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With maharajs apaar kirpa beant kirpa, I have been doing my nitnem and practicing to tie a dastaar and become vegetarian. I still can't properly tie a dastaar yet. I have been begging for Amrit for so long. Some days I feel so upset because I still haven't been blessed with Amrit. But I do manage console myself with telling myself to be patient and have trust. I really don't know but at this moment I feel my soul is dying without amrit or without maharajs bani. Any bani, keertan, simran that I recite, I feel it's not enough and I can't get over it. I just went to the gurdwara yesterday and I feel like running there back again. I will wait for maharaj to do his kirpa. Sometimes for paapi like me to walk on Maharaj's hukam is quite hard. I know maharaj has heard me and will definitely fulfil my one and only desire to take Amrit.
Nature is the biggest remedy in life. What do we mean by nature? In warm weathers getting a chair and sitting in the garden. In cold inside with a view out window. NOW here's the thing... To do this for 3 - 4 hours at least three times in a week! Can you manage? Will you get bored? (mobiles switched off). That is the point to be oness with nature. Many may have already complained "I do not do Gurbaani that much in one day. Am always on phone, internet or occupied with something, like gone Gurdwara." Yes I know how important Gurdwara is. BUT that besides the point have you ever taken out time to be one with nature? If you start off by sitting in silence for an hour 3 times a week this will be an excellent start. Then slowly increase on the hours. At first you may find it difficult and your mind will certainly run but let it. Let it run and go where ever (again, phones switched off OR do not pull out phone unless it rings and you know it's emergency). The aim is to look, feel and listen to the things around you. The birds whistling, the wind blowing on trees and flowers. Other sound whilst inhaling the nature's wind in you. By being inside/ warm place the same thing can be managed. If you see leaves being blown see it and feel the leaves in direction it's being blown. If you hear birds try and whistle in their tune or just hear them "Speak," who knows? Maybe you'll learn to speak all types of birds over time? NOW HOW DOES THIS AFFECT SIKHI!? It should affect ALL types of people but let's see benefits of this practice. The mind calms down. See? We humans are full of business, hyper, "Got to do something" attitude that we forget about patience and calmness. Sikhi talks about patience and calmness (in relationship Sikhs must avoid anger). The same principles apply if one takes out time to do Gurbani/ Simran. Regular Nitnem and Prayers help immensely to improve on life too. BUT what happens after we're finished for the time being? Can we sit waiting for a train with patience? Or do we have to pull out mobile/ laptop or whatever hi-tech? Can we sit for thirty minutes on the sofa, contemplating on life, or do we have to flick through the TV? Obviously, since am writing this on net am clearly not against these Hi tech gizmos, but I think we need to ask ourselves, "Have we ever spent a few hours each day where our minds were not occupied with something? Was I impatient the way I reacted? Was I overthinking/ impatient with a situation?" THIS patient and calmness is dealt with being nature, whereas Regular Nitnem/ Simran will deal with Kaam, krodh, lobh, moh and Ahankaar. Who knows? Maybe I am writing all this out of ego? For attention "OH! Look at me Sikho! I have something important to say! Hun meri jai jai kro!" See? the mind opens up in a different perception. SO why is patience important? With patience krodh problem can be sorted. NOT "My kids are naughty I'll scold them" that is showing angry so your kids behave. Krodh can be where you beat your kids to the point of battering them black and blue OR where your calm on the outside but in your mind you picture repeatedly stabbing someone with a knife or axe... SOME may know what am on about and the physical impact it has on the body, causes tension and makes room for a disease. AND the first thing Sikhi will teach is Daya (Compassionate). By being in nature insects may come on your arm, leg or hand. You automatically feel happy that a creature is on you. You have to gently get it off you and put it down so when you get up and go inside it does not follow you OR you worry you may hurt/ kill it but you feel the need to inspect it for a few minutes before letting it go. All in all you are training your mind in the art of calm stillness. If your mind and body is still YOU are still. You learn to be still, the wait and understanding the importance of wait. You can do Business and think "Well, I tried hard on my part if it happens it happens." Maybe you have an exam coming where you frustratingly go through revision notes. You feel the heat on your most hated subjects, you cannot concentrate AT! ALL!? Instead by practising nature and revising, you will smile and learn it form a calm perspective even the things you do not understand... (PLEASE NOTE, don't mistake this for being too calm and not studying, thinking if I get a high grade it'll happen) - YOU have to still try hardest on your part, your full potential. Only difference, are you studying with a calmness or frustration?? When your doing prayers it'll be with a focus ON he prayers and the mind does not wander. OF COURSE! Doing prayers with a focus IS the key... By practising to be in nature EIGHTY PERCENT of your mind will be in focus when doing anything, include Prayers. The rest of the twenty percent is kirpa that you can now focus on any task with efficiency, calm, stillness and FOCUS!