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Found 6 results

  1. Over 10k likes with lots of Muslims rejoicing. ... only for the Sikh to 'leave' Islam 5 minutes after Shows how genuine their 'street dawah conversion' videos are. They only like to intimidate non Muslims by giving an illusion that their numbers are rising, praying in public places and so on.
  2. I was recently watching videos of 2 so called young UK ex-sikh guys both seemed to have been groomed and brainwashed by muslim friends and peers that they hung around. They both didnt have a clue about the basics of Sikhi and both seem to come from a criminal or dysfunctional working class family environments. one from a mixed hindu/sikh parents family and other from domestic abusive family. From my observation back in the days Sikh guys especially the younger guys would not leave Sikhi for anything they were proud, tribal and confident in their religion even if they weren't practising or have much knowledge of it. Back in 80s and 90s Sikhs would fight muslim extremists in street battles when muslims tried to sexually abuse, groom and convert Hindu/Sikh females. But now since the early 2000's the era of the new media, 24/7 broadband and access to information, social media they are becoming alot more vulnerable to non-sikh propaganda sources questioning such things as meaning of life? what happens after death? and role religion has answering it. In india we have christian abrahamics grooming and trying to convert them on the sly. In the west we have atheist hedonist propaganda and muslims grooming and converting them on openly no longer just targeting females. I find alot more younger guys know alot more about other ideologies and researching those than researching their own. There is so much atheist and islamic propaganda talking about key issues that Sikh groups are not talking about in terms of faith. Basics of Sikhi was doing a great job until bhai jagraj Singh sadly passed away now there's no one left doing street parchar or even online parchar proper to guide the next generation in practicing their faith in working class urban environments.
  3. I've come across quite a few muslim girls ripe for conversion since they are only culturally muslim but hate practising the islamic faith. I need idea's how to get them to reject the arab abrahmic cult of islam and embrace sikhi. Also I want to help brahminwad hindu punjabi hindni's leave their stupid superstitious rituals and foolish idol worshiping ways and become sikh women and supporters of Khalistan. What in your views would be the best strategies to convert these 2 types of women any idea's?
  4. How would life change for you? for the better or worser? Seeing the increasing drive by muslims to convert non-muslim to islam by deception and sweet talk and not letting the freedom of muslims to leave islam. While other religions sit on the side lines apart from Christianity in pushing forward their agenda... what would happen to life as you know it under a muslim majority regime?
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