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  1. https://youtu.be/eDARO9-rKpQ
  2. For the sangat who have trouble understanding Punjabi and only can understand a couple of words (I am like this) SGGS Academy does good simple punjabi Katha. Here is Katha of Nanak Parkash (The Biggest Janamsakhi about Guru Nanak's Life) https://m.soundcloud.com/sggs-academy/sets/katha-sri-nanak-perkash
  3. In what seems to be a horrible and shocking case of beadbi and misplacement of our holy SGGS , it has been learnt that there's a pandit in a village named 'Saiyyad Raja' near karam naasa river in Uttar pradesh who is keeping two puratan hand-written saroops of SGGS in a cupboard in a dirty tiny room in which he also has his father's samaadh and says he does puja regularly. However the dingy room is present in a place where he ties his cattles and goes to defecate and the place is so dirty, full of cowdung , etc. Its horrifying. And to even consider that these saroops are atleast 300 - 400 yrs old and apparently written by Guru Teg Bahadar sahib with own hands. The first video shows a solo singh discreetly recording the place and the saroops which are bound in white cloth and has just an old rumala on them. The singh says the bir sahib is very heavy and he's unable to open it . Besides the pandit might not have allowed him . In the second video , we see 4-5 singhs of satkar committee who visit the place and do ardas. Also its mentioned that the bir is starting to get infested by insects. Hence maybe an urgent intervention is required by us. What do you guys think ? If this is really true, then we're really dead inside then, aren't we ? Our beloved Guru's saroop is lying there in dirt and dung , and we who rain money in our weddings and lewd songs cannot afford to bribe this pandit guy and get out SGGS saroop back ? (BTW this bribing idea is personally mine, not that of any other singh) VID-20191219-WA0011.mp4 VID-20191221-WA0002.mp4
  4. Guest

    greeting Guru ji

    Hi Redoptics posted this link on another thread: https://www.sikhiwiki.org/index.php/Bhai_Nand_Lal_Rahitnama What I found particularly interesting was this bit: The Sikh desirous of Guru’s Darshan,Should go and have the Darshan of Granth Jee,(14)After ablution early in the morning,he should judiciously undertake its three circumambulation,(15)DohiraWith folded hands he should be seated, seeking my audience,And after paying obeisance to Guru Granth Jee, listen to the celestial exposition.(16) I just thought it was an interesting (somewhat lost?) tradition to make three circumambulations of SGGS. Is this still done anywhere?
  5. I asked same question to some gursikh and he said "Gurbaani was heard by our gurus and bhagats in a deep meditative state, and then they wrote it down" Is it true ?
  6. Someone told me Guru sahibs used to meditate very deeply and they would hear gurbani verses in deep meditative state. But we also know Guru Arjan dev ji recited much of baani to Bhai Gurdas ji . So if it was coming as a continuous , uninterrupted stream from Waheguru, how would Bhai Gurdas ji have written so fast . Also Bhai ji would have required to ask Guru sahibs of lagha maatras in gurmukhi when scribing gurbani. Is there any document on how it all happened ?
  7. Pehla Prakash of Sri Guru Granth Sahib. 10th September 2018. A nice shabad to commentate this event:
  8. Guest

    Soordaas Baani

    Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!Daas has been going around the internet for a while, and is very confused about Bhagat Soordaas and His Baani in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.I have read that Bhagat Soordas Ji only has 1 line in SGGS:ਛਾਡਿ ਮਨ ਹਰਿ ਬਿਮੁਖਨ ਕੋ ਸੰਗੁ ॥But I also read that line may be Kachi baani, and the Soordas Shabad Written By Guru Arjan Dev Ji (According to the Mehla) was actually written by Bhagat Soordaas Ji:ੴ ਸਤਿਗੁਰਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ॥ ਸਾਰੰਗ ਮਹਲਾ ੫ ਸੂਰਦਾਸ ॥ ਹਰਿ ਕੇ ਸੰਗ ਬਸੇ ਹਰਿ ਲੋਕ ॥ ਤਨੁ ਮਨੁ ਅਰਪਿ ਸਰਬਸੁ ਸਭੁ ਅਰਪਿਓ ਅਨਦ ਸਹਜ ਧੁਨਿ ਝੋਕ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ ਦਰਸਨੁ ਪੇਖਿ ਭਏ ਨਿਰਬਿਖਈ ਪਾਏ ਹੈ ਸਗਲੇ ਥੋਕ ॥ ਆਨ ਬਸਤੁ ਸਿਉ ਕਾਜੁ ਨ ਕਛੂਐ ਸੁੰਦਰ ਬਦਨ ਅਲੋਕ ॥੧॥ ਸਿਆਮ ਸੁੰਦਰ ਤਜਿ ਆਨ ਜੁ ਚਾਹਤ ਜਿਉ ਕੁਸਟੀ ਤਨਿ ਜੋਕ ॥ ਸੂਰਦਾਸ ਮਨੁ ਪ੍ਰਭਿ ਹਥਿ ਲੀਨੋ ਦੀਨੋ ਇਹੁ ਪਰਲੋਕ ॥੨॥੧॥੮॥When I was looking around the net, I saw that people said that Bhai Baano had inserted Kachi Baani into the Banno Bir (Mirabai, Soordas, etc.)I never understood what Kachi Baani was inserted, so I went online again and looked at some Puratan Saroops of Guru Granth Sahib Ji and I found this:It looks as if there is a whole shabad to the 1 line that is attributed to Bhagat Soordas Ji. I attempted to type it up:ਛਾਡਿ ਮਨ ਹਰਿ ਬਿਮੁਖਨ ਕੋ ਸੰਗੁ ॥ ਕਹਾਭਏਪੀਪਾਂਇਪੀਆਏਬਿਖਨਤਜੈਭੁਇਅੰਗ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ ਕਾਂਗਾਕਾਹਕਪੂਰਚੁਗਾਂਏਸੁਆਨਨਵਾਇਐਰੰਗ ॥ ਖਰਕਉਕਹਾਅਗਰਕੋਲੇਪਨੁਮਰਕਟਭੂਖਨਅੰਗ ॥੧॥ ਪਾਹਨਪਤਿਤਬਾਨਨਬੇਧੇਰੀਤੇਹੋਇਨਿਖੰਗ ॥ ਸੂਰਦਾਸਓਇਕਾਰੀਕਮਰੀਚੜਤਨਦੂਜੇਰੰਗ ॥੨॥੧॥ Can anyone explain what is happening here? Is the shabad typed above Kachi Baani? Is the Soordas Shabad that starts with "ਹਰਿ ਕੇ ਸੰਗ ਬਸੇ ਹਰਿ ਲੋਕ ॥" actually written by Bhagat Soordas Ji instead of Guru Arjan Dev Ji?
  9. Does anyone have access to the Sant Singh Khalsa translation of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji in text file format? Not pdf, doc, or anything else; just in .txt. I understand it is available, because a few of the major Gurbani apps use it as the source for their texts.
  10. PLZ READ ALL & I am not against any1, 1 wud say u have not experienced gurbani but are only taking it conceptually,this is not right..plz we need to get the facts right & known.... its like my q. Is "history of sikh scriptures" by proper resources..thats it no more no less..also plz i dont want to make any1 disbelieve rather.there's a line b/w 2....... iit irks me in my mind thinking that during British Raj . & during mahants,there could have been potential adding or deleting of our Scriptures.or even hiding them.... also do all Sikh jathebandis agree on " 1430 angs bir" of today...is sggs exactly the same ( not angs but bani wise & shudhta wise) like 300 yr old original ones.....? Only for info purpose,no disrespect, no controversy. Is kirre nu muaf karna ji. Sri akaal sahai!
  11. The Dasam Granth states: 'Humanity is one, although in appearance it differs.' This is in direct contrast to the notion that humanity is one, but some portions of it is more superior than others due to certain beliefs and principles which it holds. Here is an example, the Koran states: 'the only religion acceptable to Allah is Islam...' We see a similar case with other religions as well. The basic crux of such ideologues are based on the notion that it is entirely feasible, and pragmatically possible to achieve an Utopia, which we now know is nothing more than sheer imbecility. What are some counter arguments which can be used against this jaundiced view of selected nation/faith etc?
  12. Khalsa Ji, The English book 'Sikh religion and Hinduism' has been uploaded to scribd.com. The late Gurbachan Singh M.A. London has written an analysis of the Vedas and the subsequent ancient Sanskrit scriptures. The author draws on western scholars, references from SGGS, and SDG to highlight Guru Ji's view of the ancient scriptures. This book can be read/downloaded: www.scribd.com/mokhamsingh On the same scribd page, the Punjabi book 'Hum Hindu nahin' {I am not Hindu} by Kahn Singh Nabha can be read/downloaded. The author puts the case forward, very brilliantly, that Sikhs are not Hindus. Waheguru.....
  13. Guest

    Saroop In Darbar Sahib

    wjkk wjkf, Does anyone know the origins of the saroop of SGGS installed in the main hall in Darbar sahib? Is it Handwritten and if so, by who? Is this saroop from Guru's time? Bhul chuk maaf
  14. To me there is no difference , yes I don't do chavar or prakash/sukhasan of my laptop but I try to read as much as I can along with translations - but in the end its the same Shabad guru - physical saroop or pdf , IMHO key is to incorporate the lessons in our day to day life - taki " halat palat mukh ujjal hoye " - we are saved in this life and hereafter. Share your thoughts
  15. 15 tuks to live your life by - Dos - 1. Sabsai upar gur shabad beechar || and Gyan Vihoona Kath KathLoojhei || Strive to cotnemplate on guru's word all the time , read as much SGGS as possible with understanding of the meanings (not mere recitation) 2. Ghal Kamaye kich Hatthon Deh || and Mithya Tan Nahin Parupkari || We should earn honestly and share the extra with the needy - should do a dasbandh of both money and time. 3. Mithat Neevin Nanaka Gun Changyaiya Tat || and Nanak fikke boliye tan man fikka hoye|| Always speak softly to all - regardless of their caste ,skin color, gender or social status. 4. Soora so pehchanieye jo lare deen ke het || and Bhai kahu ko det neh Bhai maanat Aan. Staty fearless, be physically fit, practise martial arts and be prepared to fight for your own rights and those of others. 5. Jo Nar dukh main dukh nahee maney | Kanchan Maati Jaane || and Jinhee Pashhatha Hukam Thinh Kadhae N Rovana Remain equanimous through happy and sad times - don't rejoice too much in good times and dont complain too much in bad ones. 6. So kyo manda Akhiye Jit Jamme Raajaan || and Har prabh mere Babla har devo Dan Meh Dajho || Equality of men and women and rejection of dowry (root cause of female infanticide) and grand weddings. 7. Mithya Tan Nahin Parupkaari Use your body as a charitable vehicle - Donate blood while alive and pledge organ donation. Bhai Satwant Singh and Kehar Singh (who put Indra to justice) - their last wish was that there organs be donated - even in their death they wished life for others. 8. Suniye Dukh paap Ka Naas || Listen to as much Gurbani as possible in guru's oradined Raag .... Dont's - 1. Jaat Ka Garab Na Moorakh Gavaraa || and Sa Jaat Sa Paat hai jehe karam Kamaye || Drop your castist last name - don't claim belonging to any castist group , not even of your ancestors , when some asks you your got - answer with "our ancestors were lowest of low castes , now we are sikhs and hence have no caste" . 2. Haq paraya Nananka Us Sooar Us Gaay || Earn with the sweat of your brow - with honest means and never desire something that is not rightfully yours. 3. Nanak Mangan Jhakhna Dukh Chad Mangiye Sukh | Dukh Sukh Doye Kapre pehre jaye manukh || Instead of demanding material things from Guru such as health, money , job etc, try to culitvate a realtion of love. 4. Sagan upsagan tis ko laage jis har cheet na aave || and Jab AApan Aap Ur Dhare To Sagan Apsagan kaho kaha veechare || Complete rejection of all kinds of veham bharam - jotish, sagan apsagan , vastu, palmistry, kala jadu, bhoot, vart pret etc. 5. Paathar lai poojei mukh mugadh Gavaar | oh jo aap doobat tum kaha taaranhar No Matha Tek to Photos / Idols. 6.jith peethai khasam visarai dharageh milai sajaae || and kabeer bhaaNg maachhulee suraa paan jo jo paraanee khaaNhi. tirath barat naym kee-ay tay sabhai rasaatal jaaNhi No usage of alochol or other intoxicants. 7. ਪਰ ਤ੍ਰਿਅ ਰੂਪੁ ਨ ਪੇਖੈ ਨੇਤ੍ਰ ॥ AND Gurmat Ridey Garrebi Aavey | Par nari de ner na jaave || Complete fidelity in Marriage - both man and woman do not look at anyone else lustfully - Let me know your thoughts .
  16. Gurpreet14 once posted the pdf , I need it let me know if anyone has it - better still , upload it in response to this post . Greatful in advance !
  17. weird question i know but when does a book become ~SGGS? In the printing process where does it start full to full cover printed of SGGS become SGGS, or where the paper comes from or how the ink is manufactured, or one word of gurbani or a sentence or a ang? we have bani on t shirts etc everything now adays also reading this site http://srec.gurmat.info/srecpublications/aboutcompilationofsrigurugranthsahib/appendix2/ makes the guru sound like composing adi granth and bring together records and compositions but calls SGGS the book and records which makes it sound like only the fully printed copy(or maybe even handwritten copy) of SGGS is valid
  18. With Guru Maharaj's Apaar Kirpa the Akal Design team is proud to announce iGurbani for iOS devices. This app requires no internet connection and contains all of the Sikh Scriptures. The focus of this app is to allow the user to accurately read the shabads from the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji following a revolutionary style of showing the vishraams. Instead of commas and other punctuation the vishraams are highlighed in a specific color. PLEASE NOTE: Since the Gurmukhi is from a new source and the database has been rebuilt from the ground up there are some errors that we could not catch during development. We are going to rely on the Sangat to help us identify and correct those errors. Scriptures 1. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji 2. Sri Dasam Granth Sahib Ji 3. Bhai Gurdas Ji Vaaran 4. Bhai Nand Lal Ji Translations ENGLISH - Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa - Bhai Manmohan Singh Ji OTHER TRANSLATIONS - SGGS Darpan (Prof. Sahib Singh Ji) - Bhai Manmohan Singh Ji - Faridkot Teeka VISHRAAM - Baba Darshan Singh Ji (Mallehwal) - Baba Jaswant Singh (Bhagat Ji) For more information please visit http://www.igurbani.com/about. CURRENT STATUS: The app has been submitted to the Apple App Store and is currently Waiting for Review.
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