe, not a caste? Following their recruitment by the Khalsa they started to gain recognition due to their fighting ability. And rightly so. The British continued in this policy as they like to favour the underdog who then becomes totally loyal to their cause. They also took steps to undermine the Khatris and Brahmins. They do this by interbreeding and then infiltration. Why do you think the first Kapoor actor had Red hair?? Most of the Kapoor family have nothing to do with the Khatri varna and are imposters. Ex Christian or Muslim such as the Gandhi Parivar. However, they along with the rest of the Khalsa were entirely destroyed and driven into the jungles where they were hounded out and killed. New Hindu recruits were required to join due to the failure of their mission following the total destruction of Banda Bahadur, also a retired Khatri Warrior who became a Sadhu. So the concept of Saint Soldier existed before the Khalsa was formed. There is nothing new in this. Brahmins also took part and gave their lives for the struggle. Furthermore, though most of the Gurus were not Khatris, by taking up arms, adopting the Rajput name Singh (much to the chagrin of the Rajputs) they became Khatri Warriors. This is how Varna works. It isn't Fixed. It is dependant on skills, knowledge and action. This is the accepted spiritual knowledge in action. The Jats I'm sorry to say, have been destroyed by the British who lured them with promises of milk and honey only to slowly destroy them, in their tried and tested 'use and thrown' policy that we have seen repeatedly throughout their bloody history. By the way there are registered US patents that prove cow products to be anti cancer anti viral anti bacterial anti radiation and even anti Covid. Please do some research in case you need them in future!
These are the Dharmic faiths: Sanathan, Sikh, Jain, Buddha. Who is following and whether the teachings are worthwhile can be determined thus: 1. Crime rates 2. Development rates, economic 3. Ability to coexist with other faiths 4. Education levels, innovation 5. Commitment to peace 6. Perception of group by outsiders of the faith 7. Stability of the population, family 8. Historical artifacts, building and contribution to Humanity 9. Harmlessness to the environment and other living beings. 10. Adherence to Universal Law. Do No Harm. In the above, from what stats are available it is clear that the Dharmic faiths are far superior to others. Both Hindus and Sikhs stand head and shoulders above others hence the attempts to destroy them, by those of other faiths that are in power. In the end we are each responsible for our individual spiritual development. We have a responsibility to each other by the ways we deal with those that cross our paths. It is this freedom we need to protect that is being undermined daily. As far as particular Panths/Gurus are concerned, from my research most of the religious institutions are infiltrated and the current/past Gurus compromised. Most of our Granths/Books have been tampered with. So we have to find our own way using what we have to find the real Truth. I found it mainly through following the path of Action, along with some mantras and basic teachings I'd grown up with and others I'd made my own.
Same to you.
Surely it's in line with 'forgive your enemy' thought. Maybe these people chose Not to fight fire with fire in an attempt to put a line under this crime? We are not always able to understand why people make a particular decision. Esp in a case involving the gangrape of a family members. Would you want strangers knocking on your door at such a time? If Nihangs are really concerned about the welfare of their neighbours they could take a stance against the many genocidal crimes currently being committed. Such as in West Bengal where over 1 lac Hindus were hounded out of their homes? Or closer to home the 3 lac Kashmiri Hindus forced to become refugees in their own country. No tears for them?
Not a Single Fact offered by you to refute my theories! Hardly academic.
Again, you are making up data to justify your opinion. Do you know how many soldiers were in the British Indian army? How many Sikhs and how many Hindus, Muslims? Answer this first if you can.
Your figures make No Sense. The graph shows total migrants into Punjab as 1.37cr which is 13.7 million. The rest of your data has no basis in fact ie. You've just made it up! We know that prior to 1984, Sikhs were 52% and Hindus were 48%. The fight is Not between Hindus-Sikhs, it was for water and land resources. Fights are always about land and resources as oppressors wish to control both to control the population. As you're aware as you've mentioned that Hindu Punjabis own very little land. Why that is could be the subject of an entirely different thread. But basically Hindu Khatris are a Warrior caste, hence are allowed weapons but Not Businesses or Land. Called division of labour and power. Hindu Brahmins are the Spiritual leaders hence not allowed to accumulate wealth or arms. Only the business class (3rd caste) are allowed to do business/accumulate wealth but cannot have arms or vedic knowledge. Because this has changed due to historical reasons there is Hell on Earth. Jats (previously landless labourers) have money, land, arms and political power and claiming top caste!!! But they have Zero Spiritual Power due to Lack of Morals. Only good for Bhangra and Bhang. Sure they are great fighters. No doubt. Both Muslims and the British played their part in this. Called subversion.
You are heavily influenced by the anti-India/anti-Hindu propaganda current at play, esp in the West. I suggest you read other sources of material to get a balanced perspective. This battle is a battle for the soul of humanity. A battle we were told was already lost. I believe India Is bringing it back from the brink. May that continue. To fight an evil on the scale being fought is not a matter for armchair revolutionists. I'm more than aware of what this entails as I've personally been and am in the firing line. Along with my family members. So it is Not a Simple matter of fighting Adharam with Dharam. Not always possible if the demonic entities are more powerful. So all means need to be explored if we are to have a chance of winning. That is the Art of War.
Perhaps so. But the Quom has lost the battle of perception and persuasion. It cannot lead others to the light as it has removed those capable enough. It is in a flux. There is no vision of what it wishes for the future of humanity. Fighting for land and power due to anger and greed is where it's at, at present. It has involved India in terror by forging alliances with all and sundry for control, and lost.
That's because they are generally better educated as they follow their faith that tells them to become twice born. Hence why Hindus dominate in all fields that require education rather than physical strength. And don't forget the Sikh Gurus were all Hindu Khatris so their numbers would automatically reduce as many chose to join the new Panth. Many others were forced to boost the numbers to replace the Faujis lost in battle. So there is no Sikh without the Hindu.
Dharam is demonstrated by one's morals, actions, perceptions and levels of success. If a teaching is not successful then it can be deemed to be either imperfect initself or being imperfectly followed or taught. So it is up to us how/what we follow. And if it is incorrect then we are free to change it according to our conscience. Hence making it a living philosophy and the reason there are many different thoughts and teaching within Sanathan Dharma. At present we are under an attempt to make a One World Religion seemingly based on Islamic teachings. These teachings are dictatorial and probably most suitable for the AI Slavery System being forced on us. That is the threat and challenge we are all (non Muslims and even some Muslims) facing and one we must prepare to counter if we are to continue to enjoy Freedoms given to us by our creator. Such as Freedom of Thought and Conscience along with many other freedoms mentioned in our shastras.