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  1. https://www.facebook.com/dailypostpunjabi/videos/426443298076537/ A prominent discussion on Politics and Panjabi topics, celebrities and other relevant subjects in the Panjabi Sikh community and diaspora.
  2. SSA I’ve seen on you tube a growing trend of individuals creating videos to promote themselves. Namely a so called mystic called Kala kala. He has a you tube channel, tic tik, etc. I understand that before changing his path he owned glassy junction, a pub in Southall back in the 90s and 2000s maybe earlier. He wears colourful turbans and colours, wears lights, costumes etc. I’ve heard rumours that whilst in business he failed to pay UK tax and the government are after him. As a means of getting out of it he is playing dumb to avoid it. He is acting as if he’s lost it mentally and physically. He eats meat and drinks. Is this all a cover up so he can claim insanity and avoid paying tax? Anyone?
  3. Just heard this on Panjab Radio this morning in the UK. There was a consultation on changing the name for Havelock Road, Southall - this is also where the famous Singh Sabha Gurdwara is situated (which you will sometimes see in media and some British TV movies and documentaries), there is also another popular Singh Sabha Gurdwara on Park Avenue in Southall - just explaining to avoid confusion. Here is an article from 2002 to show context with regards to Major-General Sir Henry Havelock and issues with the name of the street. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/2003119.stm So anyway the radio station was congratulating everyone as it seems the name change has been approved! Just found some Singh Sabha Gurdwara facebook posts regarding this now: https://www.facebook.com/sgsssouthall/posts/2646454702122065 Also on the gurdwara Facebook story https://www.facebook.com/stories/1817655594943329/UzpfSVNDOjI2NDY0NDAwNTg3OTAxOTY=/?source=story_tray A few days ago in Bristol, a slaver trader's statue was toppled by the protestors. Yesterday, Robert Milligan was taken off plinth in London by the Tower Hamlets Council in East London. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jun/09/sadiq-khan-orders-review-of-all-london-statues-for-slavery-links It looks like these protests about #BlackLivesMatter which erupted due to the shooting in USA are also useful for sikhs. This is already helping in pushing the case for Havelock's name to be removed from the street in Southall, whereas before no progress was made. The uk will now be looking at colonial statues and memorabilia to see what can be removed. This is important as many of the colonial related people affected sikhs in negative ways! NOTE: I know protests are going on, but as it is COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic, please be safe and observe social distancing. There is too much crowding at these protests, and could lead to increases in cases for the virus!
  4. You will be pleased to know that the Sikh Missionary Society has made arrangements to hold the 40th Sikh Students Annual Gurmat Camp from Sunday 29th of July to Saturday the 4th August 2018 at - Guru Gobind Singh Khalsa College,Roding Lane, Chigwell, Essex, IG7 6BQ Tel : 020 8559 9160 It will be a special Summer Day Camp for 8-15 years old Sikh students. Special Features of the camp are: Community Living: The Gurmat Way Gurmat Essay Competition Talk from Sikh Scholars Encourage children according to the Sikh Rehat Maryada Workshops/Seminars & Discussions on Sikh Religion Turban tying (Dastar Sajauna) Encouragement & Prizes to the children who learn Gurbani Path by heart There will be an outing for one day Fees: £70 for the first child from a family and £60 for other children in the same family. Special concessions may be available in some cases (please give us a call on 020 8574 1902). Closing date for admission is the 12th of July 2018, there are approximately 100 places available so please book early to avoid disappointment. Note: Minimum Age for Campers is 8 years and the Maximum age is 15. For more information - http://www.sikhmissionarysociety.org/sms/smsyouthcamp/
  5. Homeless Latvian man ‘pounced on hotel housekeeper, 30, as she walked to work then sexually assaulted, murdered and buried her in a sleeping bag in the woods’ Vadims Ruskuls, 25, accused of sexually assaulting and murdering Pardeep Kaur Mrs Kaur, 30, attacked while walking to work at a hotel in Harlington, Middlesex She was last seen on CCTV cameras approaching a bridge over the M4 Her body was found a week later hidden in woods near to the bridge By Joseph Curtis For Mailonline Published: 18:22, 5 April 2017 | Updated: 20:40, 5 April 2017 +3 Vadims Ruskuls, 25, is accused of sexually assaulting and then murdering Pardeep Kaur, pictured, after 'attacking her beneath a motorway bridge' A homeless man is accused sexually assaulting and murdering a woman beneath a motorway bridge before dumping her body in undergrowth, a court heard. Latvian Vadims Ruskuls, 25, was thought to be sleeping rough with his mother beneath the bridge crossing the M4 when he allegedly murdered Pardeep Kaur. He allegedly pounced on the 30-year old hotel housekeeper as she walked to work. Mrs Kaur scratched her attacker as she desperately fought for her life but her screams would have been drowned out by the noise of motorway traffic, jurors were told. Afterwards, Ruskuls allegedly dragged her partially naked body by the ankles and hid it under an old sleeping bag and twigs. Opening his Old Bailey trial, Crispin Aylett QC told jurors: 'This is a truly terrible case. The evidence in this case is distressing and you will have to brace yourself for what is to come.' Mrs Kaur, a mother of one, was reported missing by her husband when she failed to return home from the Sheraton Skyline Hotel in Harlington, Middlesex. Her badly decomposed body was found nearly a week later hidden in undergrowth near Harlington Bridge in Hayes, west London. The court heard that the waste ground by the walkway on to the bridge over the M4 was a 'bleak spot used by rough sleepers, drunks and drug addicts' and was just yards from the busy motorway leading to Heathrow airport. Mr Aylett told jurors that Mrs Kaur was last picked up on CCTV cameras at 6.33am on Monday, October 17, last year as she walked towards the bridge. In a search of the area, a visiting officer from Norway, detective chief inspector Kenneth Berg, spotted a human foot sticking out from beneath a sleeping bag covered with branches which turned out to be Mrs Kaur. +3 Her body was found near this bridge over the M4, pictured, in Harlington, Middlesex A post-mortem examination failed to establish how she died but Mr Aylett said it was obvious from the way she had been found that it was murder. Investigators who trawled through the CCTV images also noticed a man under the bridge at the same time as Mrs Kaur. Less than half an hour later, someone was picked up on CCTV dragging her body away towards the patch of ground where it was later discovered. Mr Aylett said: 'The prosecution allege that the man under the bridge is Vadims Ruskuls and the figure dragging her body towards the woodlands must also be Vadims Ruskuls. 'What happened in the 25 minutes between those two pieces of film? The prosecution allege that the defendant must have pounced on Pardeep Kaur at some point on the ramp, that he then sexually assaulted her and he murdered her.' +3 This CCTV image was the last time Mrs Kaur was seen alive as she walked towards the bridge in Harlington, Middlesex The victim must have fought her attacker as the defendant was seen with scratches on his face afterwards, he said. But he added: 'If she had cried out, her screams would have been drowned out by the sound of the early morning traffic.' Ruskuls was allegedly caught after an officer recognised his image on CCTV to a man he had spoken to the day after the killing. In the early hours, the constable had been called to a house in Hayes to a report of a 'stoned' man trying to open the front door looking like he had been 'dragged through a hedge'. The officer found the suspect walking barefoot with scratches to his left cheek and neck, the court heard. Following his arrest for the murder of Mrs Kaur, Ruskuls' DNA was compared to samples taken from her body. His DNA was matched to samples from her ankle, sock, and the left cup of her bra with a probability of 'one in a billion', jurors were told. DNA from the victim's fingernails were also found to be a match, the court heard. Jurors were told that Mrs Kaur had come to live in Britain in 2011 with her husband Rachpal Singh who had a job at Fresh Foods in Hayes. They both worked six-days a week to send money to their five-year-old daughter who lived with her grandparents in India. When Mrs Kaur first disappeared, police suspected the husband because he initially lied to police saying he had seen her that morning when he had yet to return from a night shift. The court heard he had feared they would discover he was working without a permit. It was only after he came clean, that the investigation 'quickly moved on', Mr Aylett said. The defendant, who refused to make any comment in police interviews, denies murder. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4383724/Homeless-Latvian-man-pounced-hotel-housekeeper.html
  6. http://metro.co.uk/2016/08/01/man-hacked-to-death-in-residential-west-london-street-6041420/ Anyone from southall that got more info on this and why this guy was targetted and by who? This is the 4th knife murder of a punjabi in southall within 3 years from what I can recall. What the hell is going on in southall these days?
  7. Miri-Piri Seminar On Saturday 28th February 2015 For students above the age of 12 years. Time & Place: 2.00 PM at The Sikh Missionary Society UK 8 - 10 Featherstone Road Southall, Middlesex UB2 4JH To register your interest, please telephone or e-mail giving: name, age and if coming with parents: Telephone: 020 8574 1902 or E-mail: info@thesikhmissioinarysociety.org Sardar Gurmukh Singh* (Principal, UK Civil Service ret'd) will give a talk for half an hour, followed by questions and answers (Q & A session). The seminar will then continue with an open discussion in which all can take part. Miri-Piri living teaches us to remember Waheguru ji as described in Mool Mantar, while we live normal working lives with our families, sharing with others and taking part in the life of our community called the Khalsa Panth. Our Ten Guru ji's taught us about Miri-Piri living through own lives over the period 1469 to 1708. All that they taught us is in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji. In the Miri-Piri seminar, we learn together the meaning of the two words "Miri" and "Piri" by looking at simple examples from nature, and from Sikh history to see why it is so important for a Sikh to live a life of Miri-Piri as taught by our Guru ji. Sikhi words will be used and explained. Please do register interest and arrive before 2.00 PM. Further Reading Articles by S. Gurmukh Singh can be read under Articles on Sikh Idealogy & Identity Gurmukh Singh's weekly "News & Views" column in Panjab Times
  8. In the memory of the supreme sacrifice of the Sahibzadas a special Children’s programme will be held here at The Sikh Missionary Society’s Premises on - Date: 28th December 2014 Time: 12.00 (noon) - 3.00 PM Location: Sikh Missionary Society U.K. 10, Featherstone Road, Southall UB2 5AA United Kingdom Featuring Kirtan, Gurbani competition, poems and lectures. Prizes will be given to all participants. Langer consisting of Chips, Beans, Pasta and Fruit dishes will be served at the end. http://www.sikhmissionarysociety.org @sikh_missionary
  9. The Annual Southall Sikhi Camp hosted by Gurdwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha Southall is back !!! :yay: The camp will consist of a variety of activities ranging from Sports, Games, Talks relating to Sikhi by National Speakers, Discussions and Interactive workshops. It will be an amazing experience for all campers with lots of exciting things in place for everyone!l The Camp age is strictly 7 - 15+ whereby the groups will be determined by age. Camp will be held from the 11th - 15th August 2014 starting at 9:00AM and finishing 3:30PM, Please aim to arrive for 8:45am each morning There will be a Induction day on 9th August 2014 which will be compulsory for a successful applicants to attend The camp & Induction day will take place at Khalsa Primary School, Norwood Green, Middlesex, UB2 5QP. To apply please fill out the application form at the Sikhi Camp Desk located at Sri Guru Singh Sabha Southall, PARK AVENUE ONLY ON Sundays from 12PM - 4PM. (Please note there are limited spaces available, we will be taking the forms on a first come first serve basis only). For more information or Seva opportunities call 07984714808 or Facebook Us: Southall Sikhi Camp Spread the word and let your friends know! Phone: 07984714808 Facebook: www.facebook.com/SouthallSikhiCamp Twitter: @SouthallCamp14
  10. You will be pleased to know that the Sikh Missionary Society has made arrangments to hold the 37th Sikh Students Gurmat Camp from Sunday 27th July to 3rd August 2014 at Guru Gobind Singh Khalsa College, Roding Lane, Chigwell, Essex, IG7 6BQ Special Features of the camp are: Community Living: The Gurmat Way Community Living: The Gurmat Way Gurmat Essay & Painting Competition Introduction to Kirtan Indoor and Outdoor Games Lectures from Sikh Scholars Encourage Children to live according to Sikh Rehat Maryada Workshops/Seminars & Discussions on Sikh Religion and Culture Camp Fire and Martial Arts Display Tie up Dastar (Saujana) Encouragement & Prizes to the children who learn Gurbani Path by heart Fees: £80 for the first child from a family and £75 for other children in the same family. Special concessions may be available in some cases (please give us a call on 020 8574 1902). There are approximately 100 places available so please book early to avoid disappointment. Note: Minimum Age for Campers is 8 years and the Maximum age is 14. For more information - http://sikhmissionarysociety.org/sms/smsyouthcamp/
  11. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh Dear Khalsa Ji, You are all invited to Celebrate the Birth of the Khalsa Panth at the Sikh Missionary Society (U.K) - Sikh Missionary Society U.K. (Regd.) 10, Featherstone Road. Southall, Middx, UB2 5AA http://www.sikhmissionarysociety.org Programme Details 25th April 2014 10.00 – Arambh Sri Akhand Path Sahib 26th April 2014 16:00 to 19:00 – Kavi Darbar 27th April 2014 10.00 – Bhog Sri Akhand Path Sahib 10:30 to 11:15 – Kirtan by Sikh Children 11.15 to 12.30 – Kirtan and Katha Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
  12. 'Principal Gurbachan' the controversial missionary is booked at Park Av and Havelock Rd Gurdwara in Southall this week starting Monday (today) 21st.There are thousands of demonstrators expected. All of his previous prog. in the UK have been Cancelled due his extreme views causing a rift in the Sangat. Please call and politely ask for cancellation so that we can avoid disturbance and trouble. Park Av 0208 574 8901, Sec for Bookings 07944 903730.
  13. 27 August 2013 01:18 PM By Jessica Best Two other men were stabbed in the fight - one was knifed in the armpit and another had a wound to his arm A man has been murdered and two others stabbed in a mass brawl at a fairground. The fight broke out between a large group of men at a fair in Southall Park, west London, at around 9pm last night. So far six men have been arrested. Police found the victim with head injuries and paramedics treated him at the scene, but he died shortly before 10pm. His family have not yet been told. Two other men were stabbed in the fight - one aged 25 was knifed in the armpit and another aged 32 had a wound to his arm. Both were discharged from hospital, and have now been arrested, along with four other men - aged 22, 23, 25 and another whose age has not yet been released. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/southall-park-murder-man-stabbed-2228463
  14. I just wanted to know about the local kirtan classes around the southall area, basic information like when are they on, how many in a class. Also if anyone has been to these classes, what are they like and do you learn. Because I've attended one before and didn't really learn much. Thanks for any replies in advance.
  15. Nagar Kirtan Sunday 7th April 2013 Gurdwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha, Havelock Road, Southall, UB2 4NP Sevadar meetings: Thurs 4th, Fri 5th, Sat 6th, April 2013 Gurdwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha, Havelock Rd, Library @ 7.30pm, Please come and encourage others to do Seva too. Thank you more info Visit the OFFICAL NAGAR KIRTAN FB PAGE! or call 07838934219 Nagar Kirtan Promo click on link below www.facebook.com/southallnagarkirtan www.facebook.com/southallnagarkirtan
  16. 1G Event Details: http://www.1guk.com/shaheedi-smagam-2012 FaceBook Event: http://www.facebook.com/#!/events/544774658883445/?fref=ts With the Grace of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaaj, London Youth have organised a National Smagam in the loving memory of our inspirational brothers the beloved SahibZadeh; Baba Ajeet Singh Ji, Baba Jujhaar Singh Ji, Baba Zoravar Singh Ji, Baba Fateh Singh Ji and Mata Gujhar Kaur Ji. The Smagam will take place at: Guru Amardas Hall (Opposite Guru Amardas Gurdwara) 1A CLIFTON ROAD SOUTHALL UB2 5QP There will Talks/Katha in English by various national speakers, and a diwans by Nirvair Khalsa Jatha. The whole Akhand Paath Sahib will be done by UK Born Sikhs. A special two day Sahibzade Sikhi Camp has been organised on the 29th and 30th December 2012, for application forms and more information please see attached poster. There will also be numerous stalls throughout the Smagam; Boss Stall - Selling 1984 merchandise and various books/literature Sikh Organisation of Prisoner Welfare Charity (SOPW) Sikh Antiques 1G Stall - Free Literature and CD's. Various Old Handwritten Pothis from the 18th/19th century will be displayed for the Sangat to see during the evening Diwans. An Amrit Sanchaar will take place on 30th December 2012, starting at 5pm. (For more details, or you wish to take amrit please give names to: 07958112975). Seva opportunities available throughout the whole Smagam, please contact us on; Donations / General Enquries: 07958112975 For Akhand Paath Sahib details, Jap Ji Sahib Rauls/ Akhand Paath Seva: 0783706621 Camp Applications / Seva: 07912615554 For more information and Seva opportunities please contact: 07958112975 be-1@live.co.uk Facebook: BeYouth Youth-Project Facebook Event: http://www.facebook.com/#!/events/544774658883445/?fref=ts ________________________________________ Full Smagam Timetable: 28th Dec 2011: 4pm - Arambta Sri Akhandh Paath Sahib Pooranmashi Diwaan till late. 29th Dec 2011: 9.30am - 4pm: SIKHI CAMP FOR AGES 8-12! 5pm - Rehraas Sahib 5.30pm - Keertan 6.30pm English Katha - Bhai Amarpreet Singh (Mani) 7.15-9pm - Nirvair Khalsa Jatha - *Special English Katha and Keertan Diwan* 30th Dec 2011- (Sikh Channel will be recording the Divaan) 9.30am - 4pm SIKHI CAMP FOR AGES 13 - 15 and 16+! 3pm - Open Question and Answer Session (Can ask on the day or email us before hand). 4pm - Siree Akhand Path Sahib Bhog, Aarti and Kirtan by Bhai Hari Singh. 5pm - Start of AMRIT SANCHAAR 6pm - Katha by Bhai Kuljit Singh (Leister) 7-9pm - Nirvair Khalsa Jatha - *Special English Katha and Keertan Diwan* POSTERS ATTACHED! Please Attend and spread the word!!
  17. NIRVAIR KHALSA JATHA WEST LONDON TOUR! Friday 21st Decemeber Guru Nanak Sikh Academy Springfield Road Hayes,UB4 0LT 6:30PM-8PM Sunday 23rd December Ramgarhia Sikh Association Golden Crescent Hayes UB3 1AQ 6:30PM-8:00PM Tuesday 25th December 2012 Guru Nanak Darbar Southall King St UB2 4DQ 7PM-8PM Wednesday 26th Decemeber Nanaksar Southall UB1 2DL 7PM-8:30PM Thursday 27th December 2012 Sri Guru Singh Sabha Southall Park Avenue 7:30PM-9PM Also the Sahibzade Shaheedi Smagam in Southall here is the link https://www.facebook.com/events/544774658883445/ (Nirvair Khalsa Jatha will also be there on these days) Saturday 29th December 2012 Guru Amardass Hall, Opp. Gurdwara Guru Amardass, 1A - 3 Clifton Rd, Southall, Middx, UB2 5QP 7PM Sunday 30th December 2012 Guru Amardass Hall, Opp. Gurdwara Guru Amardass, 1A - 3 Clifton Rd, Southall, Middx, UB2 5QP 7PM
  18. Taken from: www.SarbjitSinghDhunda.blogspot.co.uk Dear Saadh Sangat Ji We would like to bring to your attention the events that have occurred over the last few days as a result of Sarbjit Dhunda’s continued spreading of controversial and anti-Sikh discourses at Sri Guru Singh Sabha Southall (Park Avenue). By way of background Sarabjit Dhunda’s main views which are anti Gurmat include: That Sikhs should not do Naam Simran (repetition of God’s name as accorded by Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji) That Sikhs should not pray for the well being of all That Sikhs should place no importance on the bathing in the Holy Sarovar at Sri Harmandir Sahib That Sikhs should place no importance on the Gurdwara at Hemkunt Sahib That the Sikh National Anthem “Deh Shiva Bar Mohe Ihai” has no relevance for Sikhs and was not written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Airing these views openly, Sangat across the globe has taken objection to Dhunda being given the stage at Gurdwareh to spread these views. Dhunda was permitted by the committee at Park Avenue, Southall to hold discourses from Monday 5th November 2012 for 6 days. On Thursday 8th and Friday 9th of November 2012, Sangat, hurt by the controversial views that Sarbjit Dhunda has been allowed to propagate during the past week in Southall, attended to peacefully protest. Sangat numbering less than 20 and including young Sikhs, made their objections known by reciting the holy prayer of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s, Sri Chaupai Sahib in the foyer of the Gurdwara during Dhunda’s discourse. The intention was to make the committee aware that Dhunda’s views are splitting up the community and spreading disharmony. Elder respected Gursikhs that were taking part in the protest had been in contact with the police from early last week via a Police Liaison officer. The police were informed in advance that there would be a peaceful protest against Dhundas visit. On both days of the protest, Inspector Julian Holden of Southall Police was in attendance. Both were happy and impressed with the dignified manner in which the peaceful protest was conducted. On Saturday 10th November, the committee agreed to meet Sangat at Khalsa Primary School, Norwood Hall, Norwood Green. The meeting lasted around 4 hours and committee members including Daljit Hayre and Sukhdeep Randhawa were present. Also present were respected members of the UK Sangat. In the meeting it was discussed and considered that Sarabjit Dhunda had already been reprimanded for his anti Gurmat parchaar by Sri Akaal Takht. It was resolved that whatever the Akaal Takht Jathedar decided, would be what all would abide by. Jathedar Ji said that Dhunda should not be allowed to voice his opinions on a Gurdwara stage and that the committee should call alternative knowledgeable Parcharaks. He stated Dhunda is intent on creating disunity, saying: “All remaining Diwans should be cancelled based on the fact that that the programs were causing considerable distress and major splits in the community across the UK” (translated). These instructions were directly conveyed to Daljit Hayre (Gurudwara Committee member) by the Jathedar via telephone. The recording of Giani Gurbachan Singhs conversation and of Daljit Hayre accepting this decision has been released to the Sangat. Despite agreeing to accept Jathedar Ji’s decision, Sarabjit Dhunda was honored with a Saropa by the committee (Daljit Hayre) at Park Avenue Gurudwara the same evening. He was also allowed to talk for 15 minutes. During which time he declared he shall not do any more Katha until he appeared before Sri Akaal Thakat Sahib. (Video footage of this has been released) The Head Granthi of Singh Sabha Southall, Balwinder “Phati”, denounced the Jathedar’s decision and encouraged him to do a discourse on stage. The Stage Secretary, Sukhdeep Randhawa, openly challenged the authority of Sri Akaal Takht Sahib. On Sunday the 11th of November, Dhunda did Katha at Guru Nanak Darbar Gurudwara, King Street, Southall, and spoke at length at Singh Sabha Southall, Havelock Road. This is despite his pledge not to, until he had presented himself before Sri Akaal Thakat Sahib. At 5pm the Sangat were made aware that Dhunda would do a discourse at Park Avenue at 7pm. Sukhdeep Randhawa (Stage Sec) was immediately contacted, to seek clarification. He claimed “I heard that as well, but I do not know, me and Daljit (Hayre) always get the blame but others may be trying to organise it!” Sukhdeep Randhawa was asked if he could confirm if the discourse would go ahead so that Sangat could be warned and could attend to register their protest peacefully. Sukhdeep Randawa replied by text; “Ok Ji”. Approximately 10 members of the Sangat arrived around 6pm to protest peacefully as they had done the previous 2 nights by reciting Sri Chaupai Sahib.This small group were prevented from reciting Gurbani in the peaceful and dignified manner in which they had done on the previous 2 nights. At first they were verbally abused which then escalated to violent pushing and barging. To the dismay of the Sangat, the committee and Sarabjit Dhunda’s supporters (approximately 60 in number), violently drove the Sangat from the foyer and out on to the street. One prominent member of the group was Sarbjit “Bavha”.During this vicious attack the turban (Dastaar) of a young Sikh was removed. After violently ejecting the Sangat, the gates were locked by Sarbjit “Bavha”. (Video of this has been released) The police were called by the Sangat. Frustratingly, instead of the police arresting those who committed violent acts in the Gurdwara by forcefully ejecting the Sangat, the perpetrators were allowed to remain outside and taunt the protesting Sangat. Shortly after the ejection of the Sangat, Dhunda arrived. The Sangat gathered around his car to make their presence aware and to let him know that the Sangat objected to his views which were not joining the Sangat to the Guru but dividing them. At the time 2 members of a prominent committee members family rushed into the protesters from behind, pushing and swearing at them. They were then followed by several of his friends who continued to push 2 young members of the Sangat aged 15 and 16 years old. This was clearly orchestrated in an attempt to aggravate the Sangat. The ‘thugs’ that tried to attack the Sangat from behind were visibly under the influence of alcohol By entering the Gurdwara under the influence of intoxicants, these individuals that have attacked the Sangat have broken the strict rules and code of conduct of the Gurdwara. One individual later tried to re-enter the Gurdwara premises from the front gate but was stopped by the police and sangat who recognised that he was drunk and should not be allowed onto the Gurdwara premises. The protesting Sangat wanted to have a calm and open discussion with the committee and Dhunda about their anti Gurmat parchaar and open violation of The Akaal Takht Jathedar's instructions not to let Dhunda speak. Panthic parcharak Bhai Surinder Singh, who in India is leading the fight for justice for Shaheed Bhai Jaspal Singh, also attended and tried to pacify the situation. He proposed that 2 members of the protesting Sangat (including himself) be allowed to meet Sarabjit Dhunda in front of the Sangat inside the Gurudwara. Bhai Surinder Singh was prevented from entering the Gurudwara. The Gurudwara Committee at first sent a message via the police that Dhunda and the committee would meet with Bhai Surinder Singh. However after an hour of game playing and lies they refused to face Bhai Surinder Singh. Dhunda was fully aware that he would be extremely embarrassed by a Panthic Parcharak. It is of note that protesting Sangat were made up of Sikhs of all backgrounds not just one group. They were all united in their opposition of the false Parchar of Dhunda and the actions of committee members who rather than joining the Sangat attacked them instead. Word spread of the Committee’s attack on the Sangat and Dhunda’s disregard of the Akaal Takht’s Hukam, the small group of Sangat grew to more than 200. At the end of Dhunda’s discourse, a sit-down protest took place at the car park gates to demonstrate the deep upset and disrespect that had taken place by allowing Dhunda to do a discourse. The Sangat braved the cold and moved only to let vehicles leave. All this time Dhunda remained hid inside the Gurdwara. Dhunda was escorted by the police who were clad in riot gear with the support of Police dogs. During the police charge many Sangat were injured and many turbans (dastaars) were knocked off, including that of Raghbir Singh who was reporting for Sangat TV News. The police used disproportionate force in attacking the Sangat, injuring many with batons. Dhunda was driven away in Sarbjit “Bavha’s” car, with a police escort. Once Dhunda had left, the Sangat remained for some time in an attempt to peacefully engage with the committee and seek a resolution once and for all. However the committee remained in the Gurdwara office and refused to enter into a dialogue with the Sangat. There was no victory to be taken by any anyone on Sunday. It was a black day caused not by Sangat taking up their right to a righteous and peaceful protest doing Naam Jap, but by the committee, who ignored the wishes of Sri Akaal Thakat Sahib and wider Sangat. Despite the heavy police presence and committee attempts to frustrate and taunt the Sangat no arrests were made. The Sangat behaved in a dignified and respectful way. The Sangat made several requests of the committee before Sunday night, humbly, in the interests of peace that Dhunda not be permitted to enter upon the stage. It is worrying that the committee did not itself foresee the inevitable consequences of putting Dhunda on stage in spite of the Akaal Takht’s order. The committee had booked Dhunda to attend from Monday to Saturday. In the face of all the heated debate and Sri Akaal Takht’s Sahib Jathedars Order, to book Dhunda to attend the following evening was a terrible decision and against the will of the Sangat. For the committee to have booked him to do a discourse on Sunday, notwithstanding the Hukam from Jathedar it cannot be denied that such a booking was undertaken out of spite and ego, to hurt the sentiment of the Sikhs: no Gurdwara committee should be responsible for causing such anguish and disharmony in the community.
  19. Nagar Kirtan Sunday 18th November 2012 (THIS SUNDAY) Gurdwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha, Havelock Road, Southall, UB2 4NP Sevadar meetings: Thurs 15th, Fri 16th, Sat 17th, November Gurdwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha, Havelock Rd, Library @ 7.30pm, please come and encourage others to do Seva too. Thank you more info Visit the OFFICAL NAGAR KIRTAN FB PAGE! or call 07838934219 www.facebook.com/southallnagarkirtan www.facebook.com/southallnagarkirtan
  20. Please attend, forward and share SEMINARS & Akhand Kirtan Darbar in memory of BHAI SAHIB RANDHIR SINGH JI & 100 Years of the GHADAR Movement Saturday 27th October 2012 - 7.30 pm at Gurdwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha, 2-8 Park Avenue, Southall. UB1 3AQ (Bh. Sukhdeep Singh 07944903730) Sunday 28th October 2012 - 2.00 pm (‘Simrati Granth’ release smagam) at Sikh Missionary Society UK, 10 Featherstone Road. Southall. UB2 5AA Saturday 3rd November 2012 - 6.00 pm at Gurdwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha, 26 Nottingham Road, Nottingham, NG7 7AE followed by Q&A session & Akhand Kirtan until 12.00 am (Bh. Malkiat Singh 07795545907) Sunday 4th November 2012 - 11.00 am at Gurdwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha, Princes Street, Derby. DE23 8NT (Bh. Rajinder Singh 07966974505) Supported by & in collaboration with Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh Trust UK, Hardarshan Memorial International Trust (India) Akhand Kirtani Jatha UK Speakers include: Bh. Jaiteg Singh Anant (Surrey, B.C., Canada), Dr. Inderjit Singh Wasu (India), Bh. Joginder Singh (Leicester, UK), Bh. Madan Singh (Birmingham, UK), Bh. Jagtar Singh (Dashmesh Darbar, Surrey, Canada) & others who have researched BHAI SAHIB Literature about and by Bhai Sahib will be available at the seminars For more info contact: Bh. Jujar Singh (07554711133) info@bsrstrust.org www.bsrstrust.org poster2.bmp
  21. Youth kirtan darbar for Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana and all the Shaheed Singhs and Singhnia Sanjaa Samagam with Kirtan done by all jathebandia Organized by the youth! TONIGHT (30th March 2012) 7.30pm-11.30pm (Katha in english at 8.30) @ Park Avenue Gurdwara, Southall More information call: 07838934219 or 07904080635 Benti to attend
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