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- Scientists are concerned that the allowable levels of toxic PFAS - known as "forever chemicals" - in UK drinking water are too high. A BBC study found PFAS levels exceeded European safety levels in almost half of the samples taken. However, none exceeded the current UK safety level. The chemicals are in many products such as non-stick pans, food packaging, carpets, furniture, firefighting foam. They have been linked to a range of diseases, including cancer. Guidelines from the UK Drinking Water Inspectorate state drinking water must contain PFAS chemicals at no more than 100 nanograms per litre (ng/l). Above that, action must be taken to reduce levels. Working with Greenwich University, the BBC took 45 tap water samples. Laboratory analysis found that none exceeded the 100ng/l level. But 25 samples did contain PFASs, and four had levels that exceeded 10ng/l, which, under the current guidelines, means local local healthcare professionals must be consulted, and levels monitored. And almost half of the samples exceeded the European Food Standards Agency tolerable limit of 2.2ng/l. Professor Roger Klein, a chemist and PFAS expert, said: "The significance of your results, even though they're small, is that it underlines that this stuff is everywhere and that it's in drinking water. "It's ridiculous that the UK Drinking Water Inspectorate has a level of 100ng/l before action is taken." Rita Lock-Caruso, Professor of toxicology at the University of Michigan, also said the results raised a potential health concern: "We're finding health effects at lower and lower concentrations - in the single digits." Research has found the most common PFAS chemicals, PFOA and PFOS, have probable links to high cholesterol, ulcerative colitis, thyroid disease, testicular cancer, kidney cancer, and pregnancy-induced hypertension. There is particular concern about the effect on children. Professor Philippe Grandjean, of Harvard University, said: "A woman may build this up in her body and when she gets pregnant, she shares that with her foetus. She eliminates part of her body burden into her milk. So, the next generation will get a huge dose, and the baby may end up having up to 10 times as much PFAS in the blood as her mother has." The US is considering reducing its regulatory level, from 70ng/l. "We are beginning to think that there's no such thing as a safe level and we want them to be as low as possible, because water is not the only source of exposure," said former head of the National Institute of Environmental Sciences, Linda Birnbaum. However, there is little public data about its presence or impacts in the UK.
Drinking the purest water which is free from toxic chemicals is what we should all be doing, but sadly this isn't the case. People in the West Midlands and other areas have had their water supplies compromised with Fluoride which is an industrial waste byproduct. Fl is a potent neurotoxin,carcinogen, endocrine disruptor. Even in non-fluoridated areas, tap water is laced with toxins like Al, Pb, Cl, Hg, As, pesticides, PCBs, aromatic hydrocarbons, pharmaceuticals etc. So what are the solutions? 1. The best thing to do, if you are able to, is to collect water from a natural spring. e.g. Or dig a well in your garden (the initial cost is outweighed by the low running costs and within 1 year it becomes a lot cheaper than buying mineral water, so it is an investment worth considering). 2. The next best option is to buy mineral water with the lowest TDS and which doesn't contain fluoride. Use this database The only downside is that the water is packaged in plastic but this is the only negative -the best one based on the water analysis is Tesco Ashbeck Water. Mineral water packaged in plastic, is much better than tap water and even filtered water which does not remove all toxins and may also leach chemicals from the membranes/materials used. However, pure, unfluoridated mineral water packaged in glass is better, i.e. Waitrose Deeside water, since plastic bottles can leach chemicals into the water. The downside of the glass water is the price and availability, so most people will have to buy the Tesco Ashbeck water which has virtually the same composition/analysis as the Waitrose Deeside water...the only difference being the packaging. So in summary, ideally one would source water from a pure natural spring or from a well- this is the best water to drink. If not, then buy the purest mineral water (using the water analysis database) and if you can afford it prefer glass over plastic bottles. Avoid tap water wherever you live, even for cooking/boiling purposes and avoid drinking filtered tap water. You can also consider getting a filter for your baths/showers to at least reduce some of the chemicals you may otherwise be absorbing through the skin. Hope this helps people.
For more than 50 years, the Central Govt has made Panjab give away more than 50 percent of its river water, for free, to the non riparian states of Rajasthan, Haryana and Delhi. And it has costed Panjab more than 20 lakh crore rupees (£200 billion pounds). Today only 20 per cent of Panjab's water needs are being met by its own river water. In this film, Pritam Singh Kumedan, an expert and advisor to the Panjab Govt on riparian water issues, reveals, in an interview with UNITED SIKHS, how Panjab can stop giving away this water for free. Will the politicians, who Panjab is voting for on 4th Feb 2017, ensure that Panjab does not give away its water to non-riparian states anymore?
Are these things scared of water? If so, why? And of a God's name? Would paat be too much to handle for them?
VaheguruJiKaKhalsa VaheguruJiKiFateh Hai JI VaheguruJiKaKhalsa VaheguruJiKiFateh Hai JI! Khalsa JI, anyone that believes in the Sarbloh Bibek and practices it daily, please could you enlighten me, I know some of the divinde Maryada, but not all. Please show how to keep bibek, what is needed etc Baisiclly the dummies guide to Sarbloh Bibek Daas, VaheguruJiKaKhalsa VaheguruJiKiFateh Hai JI VaheguruJiKaKhalsa VaheguruJiKiFateh Hai JI
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