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I clicked these pics is December 2021. Found this right on the side of the main inner entrance at Darbar Sahib, Amritsar. Seems to be a picture of a Yogi. Looks totally out of place and suspicious. Would be grateful if anybody who knows the "why", "how", and "when" of this, could share their knowledge. Thanks!
- Warning: This article contains descriptions of sexual assault BBC journalist Ishleen Kaur was a passionate yoga teacher with Sivananda, one of the biggest yoga movements in the world, until a disturbing social media post led her to uncover multiple allegations of sexual abuse spanning decades, right up to the present day. Since I discovered yoga in my mid-20s, it had become a huge part of my world. Like many devoted yogis, it was not just an exercise class for me, but a way of life. I didn't just teach classes at my local Sivananda centre, I volunteered to cook and clean there too. Sivananda teachings influenced every aspect of my existence. But then in December 2019, I received a notification on my phone. It was a post in my Sivananda Facebook group about the movement's late revered founder, Swami Vishnudevananda. A woman called Julie Salter had written that Vishnudevananda had sexually abused her for three years at the Sivananda headquarters in Canada. She wrote that when she finally found the strength - decades later - to report this to the Sivananda management board, "the reactions ranged from silence, to the attempt to silence". I have now interviewed 14 women who allege abuse at the hands of senior Sivananda teachers, many of whom have not spoken about this to family and friends, let alone made it public. I have also spoken to a former staff member who says her concerns were not addressed by the Sivananda board. My investigation has exposed claims of an abuse of power and influence within the organisation I once held so dear. I vividly remember my first day at the Sivananda ashram in Kerala, southern India, where I trained as a yoga teacher in 2014. On the wall was a magnificent photo of Swami Vishnudevananda, Sivananda's late founder, and the man Julie would go on to expose. His teachings were so powerful that many yogis renounced all worldly connections and dedicated their lives to the organisation. I could understand why. I was going through a very challenging time and Sivananda gave me a new-found peace. The asanas - or postures - gave me physical strength; Sivananda's principles of karma, positive thinking and meditation nourished my soul. IMAGE COPYRIGHTISHLEEN KAUR image captionIshleen at the Sivananda ashram in Kerala In 2015 I married a man who was living in London. I felt daunted by the idea of moving to be with him there, until I discovered there was a Sivananda centre in Putney, not far from our new home. My husband would joke that the centre was my first love, not him. IMAGE COPYRIGHTISHLEEN KAUR image captionIshleen on the stage at a Sivananda demonstration Two months after Julie Salter's Facebook post, two Sivananda board members flew in from Europe to talk to the Putney staff. I hoped they would answer at least some of the many questions I had swirling around my head. But their response was vague, and they seemed defensive during the Q and A that followed. I knew I would have to speak to Julie myself. Originally from New Zealand, Julie was 20 and travelling in Israel when she first came across the teachings of Sivananda. She quickly became immersed in the life of the movement, and in 1978, moved to its headquarters in Canada. Vishnudevananda was based there and Julie was asked to become his personal assistant, something she initially regarded as a privilege. IMAGE COPYRIGHTJULIE SALTER But she says her schedule was brutal. She worked from 05:00 until almost midnight, seven days a week - all without pay. She says Swami Vishnudevananda became unpredictable, often shouting at her. "So of course, my own boundaries were getting more and more weakened," she tells me. And then events took a darker turn. One day when Julie was working in Vishnudevananda's house, she found him lying down listening to devotional tapes. He asked her to lie down next to him. When Julie said she didn't understand what he wanted, he told her: "Tantra yoga" - a yoga practice which has become associated with spiritual sex, but simply means working towards spiritual enlightenment through deep relaxation. Nevertheless, Julie says Vishnudevananda had only ever referenced it in theoretical terms, during a lecture. "I said: 'I don't understand,' and despite everything in my body and mind saying, 'No', I did lay down. And then there was the sexual contact. And then after that, I was downstairs again, working, and in total shame - and everything else - anguish, self blame, guilt." Julie says she was coerced into various sexual acts, including penetrative sex, for more than three years. The guru-disciple relationship, known in yoga as the guru shishya parampara, is an unspoken agreement that the follower will surrender to the guru's wishes. She now considers Vishnudevananda's actions to have been rape, as her position made her ill-equipped to consent given the "power dynamics" at play.e va "I was quite isolated, I was living on the other side of the world from family, anything I knew in the past. I was financially dependent on the organisation." I then spoke to two women who had responded within minutes to Julie's Facebook post, alleging Vishnudevananda had abused them too. Pamela told me Vishnudevananda raped her during a retreat in 1978 at Windsor Castle in London, as she was lying in a deep state of relaxation, known in yoga as corpse pose. Lucille says he raped her three times during the mid '70s in the Canadian ashram. She says the first two times she naively justified it as tantric yoga, but the third time he gave her money and she felt "like a prostitute". Vishnudevananda died in 1993 but it took Julie another six years to find the strength to leave the organisation. Her only hope is that, by speaking out now, she can save others from suffering in the way that she did. Because as I was to discover, Vishnudevananda may have died, but the abuse of Sivananda devotees did not die with him. Julie's Facebook post had opened a floodgate. I've since spoken to 11 women who have made serious allegations against two other Sivananda teachers, one of whom the BBC believes is still active in the organisation. Among the shocking allegations is an account by Marie (not her real name), who says she was groomed by one teacher - who we can't name for legal reasons - over a number of years. She says she was really confused when their relationship became sexual but felt she had no choice but to go along with it. After more than a year without any sexual contact from him, she remembers one occasion when he came into her room uninvited. Silently, he got on top of her, penetrated her, ejaculated, and left without saying a word. Five other women have told me that this same man sexually abused them. They don't know each other but their stories all follow a similar pattern of grooming and assault. Catherine (not her real name), was just 12 years old, and attending a Sivananda children's camp in Canada in the '80s when she said the teacher first took a sexual interest in her. She says the man would massage her and touch her bottom. When she was 15, he began touching her more explicitly, grabbing her between her legs and touching her breasts. She says the last time he assaulted her she was 17. She was taking a nap and woke up to find him on top of her. She left the organisation that day. Another complainant says she was assaulted by the same man as recently as 2019. We contacted this man and offered him the opportunity to respond, but he has failed to address the allegations we have put to him. The BBC understands he is still actively involved in Sivananda in India, although the organisation denies this. The other teacher accused of abuse is Maurizio Finocchi, also known as Swami Mahadevananda. I have spoken to eight women about their allegations against him. One of them, Wendy, was working as Mahadevananda's personal assistant in the Canada headquarters in 2006. One of her jobs was to print out his emails and take them to his cabin. On the day in question, he called her to bring the emails and his breakfast through to his bedroom where he was sitting up in bed. As she handed him a tray, she says he grabbed her arm and flipped the sheet back, under which she realised he was masturbating. She says he then ejaculated onto her arm. "And I just remember feeling that I was almost not human to him. I was really a means to an end." Wendy says if women approached senior staff to report worrying - and in some cases, criminal - behaviour, the staff would cast it in the framework of a spiritual teaching called "guru's grace". "If something was problematic or confusing - and I'm talking about even administrative things… but certainly around sexual relations and questionable relationships - you'd be told: 'No, the fact that you're having a problem is actually 'guru's grace'. "As in you're being taught some kind of a valuable lesson." We contacted Mahadevananda to offer him the opportunity to respond to the allegations, but our request went unanswered. The BBC has, however, seen a copy of an email he sent to a lawyer who has been crowdfunded by a Sivananda community Facebook group, called Project Satya, which I became a member of. In the email he apologises for what he calls his "misdeeds", and promises to "endeavour not to do it again". Another thing I wanted to understand was, how much of this did Sivananda's management already know? Julie tells me she finally found the strength to report her abuse in 2003 when she attended a meeting with a member of the Executive Members' Board (EBM) - the board created by Vishnudevananda to act as Sivananda caretakers after his death. She says that board member was Swami Mahadevananda. "We were there for a while, but basically he acknowledged that he had known about it for years." Swami Mahadevananda is one of the other teachers who faces sexual abuse allegations - but at the time Julie didn't know this. Julie says she told four more board members about her allegation over the next few weeks. The trustees deny that Julie discussed her allegations with them in 2003. However the BBC has seen an email from Mahadevananda in which he confirms he did meet Julie at that time. He describes it as informal, but says after this meeting the allegations became "open knowledge". In 2006, Julie attended a mediated meeting with EBM, where discussions over some kind of financial support for her took place. The abuse allegations were also raised. The trustees told the BBC that both sides were pleased with the results at the time, but Julie says nothing ever materialised. So the following year Julie's solicitor wrote to the board seeking compensation and threatening a claim for damages. In response, she received a letter from the EBM's solicitor questioning why Julie was raising the matter so long after the alleged abuse. Sivananda say that after the meeting with Julie they began implementing protocols for members and guests designed to give everyone a safe environment in which to speak out about such allegations. We asked them why they continue to revere the man who sexually abused her. The "Sivananda Organisation honours its lineage and its teachings", was their response. IMAGE COPYRIGHTGETTY IMAGES image captionVishnudevananda, pictured here with Peter Sellers, used to take 'peace flights' to places of conflict As for Mahadevananda, our investigation has found evidence that the board knew about his alleged sexual impropriety as early as 1999. Because he himself admitted it to them. Swami Saradananda, an American woman on the EBM at the time, told us that in 1998/99 she received a phone call from the director of the Delhi ashram in tears. The director told her that Mahadevananda was walking around without his trousers - which Saradananda took to mean in his underwear. When she phoned to challenge Mahadevananda, he explained that wasn't right. He wasn't in his underwear - he was naked. And that wasn't his only revelation. "He told me that he hadn't worn anything below the waist, and he had come into the office where [the Delhi director] was working and masturbated in front of her." Swami Saradananda, deeply disturbed, says she raised this at the next EBM meeting. She says all recording devices were switched off and the secretary sent out of the room. Mahadevananda was present and she says he confirmed her account was true. "And he said: 'But if she doesn't want me to do it, OK, big deal. I won't do it any more.'" When she interrupted to ask how they were going to deal with Mahadevananda's admission, one of the board replied: "Well, he already said he's not going to do it any more. What do you want? His blood?" Within a few months, Saradananda received a fax telling her that she had been voted off the board. We put this allegation to the EBM but they did not respond. Saradananda's revelations might account for the lack of surprise Wendy faced in 2006 when she told a senior member of staff in the Canadian headquarters that Mahadevananda had ejaculated on her. His response, she says, was: "Damn, not again." The staff member told her not to worry - the organisation had arranged for Swami Mahadevananda to have counselling. "I wasn't aware that in Canada this would be defined as sexual assault. And I wasn't aware at that time that this could have been taken to the police," Wendy told me. Thirteen years later, the EBM did eventually investigate Mahadevananda, and then announced his retirement in their monthly magazine - a retirement which they have acknowledged they are funding. The notice said the executive board thanked him for his "devoted and inspiring service". Carol Merchasin, the lawyer crowdfunded by Project Satya, says she has spoken to 25-to-30 women who have alleged sexual assault against Sivananda staff. She says she has found every one of them to be credible. In the case of Catherine, she questions why the incident was not reported to the police once the Trustees became aware of the allegations. When, many years later, her parents found out and confronted them, Carol says they told them that nothing could be done without evidence. The EBM has told us the teacher who is alleged to have abused Catherine and others has been suspended from duties while they investigate. But we have been told by several sources that he is still involved in Sivananda's Indian ashrams, and when I called the Kerala ashram, I was told he did in fact teach a full course there earlier this year. The EBM declined to be interviewed, but sent us a statement which we set out here in full: "The Board of Trustees fully sympathises with those who came forward and offers any individual who feels that they might have been affected by the conduct referred to in the [BBC investigation] its assurance that it will not tolerate abuse or disregard inappropriate behaviour. It apologises unreservedly for any historic mistakes which it made in addressing the allegations detailed in the [investigation]. "As a result of those allegations, Sivananda has commissioned an independent investigation, and has appointed legal experts who have helped to review and implement safeguarding policies, and put in place appropriate training. The Sivananda Organisation has established a confidential reporting facility for anyone who is concerned about abuse. It is an absolute priority for the Sivananda Organisation that anyone coming into contact with it, in whatever capacity, is safeguarded from abuse or suffering. The Sivananda Organisation is a monastic order dedicated to physical, mental, and spiritual health and is committed to the safety of all of its members." I have seen four of the investigation reports into the teacher we cannot name, all of which conclude that on the balance of probability the survivors are credible and their testimonies are truthful, and that two of them did report their abuse to the EBM. In April I returned to the Putney ashram where I had spent the last five years as a teacher and devotee. But this time I did not go inside. It struck me that the all-consuming nature of Sivananda that had attracted me was also what could make it so dangerous. The women I have spoken to all told me it was easy to lose a sense of reality, which made it harder to question what was going on. And I am aware that during our investigation the women who came forward were all Westerners. But it seems there are also Indian survivors - I've seen emails from women detailing what happened to them but they were too scared to speak to me. As for myself, it's over for me and Sivananda. Investigation produced by Louise Adamou
WJKK WJKF Does anyone have any recommendation on any yoga or Pilates routines? With no gym I was thinking of getting other forms of exercise and stretching etc. Has anyone got any recommendations on which to do or any you tube videos to watch?
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Can anyone please suggest good books on yoga from a traditional perspective? I mean like with focus especially on breathing exercises/pranayam etc? Thanks
What’s this Hindu stuff called Kundalini Yoga? Only become Sikhs by reading from Guru Granth Sahib.
It's a well known fact that a correct diet ensures longevity, long life and resolves health issues. Youtube "Okinawa long life" and "Japan long life" for evidence. Over there since no pollution and junk food exists people aged 80 to 105 live lives like they're no more than 40. Even Gurbaani states "My appetite is simple daana paani" (simple cooked food like rice, steamed saabjia and water) or nature grown food. However, it's interesting to note that education fails to teach us of healthy living and benefits of it like after aged 80 the effects.The consumption rate of unhealthy food is high. It's also interesting to note that Swami Ramdev's yoga's been ongoing for 10 plus years, cure cancer yet cancer's STILL out there attacking people. Now there will be plenty of arguments on reasons for it; Governments see profit so will not stop selling junk, education/ parent's to blame, doctors to blame, Scientists do not do enough research... LOADS of arguments (Mind you, maybe people like me who buy such food meself now and then is added to the reason). Now, there's a Saakhi where Guru Nanak Dev Ji cures a leprosy man by placing a sheet over him. Guru Nanak Ji could have said "Eat simple you shall be cured within a year." However, I also think how a man got leprosy during that time? Fizzy and bad food did not exist anywhere let alone a place like India. That man was going through bad karma! What does this mean? "I am going through health problems because of my karma?" It may sound like I am going in that direction BUT, if by eating the correct food I believe health issues (like cancer too) can be cured. OF COURSE it's news under the carpet/ Scientists will not mention this fact... How else will they make a living? (100% answer means no researchers and scientists required so they get made redundant) AND on top, everyone's body's are different so what works on one individual will not on another. Doctors can pinpoint what will work and not by going through tests. HOWEVER! Everyone has their own doctor within them. Ever consumed sugar or ghee and thought "I get itching or inflammation problem?" Or rash by fizzy drinks? This is a sign to give up/ extremely limit such foods. By giving it up means you can move on to simple daana paani which will immensely improve on your jeevans. Also, you will automatically wake before dawn and the body will feel good. So good that waking up b4 dawn comes with ease and tiredness is not there. The energy it brings is awesome! But there is another problem. Imagine the whole world giving up on all junk foods. What will become of fizzy drink and crisps, mithaai manufactures? They will close then where will the people go? How about McD's workers who must provide for their family? One solution is they open up where they sell organic food and veggies/ fruits for customers. Then ALL restaurants will be 100% the same across the world. Second solution, if not first solution then to minimise our purchase of junk immensely like once in a while. When was the last time you purchased a sofa? Do you go every week to buy a sofa? Once a month/ year? NO!? But Businesses like DFS are still open as they get DIFFERENT customers everyday. If they can do it, so can McD's (Different customers that come in 100's to the branches) but it's up to us to make a change. NOW all this I wrote can be contradicted by adding Karma! Why does one suffer of ill health? Even if they eat the correct food their illness never went away? They went to doctors, 100's of treatments? yet they still suffer? This is clearly to do with Karma. Does this mean we should give up and eat all the junk? NO! It means we should first give a change of food a go before we come to a decision. Was it karma? Or just a change of diet was needed?
If you or you know loved ones ill on health it may be ideal to try Swami Ramdev, a well renowned Yoga master (yeah yeah we all know him) in India. The Vilaum nirom (think it's called) is a form of breathing exercise where you close one side of nose, inhale deeply, then press other side of nose and exhale. Then inhale again before exhaling by pressing other side of nose. This should be done for 20 mins before breakfast and again in the evening after 2 - 3 hours gap if eaten anything. Also, food is important! Giving up fizzy drinks and only drink water, fresh home made fruit juices and milk. Instead of crisps/ biscuits go for dried fruits, almonds and kacchi sholay (Dariaa) all can be brought from cash n carry/ Indian shops. Speaking of fruit try consuming at least one different fruit everyday not just apple, banana and all the fruits we tend to find sweet n juicy. IN TWO WEEKS TIME of doing this there will be a massive improvement in health, whatever the ill health may be. (Include depression)! Food affects the brain and how we think, feel all is caused by chemicals signalled from the brain. How are the chemicals created? mainly by food MORE than life situations. NOW am sure some Sikhs may think "But isn't it against Sikhi to do such Yogas?" Simple answer, no. What will an obese person, who must lose weight, do? Meditate on Naam or exercise? which of the 2 will suit them the most? They're ill health, need help am afraid Naam will be shakti for the mind not the body here. So being open minded and taking an advantage of Swami Ji's yoga plus changing the diet should be used.
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Once again 3HO are at it trying to justify their practices of yoga. Through an article written by Harjinder Singh Khalsa, the claim is yoga (posture, breathing, mudras and mental techniques), specifically kundalini yoga aids the mind to where the person is able to focus on Shabad Guru. This sounds very innocent and some are probably fooled by it too. Let me rephrase, a lot of Punjabi Sikhs are fooled by this teaching of 3HO. Harjinder Singh Khalsa tries his best to make a case for 3HO. 3HO have been sought after because they make many wild claims. They use numerology to name one manmat practice. Yet some Sikhs like Harjinder Singh Khalsa feel 3HO are being targeted for no reason. I'm start off with what Harjinder Singh Khalsa says, yoga does not lead to mukti. This is very true and yet he goes off on a tanget and says kundalini is approved in Gurbani to help aid the mind for meditating on Gurbani. From Harjinder Singh Khalsa article it is evident he does not have the knowledge to interpret Gurbani or he intentionally went with an English translation that will sway his reader to approve of kundalini yoga as an aid. Or he's lazy and did not check with credible sources on interpreting Gurbani. On ang 909 Satguru is speaking about what is the true way to achieve mukti. Satguru directly speaks to yogis and their false show of being holy, they have lost the plot and don't know how to achieve mukti. Harjinder Singh Khalsa at the beginning of the article accuses others of not presenting shabads in the correct manner, who speak against yoga. But Harjinder Singh Khalsa leaves this line out when quoting ang 909. jogI jugiq gvweI hMFY pwKMif jogu n pweI ]10] ਜੋਗੀ ਜੁਗਤਿ ਗਵਾਈ ਹੰਢੈ ਪਾਖੰਡਿ ਜੋਗੁ ਨ ਪਾਈ ॥੧੦॥ jogee jugat gavaae'ee handdai paakhandd jog na paae'ee ||10|| (ਹੇ ਸੰਤ ਜਨੋ! ਧਾਰਮਿਕ ਭੇਖ ਦੇ) ਪਖੰਡ ਨਾਲ ਪ੍ਰਭੂ ਦਾ ਮਿਲਾਪ ਹਾਸਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੁੰਦਾ; (ਜਿਹੜਾ ਜੋਗੀ ਨਿਰਾ ਇਸ ਪਖੰਡ ਵਿਚ ਪਿਆ ਹੋਇਆ ਹੈ, ਉਸ) ਜੋਗੀ ਨੇ ਪ੍ਰਭੂ-ਮਿਲਾਪ ਦੀ ਜੁਗਤੀ (ਹੱਥੋਂ) ਗਵਾ ਲਈ ਹੈ, ਉਹ (ਵਿਅਰਥ) ਭਟਕਦਾ ਫਿਰਦਾ ਹੈ ।੧੦। Yogi, you have lost the Way; you wander around confused. Through hypocrisy, Yoga is not attained. ||10|| Harjinder Singh Khalsa went out of his way to accuse others, but get's caught in his own arrogances. He quotes ang 909 to say the following: siv nagaree mehi aasan baisai gur sabadhee jog paaee ||11|| Sitting in Yogic postures in the City of God, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, you shall find Yoga. ||11|| dhhaathur baajee sabadh nivaarae naam vasai man aaee ||12|| Restrain your restless wanderings through the Shabad, and the Naam will come to dwell in your mind. ||12|| (Guru Amar Das J; GGSJ: 909) When I went on, I found the same translation into English on their site. Whoever did these translations did a horrible job of representing the Guru. The line in bold tells a lot about the person who did the translations. "Siv nagaree" is being translated as "city of God". Here the word "Siv" is referring to the devta Shiva as the Hindu God. Yet the translator refuses to say shiva and writes God. For whatever reason the translator refuses to do a literal translation for this first part. But then for the second part of the tuk, the translator has no problem doing a literal translation of "mehi aasan baisai"....."sitting in yogic postures". You can't have it both ways, when it comes to translating. It's one or the other; be literal or describe the allegory. Anyone reading this translation will be completely misdirected as Harjinder Singh Khalsa. So how should this be translated. We know from other Shabads, Shiva is not seen as Vaheguru and is not to be taken as the Guru either. Therefore a literal translation of the line is not correct. To translate "mehi aasan baisai" literally to suit a person's agenda will not be happening here. Neither will "Siv nagaree" be translated to promote someone else's agenda. "Siv nagaree" in Gurmat is speaking about dasam dwar. A Sikh in the dasam dwar is to "mehi aasan baisai" which means to gain focus. On what do we gain focus on in the dasam dwar? Guru's Shabad and the end result is Jog (not yoga). Jog means union with Vaheguru. So here is the whole line together: siv nagaree mehi aasan baisai gur sabadhee jog paaee ||11|| In the dasam dwar focus on the Guru's Shabad and gain union with Vaheguru. Here is another translation in Punjabi below. Those who can read Punjabi can see, "siv nagaree" is being translated as sadh sangat and "mehi aasan baisai" is translated as focused on Guru Shabad. isv ngrI mih Awsix bYsY gur sbdI jogu pweI ]11] ਸਿਵ ਨਗਰੀ ਮਹਿ ਆਸਣਿ ਬੈਸੈ ਗੁਰ ਸਬਦੀ ਜੋਗੁ ਪਾਈ ॥੧੧॥ siv nagaree mahi aasaN baisai gur sabadhee jog paae'ee ||11|| (ਹੇ ਸੰਤ ਜਨੋ! ਜਿਹੜਾ ਜੋਗੀ ਗੁਰੂ ਦੇ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਵਿਚ ਜੁੜਦਾ ਹੈ, ਉਸ ਨੇ) ਗੁਰ-ਸ਼ਬਦ ਦੀ ਬਰਕਤ ਨਾਲ ਪ੍ਰਭੂ-ਮਿਲਾਪ ਹਾਸਲ ਕਰ ਲਿਆ ਹੈ, ਉਹ ਜੋਗੀ ਸਾਧ ਸੰਗਤਿ ਵਿਚ ਟਿਕਿਆ ਹੋਇਆ (ਮਾਨੋ) ਆਸਣ ਉਤੇ ਬੈਠਾ ਹੋਇਆ ਹੈ ।੧੧। When you look up Bhai Sahib Singh translation in Punjabi, he translates exactly the same as the Punjabi translation above So at this point we have achieved the goal to say yoga, kundalini yoga postures are not promoted in Gurbani. There is more to say on this article written by Harjinder Singh Khalsa, but I will have to save it for another day. I have added the link to Harjinder Singh Khalsa article below.
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This is what happens when mixing bani with yoga
Hi, Baba Ramdev suggests a yoga practise for improving your eyesight, i think its called 'om bilom', (its when you breath in from one nostril and out the other)... he does its using 'o' breathing in and 'm' breathing out... i was thinking to do it with waheguru... is that okay? becuase i often see debates about gurbani and yoga not going together ? Also i would like it if anyone has improved their eyesight via this method to please share their experience....
Could anyone please explain to me what Tantric Yoga is? The reason I asked on this Forum is because on the 3HO website I know there will be a biased. I wanted to know, why exactly do people do it? It looks disrespectful and bad from what I saw from Gursant Singh.
Hello dear friends! My name is Paul, i`m from Russia. I do my research on Yogi Bhajan ( ) and would like to hear from authentic sikhs their opinion on this man and the legend behind him. So may I just put some questions here: 1. Is there any real parampara, is there any chance to know not from 3ho books about Sant Hazara Singh or any other teacher that Yogi Bhajan claim to have 2. Karam Kriya (numerology), SatNam Rasayan (healing) and white tantra are invented by Yogi Bhajan? 3. Is it possible to get such name Siri Singh Sahib is sikh tradition? 4. Are sikhs ok with sikhism as taught by Yogi Bhajan? (mantras, yoga, 3ho gurudwara, white color clothes..) 5. From the book of dr. Trilochan Singh Sikhism and Tantric Yoga a found that sikh gurus are against all yogic practices, is there a chance to find such strokes it in scriptures? 6. Is it true that son of GuruNanak Dev, Baba Shri Chand, was a yogin which rejected fathers path, but one day gave his blessings to GuruRam Das? Thank you all and blessings Please share your knowledge or send some links on that subject
Missing that special someone in your life!!!!! Well, don't look no further, the cult of 3HO has solved your problem. Pull out your magic carpet from under your bed. Don't forget your purity white garb.......and the most important objects......stone idols!!!!!! I actually took the liberty to try this and guess what I found that special someone. I felt so green and relaxed inside. There was a faint voice in the background telling me puff, puff pass, puff, puff, pass, but my relationship is special, I don't share this joyful joint union with any hippie or Nihang. If anyone is missing thumbs we can provide you with a medicine that will RE-GROW YOUR THUMBS tooooooo (Special Mushrooms!!!!!!!!). Now sit back relax and make sure you got that thumb jammed between your eyebrows............and repeat that special someone's name out loud.
Watch the video
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Yoga and meditation are essential for inner healing. Both Yoga and meditation follow the holistic approach of treatment, they heal the mind, body and soul. Yoga heals many disorders and is becoming the common part of routines. Meditation is ideal for improving the mind and soul, it offers peace and tranquillity to the mind. Meditation has many benefits, it improves concentration and relaxes the mind and soul. It is essential to practise yoga and meditation, it should be included in the routine. Both yoga & meditation revitalises the energy of the body, it improves the performance of individuals. Yoga and meditation rejuvenates the mind, body and soul. Meditation calms the mind and it is an ideal method to evade stress and tension, it relieves the mind of all worries. Yoga and meditation is widely used to lower stress and tensions. Both are ideal to obtain freedom from stress, anxiety and worries. Stress related disorders are common in the contemporary era. Yoga and meditation reduces stress and tensions to heal the mind and liberate the soul. Yoga practitioners recommend various practices to individuals according to their health. They can practise the simple yoga postures regularly and remain fit. Yoga and meditation combination is ideal for the fitness of the mind, body and soul. While Yoga improves the fitness of the body, meditation improves the fitness of the mind and soul. There are several tourists who are patrons of Yoga and meditation. Regular practice of Yoga and meditation has excellent effects on the mind, body and soul.