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Gurbar Akaal

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Gurbar Akaal last won the day on January 7

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About Gurbar Akaal

  • Birthday 01/01/1981

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  1. There is nothing to get tripped out about, when you feel insecure about what you are experiencing it is because your false ego self is falling away and your true self is emerging from behind the veil. This is a natural process, people who panic about this can get themselves in a right mess. Do not be worried by this, when the illusion begins to break down your ego will be paniced, however spiritual knowledge and understanding is what you require to keep walking this path. Take time to sit and read through Gurbani and understand the Gurmat imparted by the Satguru, Jap Naam to still your mind and increase the peace within your heart. Your embarking on the start of a great journey, just remember that everything is Vaheguroo, and there is nothing to be scared of. The True Self is immortal and cannot be destroyed, keeping faith in this keep walking this sharp path. Guru Rakha!
  2. Turn up to the Akhara and we will go from there. Gurfateh
  3. If you was serious, you would have come to his face a long time ago Taran. All you are doing is riling the masses against him with lies and slander. Moving on from there, the Hadh Thor challenge details are availible on the website. In simple terms, turn up to the Akhara at the begining when the Shastar Namaskaran is done, stand on the left of the Gurdev as a sign that you do not accept his authority and lay down your challenge. Jee Aaya Nu! See you soon brother.
  4. Thank you for conveniently deleting my post. What are you afraid of? This board is nothing but a platform for breeding paranoia, promoting slander and character assasination, where truth is silenced and lies are allowed to be spread. This attitude will never create Sikhs of good character, tolerance and moral good standing, nothing but hatred and fear is being promoted, the complete opposite of the Satgurus ideology. The Akhara is open for anyone to come in to discuss, challenge and learn if they so wish to. We do not force our views on anyone nor do we expect anyone to become a Sanatan Sikh, a Nihang or anything else. We are open all all communities and races, religions and creeds where people are openely taught how to defend themselves and learn about the great martial tradition of Guru Gobind Singh. Nidar Singhs letter which Taran0 posted on his website invites people to come and discuss any issues, if you wish to have answers then come to the root rather then making websites filled with misinterpretations and assumptions. Taran0 has never turned up to an Akhara in al the years I have been there so he has no understanding of Shastarvidiya, Sanatan Sikhi or Nidar Singh, just second hand slander. Classes are taught at: Wolverhampton - Guru Tegh Bahadur Gurdwara. Upper Villiers Street - 6:00pm - 9:30pm Thursdays Birmingham - Naamdhari Gurdwara, Coventry Rd A45 -10:00am - 1:00pm Sundays Leicester - Guru Amar Das Gurdwara, Clarendon Park Road - 2:30pm - 6:00pm Sundays Dont let hate consume you
  5. This class is being taught by a student of Nidar Singh and only Shastar Vidiya is taught to the children so that they can defend themselves, their honour and increase their self confidence. If Sikhs wish to retain their art, it must be passed on to the children, it is being offered openly to the youth should they wish to learn. Rather then try to bann it, why not come down and have a look? See what is taught, see what the kids and their parents think, and see what you are trying to bann through hate, fear mongering and lies. Gurfateh
  6. The small Aad Chand is a smaller version of the Gajgah, a symbol of a great warrior who is capable of engaging war elephants. Look at the link below to see Guru Gobind Singhs Gajgah http://akalinihang.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/gajgah-of-guru-gobind-singh-ji.html
  7. Muay Thai, Boxers, Wrestlers, Silat students and all other forms of martial artists have come to the akhara to train and learn. If SV was rubbish, surely in the 15 yrs of Nidar Singh teaching there would be an incident where he got beaten or the flaws of the art were highlighted. This has not happened, and instead top martial artists are organising seminars with Nidar Singh. The question should be, as a Sikh, how much are you really searching for the truth?
  8. Ever heard of something called a Kirpan/Kard? Its that thing all Amritdhari Sikhs are supposed to carry. If you think Krav Maga is the best, then stop trolling forums and practise. For someone who posts so much I doubt you even train in any art. For those who do SV, if they have understood its effectiveness then there is no need to convince someone on the net. Anyone who doubts can come along to the akhara and test it out. This has always been the case. As SV opens up to the worlds martial artists, its ability to hold its own and receive acknowledgement speaks much more then some random singh on a forum who even doubts his own indiginous art, and licks the boot of the firangi. When Nidar Singh comes to USA, i will let you know and you can go beat him yourself. Talking only goes so far, pick up your weapons and lay down your challenge.
  9. My posts are under moderation again, but as an extra security measure they have disabled my PMS as well : http://www.sikhsangat.com/Index.php?/topic/64806-how-do-i-check-my-warnings/

  10. AK-47, find yourself some Chechens, Somalis or some Afghans who are ready to duel and bring them to the Akhara. Many people come through the Akhara on a weekly basis, some with no martial knowledge, some with decades worth of training under their belt. Each person who enters is always tested to see how much they know, and the art is catered to them dependant on their skill. Everyone goes one on one with Niddar Singh so there are no doubts to the effectiveness of the art and his own skill. If the person wishes to test further they are allowed to go all out as much as they wish. In all the years I have been there I have yet to see someone who doesnt accept the skill of the Gurdev, from newcomers, to Masters in their own rights. If anyone is able to beat the Gurdev, the Gurdev will denounce his position and the higher skilled person will assume the role of the Akhara Gurdev. For students, if any lesson is repeated more than once, or if you dont learn something new in the class, the Gurdev has nothing more to teach and you may leave. Until now, Ive never had a repeated lesson, and I always learn something new. By sitting on the internet and attempting to understand this art is of no point, you cannot judge how skilled Niddar Singh is until you face him, it is only then will you realise why he is the Gurdev and you are the student.
  11. Ak-47, if you read through the Hadh Thor Challenge you will see that it extends to anyone who wishes to challenge the art. Look through Sikh History to see if its been battle tested, the same knowledge has been passed down from Gurdev to Gurdev to ensure that this knowledge is kept alive. Those who truely practise this art will know that it works, in the Akharas the skills of each student will be pressure tested to see how they handle real combat, one vs one, one vs multiples, one vs weapons etc. Niddar Singh has travelled to various schools in India, same as his own Gurdev who travelled to 72 different Akharas to test his art, and used it in the 1947 riots.
  12. Here is the video of the SV and FMA Seminar with Pat O Malley. www.youtube.com/watch?v=aphzZLBNcwg
  13. If Niddar Singh moved in the same way as the FMA guys, then it wouldnt be Shastarvidiya would it? http://www.martialartsplanet.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-103089.html Check the site above to see comments from Pat O Malley, 11 times world champion in Filipino Stick Fighting, after completing the seminar with Niddar Singh. Last year Niddar Singh was invited to Grand Master Brian Jones Seminar to display Shastarvidiya to his students. These lot arent just amateurs in their arts, they are ambassedors, and are highly respected for their knowledge. They live and breathe Martial Arts and one thing you cannot do with them is pass off rubbish. If your stuff doesnt work, they will beat you. One of the highest regarded Silat Gurus in the world Maul Mornie who is the Gurdev of Silat Sufian Bela Diri also see's the high level skill in Shastarvidiya and wishes to learn it himself, infact hes coming this week to attend our seminar. Im guessing you have more knowledge then these guys too. You just have to do a quick search on youtube for Shastarvidiya to see these videos of the seminars and demostrations. Only Five, if you are so accomplished at understanding Martial Arts, then how about coming down to challenge Niddar Singh yourself, surely your examination of SV has allowed you to figure out how to beat Niddar Singh. The Hadh Thor challenge still stands. Most likely there will be a ludicris post how youve done it in the past and now you cant be bothered, if so, then save your breath.
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