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Everything posted by Singh888

  1. WJKK WJKF So while studying at university I had become such a disgusting person, doing what most boys do, when they are surrounded by the wrong people. NO excuse I did all these things and they still go on around in my mind but with Maharaj Kirpa I have learnt that this world won’t bring me the bliss I am after if I forget waheguru, so since been home for over 1.5 years.. I have taking my medicine … doing more naam Simran and trying to get closer to waheguru .. I haven’t drank alcohol or done drugs in over a year, started growing my Kesh and become better at controlling the 5 vices, I am still nothing however. During my time at university I decided to get a tattoo that is a interpretation of gurbani . It reading in English as “from her were born the kings “.. it is quite small and I have now understand that I have done some beadbi by getting gurbani tattoo on myself. I got it when my grandmother passed away but I realise now I only got this tattoo to fuel my ego . I understand that only Maharaj can forgive me.. but if I ever get blessed to take Amrit and i am thinking of getting the tattoo covered or removed before I do this. Any thoughts on if I should get it removed or covered ? please forgive me for any mistakes I have made
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