Vaheguru jee ka khalsa,
Vaheguru jee kee fateh!
This is an open invitation to all sangat to the Toronto Gurmat Class. We all know that the youth are in dire need for english parchar so they can learn more about Sikhi and this class has been doing just that for almost 20 years. Alot of sangat still does not know about this class including some of the Dixie Gurduara committee.
We would really appreciate if you could please do ardaas for the class and chardi kalaa and get more sangat to come out.
The one and only thing you have to do is share our website, facebook and youtube pages with your friends.
Guru Sahib Jee is watching us all and our actions I hope you will show him you care.
Bhul chuk maaf karnee!
Vaheguru jee ka khalsa,
Vaheguru jee kee fateh!