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It is disgusting for me to see news articles, where there are reports of Sikh Bodies, including the official parliament of Sikhs - SGPC, requesting Indian President to interfere in the capital sentence of Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana, and grant clemency to him. But I have a very strong objection to the use of word – “Clemency”. Clemency means the forgiveness of a crime or the cancellation (in whole or in part) of the penalty associated with it. Hence, by asking for Clemency, these bodies are agreeing to the inferred statement that what Balwant Singh did was indeed a crime, which is absolutely not right. Instead, we are failing the great legend, who has stuck to his ground for last 7 years, that what he did was absolutely right; because Beant Singh was a murderer, and no less evil than the likes of Kony and Gaddafi. Beant Singh was responsible for overseeing the mass killing of Sikhs and was responsible for giving police officers such as KPS Gill (known as ‘The Butcher of Punjab’), SSP Sumedh Saini, SSP Mohammad Izhar Alam (leader of the infamous Black Cats) and others a free reign to run operations that deliberately targeted the civilian population of Punjab. The suicide operation conducted by Balwant Singh & Dilawar Singh put an end to a decade long period of State Organized killing of Sikh youths (almost 50,000 Sikhs were killed in fake ‘encounter’ killings, brutal torture, illegal detention, and mass rapes). What is even more inspiring, and mark of personal integrity and spiritual strength is that he has never asked Indian Government for Justice. He had even refused to hire a lawyer, because he does not believe in Indian Judicial System. He has openly called for the death penalty recognising it as the only form of justice available to him under the Indian legal system. And, is he irrational or wrong? No, because the State that organises and sponsors Sikh genocides to teach Sikhs a lesson, and rewards the Sikh mass murderers (read Sajjan Kumar, Jagdish Tytler) who were the perpetrators of the 1984 genocide, with plum government posts and state protection has absolutely failed in its duties towards its citizens, and is not worth asking justice for.
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- balwant singh
- rajoana
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A GLIMPSE INTO THE JEEVAN OF BHAI BALWANT SINGH JI RAJOANA ...translated from the spoken words of Sant Baba Ranjit Singh Ji Dhadrianwale during the special Diwaan on 20th March 2012 held in the name of Bhai Rajoana: “Bhai Balwant Singh Ji Rajoana...we must simply glimpse into their Jeevan and we will understand them. I recently met two Singhs that have spent time with Bhai Balwant Singh Ji in jail. I have known these Singhs for around 12 years. I used to encourage these Singhs to keep their Kesh and take the Amrit of Guru Gobind Singh Sahib Ji, but they felt they were not ready – although they would state they had an aim to be blessed with Amrit in the future. Circumstances were such that these two Singhs were imprisoned in the same jail as Bhai Balwant Singh Ji. They were sentenced for 3 months and spent most of this time with Bhai Balwant Singh Ji. They do not call Bhai Sahib ‘Balwant Singh’ but they refer to Bhai Sahib Ji as Baba Ji. Doing Sangat with Bhai Sahib Ji in jail for 3 months totally changed their Jeevan. They entered the jail as Manmukhs and came out as Gurmukhs. I asked them, ‘There are many Singhs in that jail who come out after completing their sentence the same as when they entered, but how did your Jeevan change?’ They replied saying, ‘We shall never remove our Dastaar now and never do Beadbi of our Kesh because we were blessed enough to have the opportunity to do Sangat of Baba Balwant Singh Ji’. So I asked them further, ‘Tell me what you found inspiring about Bhai Sahib Ji that led to such a drastic change in your Jeevan?’ Their reply was, ‘There are many types of prisoners within that jail that have committed all kinds of offences, but Baba Balwant Singh Ji is different from all, he is a Chardhi Kala Gurmukh who recites Gurbani 24-hours a day and does not let even one second, one breath pass without Naam.’ (Gurmantar Abhiyaas). It was Bhai Sahib Ji’s Chardhi Kala Jeevan itself that had inspired these two people to become Gurmukhs. I had this discussion with these two Singhs before Bhai Balwant Singh Ji was sentenced to death and I said to them, as I say now, Bhai Balwant Singh Ji is definitely a true Gursikh filled with Khalsa spirit. There is no doubt in this. Bhai Sahib Ji’s courage was proved later on when we heard their statement. Bhai Sahib Ji did a plea to the Jathedar of Akaal Takht that no appeal to pardon their hanging should be put forward as they shall not ask for forgiveness when there has been no wrongdoing, instead, they want to kiss the noose of death. This statement in itself will forever become an inspiration for the many generations to come...” - ENDS -
- balwant singh
- rajoana
(and 6 more)
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