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Found 7 results

  1. Like the title say's really, Walsall Caldmore Gurdwara's committee decided they didn't want MLSS preparing food in the Gurdwara kitchen for the homeless, I just came across this today and to say i'm little lost for word's is an understatement, absolute disgrace. http://dailysikhupdates.com/walsall-caldmore-gurdwara-fire-stopping-langar-seva/
  2. https://m.tribuneindia.com/news/haryana/election-for-hsgmc-president-on-august-13-114328
  3. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh. I was just wondering (after spending some going through the pages of some Sikh Organisations/personalities on facebook and instagram) that what exactly does it take for a person to become a Sikh Parcharik. In the modern day, we have, sadly, limited young parchariks who are truly dedicated to Sikhi (in and out) and can set as role model to the panth themselves, especially the younger generations outside India. Anyway, I found many who do regular kirtan are not following rehat (not hating, no worries) even though they sing bani beautifully, while some camp organisers/helpers also do not seem to be following rehat. While they are doing sewa, the thing that made me ask about the requirements for a person to become a parcharik/start a sikh organisation or participate in committee is that: a few days ago, i was listening to katha and they mentioned about great parchariks (during Guru Arjan Dev Ji's time, if i am not wrong) who preached very beautifully to others but cried to guru ji because their life was very different from what they preached to people. So who can take up the sewa of parchar? Who should be handling Sikh Organisations and Committee, (or even Charities)?
  4. http://www.thirdsector.co.uk/charity-commission-appoints-interim-manager-sikh-temple-charity/governance/article/1422670
  5. On another thread someone posted this : <<<< Not denying but increasing from that point , we are allowed to sing His bani but why don't we ? and why do committee types freak out when it happens ? >>> It got me thinking, without it being a thread of just nindhya, what specifically are the kinds of rules and restrictions the committees of our Gurdwaras impose? 1. We know they pick up money that the sangat has donated to raggies - daylight robbery. 2. If raggies do parchar of Amrit and becoming Khalsa, many committees do not like this and will pull the raggies to one side and tell them not to do this kind of parchar on stage.
  6. Sangat Ji Vaheguroo Ji Ka Khalsa, Vaheguroo Ji Ki Fateh The corrupt Leamington Gurdwara Committee strikes again!! Not only has this committee been involved in ManMat and anti-sikh activities in the past, but now they have even cancelled the 'Why Guru?' Course planned for 12 weeks by Basics of Sikhi at Leamington Gurdwara Basics of Sikhi statement: Sadhsangat ji, as mentioned. Regretfully we've been informed by the Leamington Spa gurdwara that the 12 weeks English Katha programme has been postponed by the committee. Its nothing to do with us or Dharam Seva Records. We are very sorry for this. Its an internal committee issue. If you do attend there and know people on the committee it would be helpful if you explained to the committee members that Basics of Sikhi is a national parchar organisation and has nothing to do with local Gurdwara politics. Please share with your family and friends in Leamington. Kirpa ji. This corrupt committee and Masand-run Gurdwara has gone against the Panth yet again! Please spread this to create awareness and change to this corrupt committee!!!! Update your status, tweet and spread! This corrupt committee must be held accountable for its actions!!!
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