Why are Taksalis so against Nirvair Khalsa Jatha and Bhai Ranjit Singh? I don't follow any specific jathebandi or sampardas so I don't listen to parchar/kirtan with preconceived judgements based on the allegiance of a group. Based on the katha/vichaar I've heard from these guys, I never really saw anything wrong with what they were saying. In fact, they've spoken on issues that are currently hurting the sikh community like saint worship/derawaad, caste system, some sikh 'clergy' being no different than ancient religious elites, gurdwaras running as a business and etc. So what's the big deal strictly with their vichaar. I know there has been allegations on NKJ in the past but if that was the issue the people are protesting about right now, it would've happened a long time ago (which it did for a little bit I believe). So what's the deal right now?