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I think the bottom line is, people wanting to join religion these days is just the same reason people join gangs, they want to defend their beliefs with the option of violence, people who have grown up in fear or wanting protection seek out these groups to become protected. Sikhism is not a violent religion, we do not go out of our way to inflict pain or intimidation, only provoked or in danger may we think about something like that and because of that people feel they need to leave. These days people, whether it be in religion, careers, gangs, organisations all want to be part of a group, to follow the crowd forgetting that the true purpose of life is to become closer to God, this idea has been lost amongst a lot of people and only when it is too late will they realise. They want to feel protected under mere mortals forgetting the all powerful creator, God is the one whom we should be wanting to meet, he is the one whom protects us when we may not even know it, always looking over us. The world doesn't need violence, intimidation or fear, what is the point in ruling a planet of death? this Earth is nothing, it is fake, a mirage. The true kingdom is the one belonging to God, whom he is the supreme ruler, the ruler over everything in existence. Science has corrupted the minds of the people, whilst finding cures for illness and disease it has allowed them to find a reason not to believe in God, the human ego will lead to the destruction of the non believers of God, they don't want to believe that there is a higher power, they think the human race is the most intelligent and advanced race in all of existence. Their ego will be their ultimate undoing. This is what I say to my fellow Sikhs, concentrate on your connection with God, rally with the true believers of God for everyone else is lost unless they find belief in God by themselves. They only have to look around in nature, look down at the tiny insects whom forage for food amongst the grain of the Earth to the skies where the birds soar across the horizon to feel the power of God, how intricate in design life is. How every living creature has a purpose in relation to all life as a whole. Religion only shows you how to connect with God, the practical side of it is up to the person. Do not worry about the people who leave Sikhism, who join other religions or those who don't believe at all because it is in God's will that this is happening, praise Waheguru, love Waheguru and everything will be fine. Even if you feel lost, with no hope, everything around you seems to be falling apart, the only one whom can truly pick up the broken pieces of your life and construct a foundation for you to build your future, is God. God is everywhere all around us, his essence is embedded within all of creation, embedded within the universe. His power knows no limits, so do not seek out mere mortals for help, do not look for the aid of mortals to build your future, it is only God who can truly help you, help humanity as a whole. Peace