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  1. Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh! Something Daas wanted to know was how exactly from Banda Singh Bahadur having a kingdom and freeing Sirhind; was he forced to live in the jungles? Daas tried searching for an answer, but found very little details. Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
  2. Wjkk Wjkf, Does anyone know of any document, pdf, or website that has all the words that appear in japji sahib divided by muhaarni? So a list of all the Mukhtas, then everything with kanna, then siharee, biharee, etc. Thanks
  3. I have been reading some of books about Sikhi recently and I was wondering if W.H McLeod is a good author and which of his books shall I read?
  4. I am pretty skeptical that sikhs cant follow, since islam and sikhi are so different but I was still pondering. When growing up in the 90s it was very common to see muslim men in kurta pajama and women in burqa . However seeing the growing modernization in their young generation and the arab fancy among subcontinental muslims , they have become even more kattad or should i say modest in their clothing sense. And to attract youth to it , they have opened up so many stores and brands that try to hybridize the old fashioned boring islamic wear -- ankle length gowns for men and burqa for women into something much more fashion savvy . And thats attracting youngsters for sure. Its not an uncommon sight nowadays , when I pass by muslim colonies to see their young population in islamic wear whose purpose originally was just to be a modest clothing but has nowadays become more of a fashion statement. Dressed in ankle-length long robes that ironically have standing collars , and cuffs, look like someone plagiarized it from a shirt . And they put nice colors on it , sometimes contrasting . Certainly the "thobe" as they called it became less a piece of modest clothing for muslim men or something that arabs wore as an ill-fitting robe in hot desert to something that the muslims like to fancy and wear as a middle ground between fashion and their faith. Ironically though, most muslim men will not wear the red-white checkered head wrap on their head because as they said it restricts their head movement. Women are not far with their colorful abayas with intricate embroideries, lattices and glittery diamond baubles. Makes me wonder are they wearing those dresses for modesty or infact it defeats the purpose. Whatever it maybe, it has led to much more arabization among muslims . And making it look fashionable ensures the young generation also prefers it , even if just on friday. I am wondering if sikhs should follow suit with their kurta pajame , as muktsari suit has become although i think its quite tight-fitting . What about baana ? but certainly baana without turban will look very weird. Challenge would be to attract sikhi youth to turban by modernizing it .
  5. A great book in English giving counterpoints to arguments made by Hindus - http://discoversikhism.com/sikh_library/english/sikhs_we_are_not_hindus.html Also if anyone wants to share any other arguments made by others we can give counterpoints if needed.
  6. Though I am getting spiritual with time but often my mind gets agitated seeing the present conditions and questions start coming up... Our present times are very dangerous considering the farms bills can literally wipe out sikh farmers economically in Punjab. Our elders are sitting on roads for past 4 months with over 350 dead when it was time for them to live relaxed life. But our enemies continue to thrive in positions of power. Leader who cheated us are leading good lives with sufficient wealth for several generations. You may say, akal purkh will do justice... But when our sikh get killed, and the killer lives a good life for many decades, questions start to come up.... This is not new. Over 100000+ fake encounters in Punjab during 80s, thousands dead, brutually murdered in 84 riots, lackhs dead during partition. All those politicians who did this are living as if they did nothing wrong and continue to life good work-family life in politics and family. In present times, our youth can only do labor jobs whether in indian or abroad. Shops even in India, are owned mostly non-sikhs while they employ security guards earning 8000 per month are sikhs. All major thiriving businesses are owned by non-sikhs... If in my personal life, I am facing issue. I am 32, and proudly tie turban, MBA by qualification and good enough personality..But even I am having hard time getting married to girl from good sikh family..Sometimes I wish had gone abroad, removed turban, had my hair cut, and would have easily got married by now like most of my friends...I wonder if I ever had a son, better if I cut his hair from start, else he will end up like me without any love life and like most turbaned and full beard boys who continue to suffer quietly... If akal purkh take care of their saints, why do innocent sikhs who pray daily and live life as per sikh ethos continue to suffer..
  7. Just posting this up to make it easier for sikhs to find out about how we are meant to celebrate Navratri and Dusshera. There is actually something similar for Diwali as well where Dasvin 10th Patshah actually uses the word 'Diwali'! Hopefully I will find it before Diwali. https://www.facebook.com/652447751445011/photos/navratri-and-dushera-are-days-to-do-shastra-puja-the-nine-nights-of-naurate-star/995158367173946/ Since this post contains content objectionable to some jathe, I guess you will need to lock this. However please at least leave this post up so sikhs know how to celebrate Navratri and Dusshera, and can see the historical quotes.
  8. This video illustrates notable female personalities across the globe where assorted topics are mentioned ranging from politics, career-paths, science, philosophy of Sikh heritage from a countless angles and breadth and depth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=husNH4RW-gQ Thank you. Best Wishes Guest MamTha3890
  9. ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖਾਲਸਾ ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫ਼ਤਹਿ This isn’t a promotion but I’ve been following the Sikhi Forums online and loved them. I’ve always looked for a platform which allows sangat to connect. I came across Discord and I didn’t think my effort of creating a space for the Sikh community would go far but within 5 days it gained 300 members so I wanted to invite some of those interested . Platform is to further extend the reach of Sikhi so we can spread and raise awareness of the ancient knowledge passed down by our Gurus, warriors, saints, and scholars. This server is part of my everlasting endeavour to create a large online community for Sikhs; not just one where educated Sikhs can have intellectual discussions, but also a place which those who are interested in learning more about Sikhi can rely on. Furthermore, this server acts as the ideal online hub to learn about Puratan Granths [pre-colonial literature] and Sikh literacy as a whole. This server also offers a ‘Kirtan’ channel where one can engross themselves in heart-warming Puratan Keertan, a ‘Katha’ channel where one can attain the extensive knowledge of the most learned Gianis and Vidvaans, a channel dedicated to sharing and discussing Puratan art/symbology, and many other accommodations. All in all, the discord server is your ideal place to share, learn, and indulge in all things related to Sikhi. Thanks to SikhSangat Forum for getting me into Sikhi! Discord Server is: https://discord.gg/swfPSJb ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖਾਲਸਾ ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫ਼ਤਹਿ
  10. As some of us know, that the past year Panth faced the losses of some gurmukhs, namely Bhai Nirmal Singh Khalsa, and then Baba Mohan Singh jee Bhindranwale. I wonder who is the current mukhi of the taksali jatha previously under Giani Baba Mohan Singh jee. More info on his jeevani other than the vague stuff on internet would be appreciated. What were his views on dharam yudh morcha? Was he at good terms with Sant Kartar Singh jee? (I would assume so, since his dastarbandi saw many mahapurkh gursikh jeevani sikhs in attendance) It is unfortunate so much of his katha and vichaaran are unrecorded.
  11. https://www.facebook.com/dailypostpunjabi/videos/426443298076537/ A prominent discussion on Politics and Panjabi topics, celebrities and other relevant subjects in the Panjabi Sikh community and diaspora.
  12. Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh to all sadh sangat. I'm proud to announce and make a statement to parents globally to teach kids in their early stages of childhood phase of life, the tools of cooking which are desired to be equipped with these sort of skillsets that will come handy when they nurture and evolve. Please go ahead and subscribe to my nieces channel for more video content material that is desired to be posted. Stick around and a have a glorious experience. Just a Small YouTuber who wants to enhance and polish her public speaking attributes. Here is the link: Sat Sri Akaal and stay calm and safe during Covid-19 global recession and outbreak. Dhaanvadh Ji.
  13. Sat Sri Akaal. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh. This video depicts and portrays the complications and hardships I've witnessed and experienced throughout my life. Moreover, I'm oblivious and wary about how majority of the sangat beholded and contemplated these issues during their schooling years and in a nutshell in life. I'm not solely the only one who underwent these problems and even in a working environment it is these prevalent situations where institutional racism occurs due to 9/11 attack on Twin Towers in a western nation. Therefore, this is just the commencing of my YouTube ventures which I will be willing to share publicly without any fear since I am direct and blunt personality. I would sincerely appreciate it with all gratitude if I can gain more Subscribers, Comments and share it widely to all your family, allies and relatives. For your interpretation to enjoy and view the video content. More videos will come soon. Who wants me to upload a Turban tutorial? As I am tactful and skillful in tying my joora without using the mirror by taking it an advantage or relying upon the mirror. Check out the video below: Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh. Sat Sri Akaal to all the sangat. Stay tuned. God Bless.
  14. I have full faith in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji as a Guru because Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave “Gaddi” to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. But, this belief is based upon the “Saakhi’s” stories, I heard from preachers and modern historians. They say Guru ji gave gaddi at Nanded (Hazur Sahib) in 1708. The point is where is ir written? In which authentic contemporary or old histoey books? Today by chance I came across the Punjabi and English Translation of “Gur Sobha” book by Senapati, a contemporary poet & historian in the court of Guru Gobind Singh Ji which suggests otherwise. I suggest everybody to read this book in Punjabi and English with translation which ever is convenient to you. Please read these pages particularly because they are eye opener. Especially Page no. 320, 21,22, 23. Here is the link for you to read and download book https://www.sikhinstitute.org/sri_gursobha.pdf On these pages it is very clear that Guru Ji did not give “Gaddi” to anyone; either to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji or Khalsa panth. I think we all should strive hard to know the truth about succession story from old history books like Gur Partap Suraj, Gur Bilas etc. and not believe in concocted stories by our preachers and so called modern historians.
  15. Guest


    Hi, I am a born Sikh, but the problem Is that my faith on sikhi is wavering. I keep thinking of other religions, like Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. I think it's the fear of hell. I don't know how to explain to but I think its seeing other people of other faiths being so confident in their religion unlike me with sikhi. Any help would be good, I don't like that I feel like this.
  16. How can one socialise in the United Kingdom while also being a true Singh? Im 16 and I almost always get looks and It feels like it's hard to make friends here. At one point I was thinking of trimming my beard and now that I look back at it, I realise how stupid I was. I don't want to loose my identity and all that the guru's taught us.
  17. @GurjantGnostic @californiasardar what do you think are the main differences in the way Sikhs are viewed in your country vs UK? over here, most of the older generations know something about Sikhs - not everyone for sure, some think we are Hindus or confuse us with Muslims (!) or Arabs(!) The USA has little connected empirical history with Sikhs and Sikh populations have been generally more spread out. Also, you have significant white convert population. Outside of educated types, do you think most Americans don’t know about Sikhs and if so, do they think when they we a turban it is a Muslim? serious question, as I know Sikhs have experienced significant hate crimes and murders in the US
  18. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/guru-nanak-birthday-why-a-frenchman-an-american-a-canadian-and-a-scot-became-sikh/articleshow/71918330.cms Sorry, the website doesn't allow me to copy & paste article
  19. Met remembers PC Karpal Kaur Sandhu, the first female Asian and Sikh police officer News • Feb 01, 2021 07:00 GMT https://news.met.police.uk/news/met-remembers-pc-karpal-kaur-sandhu-the-first-female-asian-and-sikh-police-officer-420121 [PC Karpal Kaur Sandhu] Today, Monday, 1 February, marks the 50th anniversary of PC Karpal Kaur Sandhu joining the Metropolitan Police as the first female Asian police officer in the UK serving from 1971 to 1973. To mark Karpal’s unique contribution to policing, the Met is holding a virtual event to remember her life and legacy. The event will be opened by Assistant Commissioner Helen Ball and will feature contributions from Tanmanjeet Singh ‘Tan’ Dhesi MP, the UK’s first turbaned Sikh MP, Paramjit Kaur Matharu, CEO of the Sikh Assembly, and Sikh officers from across the Met. Speaking about today’s commemoration event, Romy Sandhu, Karpal Kaur Sandhu’s daughter, has expressed her pride, saying: “I’m so proud of my mother, and her legacy as the UK’s first female police officer from an Asian and Sikh background. It’s wonderful that 50 years on she is remembered, and is an inspiration to generations of new female police officers joining the Met.” Assistant Commissioner Helen Ball, said: “PC Karpal Kaur Sandhu was a true pioneer and ahead of her time. I have no doubt that her decision to join the Met Police in 1971 was a brave one and she would have faced considerable challenges along the way. “As Britain's and the Met’s first Asian female officer, Karpal paved the way for so many others who have gone into policing since 1971. “Fifty years to the day after PC Sandhu joined the Met, I am pleased that we are able to remember her life, her career and the legacy she has left policing." Ravjeet Gupta, Chair of the Metropolitan Police Sikh Association, said: “Today, together with representatives from the Met’s Sikh Association, Met police officers and staff and the wider Sikh community, we remember Karpal’s special contribution to policing, as the UK’s first female Asian and Sikh police officer. ”Karpal was an invaluable ambassador for the Met who helped break down barriers with London's communities and will always be remembered for being a trailblazer of her time.” Karpal was born to a Sikh family in Zanzibar, east Africa, in 1943 and came to the UK in 1962, where she got a job as a nurse at Chase Farm Hospital. Karpal joined the Met in 1971 at the age of 27, where she served at Hornsey police station before moving to Leyton. At a time when there would have only been about 700 female officers in the Met, Karpal was both the first female Sikh and female Asian police officer in the UK. Writing in a report at the time, her Chief Superintendent said that she was “proving invaluable with our dealings with the immigrant population and she is also assisting other divisions in this work and also in teaching police officers Asian dialects.” He added that she was “energetic, intelligent and conscientious” and enjoyed playing hockey and driving. In November 1973, Karpal passed away in tragic circumstances. Sadly, the Met lost a promising officer who had a bright future. Today, 50 years on from PC Karpal Kaur Sandhu joining the Met, we remember her life and legacy with this special event.
  20. Guest

    Who were the Sikhs

    Hi everyone, I am trying to learn more about Sikhism and had a question about the explanation of the history prior to the founding of Sikhi. Who were the Sikhs before Guru Nanak established Sikhi? Were they Hindus/Muslims that then accepted Sikhi as their new way of life? Also I understand the concept of reincarnation, but does this mean that the cycle of reincarnation started for those people when they decided to follow the Sikh path? Thank you in advance.
  21. Guest

    GyanKhand Organization

    ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂਜੀਕਾਖਾਲਸਾਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂਜੀਕੀਫ਼ਤਹਿ! We would like to invite the sangat to the official ‘GyanKhand’ Discord Server. Like our Instagram page, Subreddit, and Soundcloud, YouTube, and other platforms, our aim with this platform is to further extend the reach of our content so we can spread and raise awareness of the ancient knowledge passed down by our Gurus, warriors, saints, and scholars. This server is yet another part of our everlasting endeavour to create a large online community for Sikhs; not just one where educated Sikhs can have intellectual discussions, but also a place which those who are interested in learning more about Sikhi can rely on. Furthermore, this server acts as the ideal online hub to learn about Puratan Granths [pre-colonial literature] and Sikh literacy as a whole. This server also offers a ‘Kirtan’ channel where one can engross themselves in heart-warming Puratan Keertan, a ‘Katha’ channel where one can attain the extensive knowledge of the most learned Gianis and Vidvaans, a channel dedicated to sharing and discussing Puratan art/symbology, and many other accommodations. All in all, the official ‘GyanKhand’ discord server is your ideal and fastest growing place to share, learn, and indulge in all things related to Sikhi. What we offer: 24/7 Live Kirtan 24/7 Live Katha 24/7 Live Gurbani Gurbani Santhya Learn Gurmukhi & Punjabi Events with various Parchariks Literature Discussions Support groups Book Clubs Watch others do live Kirtan Hope you join us! Link: https://discord.gg/PwmmkuX6Nd
  22. Cannot post the article as site won't let me, it's from October Read more at: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/78581067.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst Alternative link Online petition against Cllr Kamaljit Chana over Islamophobia By Adam Shaw @adamshaw41Local democracy reporter Cllr Kamaljit Chana https://www.harrowtimes.co.uk/news/18762459.online-petition-cllr-kamaljit-chana-islamophobia/ More than 6,000 people have signed an online petition calling on the Conservative Party to “take action” against a councillor who made Islamophobic comments. The petition, launched on change.org, asks Harrow Council and the borough’s Conservative Group to “expel” Pinner South ward councillor Kamaljit Chana from their organisations. As part of an employment tribunal against Dyson Technologies LTD, Cllr Chana, who worked as a senior technical project manager, was found to have made a string of offensive comments, including calling Muslims “violent”, discussing 9/11 and terrorism, and suggesting “Pakistani men are grooming our girls”. The case, heard by the Bristol Employment Tribunal, found in favour of an ex-Dyson employee, who resigned in 2018. The petition suggested Cllr Chana broke Harrow Council’s councillors’ code of conduct with his comments and called for an immediate investigation. It also urged the Conservative Party to “do more to stamp out all forms of discrimination as discrimination of any type cannot be tolerated in any part of society let alone from those who represent us as public servants”. The campaign follows condemnation of Cllr Chana’s actions from the Labour Party in Harrow and the Muslim Forum of Middlesex. Cllr Graham Henson, leader of Harrow Council, said: “I and the entire Labour Group believe that Islamophobia or any other form of discrimination has no place in Harrow. “We have raised (this issue) with the council’s legal officer, who will investigate as part of the councillor standards and complaints procedure.” And a letter from the Muslim Forum pointed out the incident was particularly upsetting given Harrow’s position as one of the most diverse areas in the UK. The Harrow Conservative Group said: “The first we heard of these allegations and the Tribunal decision was on Sunday morning (September 20) from reading the Sunday Times. “We take these allegations extremely seriously, we are investigating them and following due process. We will not hesitate to take firm action accordingly. We await publication of the tribunal judgement and we will scrutinise the ruling.” Following the result of the tribunal, Cllr Chana said he hopes Dyson consider an appeal, however, there is no evidence to suggest one will be lodged. He said: “As a British citizen, I expect everyone to follow the British values. This includes having mutual respect & tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. “There were discussions about factual news events which took place at that time. “I do not accept the behaviour of those who aim to destroy British values, via calculated horrendous events. Nor do I accept any support shown towards those who commit such acts. “My comments were not about whole community groups. This would be entirely unjust.” Dyson’s Automotive Function closed over a year ago and Dyson’s promotion process and internal HR processes were not found to be discriminatory by the tribunal. Dyson says that its internal disciplinary procedure upheld the discriminatory allegations made, except for the allegation of the anti-Muslim conversations. A year later, the Islamophobia was brought up to HR and serious disciplinary sanction, short of dismissal, was issued to Kamaljit Chana at the time in relation to bullying.
  23. I saw this good looking sikh guy pic on internet , i think on pinterest : but no name whatsoever
  24. "Why do Sikhs keep a traditional look by keeping Hair and Beard? Why are they not unto date with modern?" ----- This was a question asked to me by a Chinese 1 year ago and then a hindu replied "very good question". I have found the answer to this question finally, but first I want to hear what the SikhSangat.com forum has to reply if someone asks them the same question?
  25. I am a 28 year old Sikh girl. I used to drink alcohol but I quit, I used to eat meat but I quit. I feel bad eating animals now and I know in our religion it’s preferred I don’t eat meat. I have never ever treated someone unequally or have had ego problems. I do my work honestly and help the community. I have a soft heart. I just really regret some decisions I made before which makes me feel like I’ll be put in an endless cycle again. I lost my virginity before marriage and I’ve been regretting it everyday. I don’t know how I can make up for this or what I can do to better practice my religion. I’m always scared I will go to a bad place after death but I always try to be an honest person. Can someone please guide me and tell me what’s right or wrong. I couldn’t find the answer to this. I dont know if god will forgive me and I feel really bad doing these mistakes I did
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