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  1. For Sale, Is a Wootz Gold Khanjar. With more recent gold work, and slabs. the blade has some pitting on it. Asking Price: £250 NEW PRICE: £200 AntiqueCollections@hotmail.co.uk www.antiquecollectionsuk.blogspot.com I am willing, for a quick sale to sell both gold pesh kabz and khanjer/kirpan for £300 in order to make room for more stock! Thanks
  2. I know you cant wear hats, but for an school activity can we wear a helmet in a trip? thanks fateh!
  3. hi ... i am wanting to do kirtan in a studio (sangat roopi) with all intraments etc.. i have NO clue at all how i am do this and were. iv googles "kirtan studios" but no luck.... i wnt to expericance how it wod be maybe if i was a gyani.... can som1 PLZ help mee or suggiest were can do theses recording etc THANKYOU :-)
  4. S.S.Akal, The Sikh Festival of PostMe cards in now available in Appstore, get your copy today. Using this app you can sent unlimited cute PostCard (ecard) via email to your friends and family very quickly with few taps all the year around. Its an quick way to express your feeling and be in touch with them. Simply choose an occasion, pick a card, customize it with text and send. There are over 120+ cards to choose from for the following occasions - Guru Gobind Singh Birthday – Lohri – Biasakhi – Diwali – Guru Nanak Dev Birthday – New Year More cards keep on adding every month, so you have more to choose from. Check it out http://bit.ly/xeVNNU Thanks
  5. Guest

    Parents Saying No

    Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh Sangat Ji, I am posting in the Gupt section because I have a very big concern I need help with. Before I divulge into the details of my problem, let me introduce you to myself and my background. I live in Canada, I am a university student, and am kesdhari. I'm in my early 20's and believe to have a good head on my shoulders. I come from a religious family who are amritdhari (I am not at the moment). Alright, now onto my query. For quite some time, my parents have been asking me to find myself a girl for marriage. At first, I never gave it much thought; many of the girls I know and am friends with are already seeing people, if not, they have been in prior relationships and have a "history" if you know what I mean (as far as rumours go - that in itself is another thing). Anyways, about a few months ago, I met this girl online. She's from a White, Catholic family. However, she gave up Catholicism and converted to Sikhism (has not taken amrit, but has adopted the Sikh way of life as much as she can). Her and I have been talking for quite some time now and decided to move our relationship from friendship to dating (I know many of you here may oppose this, however, I am fine with this notion so if you have any comments regarding your opposition to dating, please refrain from doing so). We have not done anything inappropriate at all (no kissing, inappropriate touching, etc). Even before we were dating, I found myself liking her, however, held back since I did not want any negative emotions to overcome me. Therefore, I took a hukamnama from Guru Granth Sahib Ji. In my ardas, I asked Guru Ji to let me know if it was okay to move the friendship further, however (and obviously) to refrain from any negative emotions that may come between her and I. So, ideally, to be in a relationship, however, not doing anything that would make her and I deviate away from Sikhi. The Hukam I received was "Santha Ke Karaj Aap Khaloya, Har Kamm Karavan Aaya Raam" - which comes in Raag Suhi, ang 783. Having read the hukamnama, I believed Guru ji to be informing me that her and I meeting was destined to occur (also, do note I do not consider myself a Sant by any means, however, this was my interpretation of the hukamnama). Now, when my parents ask me if I found someone, I've suggested the idea of marrying someone non-Punjabi (i.e have said White person). My parents flipped out, and my dad went on a huge swearing fit saying he'll never let it happen, and if it does, he'll kick me out of the house and disown me. On top of that, my parents have been really rude as of late, with my dad still swearing at me. I do not know what to do. I have taken 2 more hukamnama's asking for Guru Ji's help, both times Guru ji has said to meditate on Waheguru for my desires to be fulfilled. I do not know what to do. I trust in Guru Ji and believe everything will be fine. However, I do not want to leave my family, or get kicked out, for something that isn't that big of a deal (in my opinion). She's a devoted Sikh, and wants to take amrit in the near future. Sangat ji, I guess what I'm asking is, can you please give me some advice, and also do ardas for me, so that everything goes well and that her, my family, and I can live under one roof happily? I apologize for the long post and for taking your time (though, I appreciate you reading this). Thank you!
  6. SSA, Please can you provide advice. I know this sikh sister who has become brainwashed by a Hindu man, he is 8 years older than her and has completely changed her. Before she used to be into Sikhi and used to attend the gudwara, she had strong family values. After, talking to this man she has changed completely and no longer believes in going to the gudwara or sikhi. She has not yet married the man however he has told her family they can go to hell and that sikhism means nothing to him and he will do whatever he likes with their daughter. The family are currently lost and powerless they pray everyday to waheguru to fix these issues but have now become very desperate and do not know how long they can carry on. I pray you can help and provide suggestions. Many Thanks Singh Soorma
  7. I've joined this forum just to vent my anger at this girl, her real name is Karen Malhotra and her stage name is *removed name* and she claims to be a Sikh pornstar. She has recently got tv and media attention by going on the Indian equivalent of Big Brother (Big Boss 5). How can anyone allow this? Surely she should know she can't be Sikh and a pornstar. This image just makes me sick, shes holding a Kirpan. Its not nude but there are various ones of her using the Kirpan. * Link removed * WHAT is going on in the world man.
  8. Looked how messed-up our community is we need to deal with this <banned word filter activated> now before it becomes worse. ************************************************** West Midlands family in £80,000 benefit fraud Wednesday 26th October 2011, 11:29AM BST. A family of five who pocketed almost £80,000 through a Black Country benefit fraud have all been spared an immediate jail term. The racket lasted almost eight years and involved three different properties in Smethwick and Edgbaston. The con involved newsagent Mahroof Hussain, 44, his wife Farida Bi, his lover Manjit Dhillon, and his sisters Farida Begum and Jamilia Bi. Dhillon, 41, gave a false name for her landlord while living in a house in Smethwick owned by Hussain and collected £40,805 over almost eight years, Wolverhampton crown court heard. Farida Bi, 43, pulled an identical trick on a house in Southfield Road, Edgbaston, owned by relatives, bringing in £16,753. Farida Begum, 39, made similar false claims getting £14,302 over four years on a house in Bowden Road, Smethwick and Jamilia Bi, 35, pulled a similar con that netted £4,446 . The women each admitted making false claims while Hussain pleaded guilty to allowing his wife and lover to make false claims. Dhillon was given a 10 month suspended jail sentence and 150 hours’ unpaid work; Hussain from Rotton Park Road, Edgbaston, got a 12-month jail term suspended for 18 months; Farida Bi and Farida Begum, of Rotton Park Road and Bowden Road respectively, each received six month suspended prison sentences and 100 hours of unpaid work. Jamilia Bi of Manor Road, Smethwick, was given a 12 month community order under supervision and 100 hours’ unpaid work. Read more: http://www.expressandstar.com/news/2011/10/26/west-midlands-family-in-80000-benefit-fraud/#ixzzG3q86EmEm [/left]
  9. Dr. Sukhpreet Singh Udhoke will be hosting a programme about the Sikh Rehat Maryada and the RSS on Saturday the 8th of October 2011 at 4.00 to 6.00pm at the Sikh Missionary Society (U.K). Dr. Sukhpreet Singh Udhoke is a well known lecturer in the Sikh religion and he has been serving the Sikh Community throughout India and abroad. He is well versed in Sikh Religious teachings and History and has written several books on Sikhism and exposing the RSS. Sikh Missionary Society U.K. (Regd.) 10, Featherstone Road. Southall, Middx, UB2 5AA Tel: +44 020 8574 1902 Fax: +44 020 8574 1912 www.sikhmissionarysociety.org
  10. Waheguru ji ka Khalsa,Waheguru ji ki Fateh just 13 yrs old biba Kirandeep Kaur appreciated by Sangat for a better performance in recital of Kirtan gurbani in various Kirtan darbar/ programs. to listen her mithi awaz . plz visit http://www.amritbani.info , we feel great pleasure to perform kirtan in ur city , call for kirtan program booking in ur city her Gurbani CD " kahe Re ban Khojan Jaayee" recently released http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3RkDrxZ6jM&feature=related her live kirtan program at ETC PUNJABI channel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkPvfgTS3fI her live performance at ZEE PUnjabi Channel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnvWE_p2l-Q&feature=BFa&list=ULEzUS6fST5Yw&lf=mfu_in_order visit http://www.amritbani.info , we feel great pleasure to perform kirtan in ur city
  11. VaheGuruJeKaKhalsaVaheGuruJeKeFetah anyone that can dload from youtube to mp3 can you send me this through e-mail i was able to but my computers all messed up and it not letteing me download, so if you can download this as an mp3 format and send it to i would really appricate it VaheGuruJeKaKhalsaVaheGuruJeKeFetah
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