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  1. I have heard and read this expression from atheist's who argue you don't need to follow a religion to know the difference between what is right or wrong thing to do or have morals. I would strongly disagree because: 1) Without a good religion (such as sikhi) you could be indoctrinated to follow some other ideology which could tell you its ok to commit murder, rape, robbery against the person who isn't from your group. 2) What is right in one religion/ideology can be wrong in another. E.g.slaughtering an animal in agnosing death then eating meeting its meat such as beef is perfectly fine in judaism/Islam. However in hinduism killing a cow is a sin and wrong and slaughtering animals inhumanely is wrong other non-abrahamic faiths. E.g Its wrong in islam to worship more than 1 God other than arab pagan moon God Allah however in hinduism it's not wrong and you can worship millions of Gods. 3) Evolution theory which atheists look too for existence of everything see's no right or wrong when it comes to genociding/extincting whole species/races of people. Because its the survival of the fittest if your group is not strong enough to out compete those who are trying to undermine or harm you then you do not deserve to exist as per the evolution theory. It is only a firm adherence to sort of civilized belief systems, a religion that has kept humanity from destroying each other to the point of existence as was the case when modern humans fought with other human species (such as Neanderthals) where eventually those others died off due to genocide.
  2. I have been thinking about this for a while and wanted to gage sangats opinion and understanding of whether evolution theory and Darwinism fits into Sikhi? The reason being I attended a presentation attended by 100+ post grad academics at GNG Leicester where at the museum the presenter launched into a tirade against evolution theory and how it was against Sikhism. I have never really heard a learned Sikh (I am presuming he is one considering GNG employee him) speak so strongly against a theory that is generally accepted in the scientific world. However - the individual did go on to speak against Nihang Singhs rehit etc and seemed to be disregarding the different groups and practices Sikhs follow... which lost the audience as most people in the room knew there were different rehits/Jathay... Nevertheless, his views against evolution in Sikhism where particularly strong.. Was he correct in enforcing such a view so strongly? Is evolution and sikhi completely incompatible?
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