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They Need Our Help! For The Sake Of Their Futures!


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There is too much 'we/us' and 'them/they'. The first step is to learn to consider them as 'us', and consider ourselves as 'them'. Nothing can be done before this wall is broken down. Take your own post for example - people thin Amritdhaaris are snobs. To be honest, that is 'our' own fault. ie, the Amritdhaaris. 'We' do think we are better than 'them', just because 'we' have taken Amrit.

Once 'they' see that 'we' are not considering ourselves better, one 'us' and 'them' have come together - the solutions will begin to unfold themselves. Actions speak louder than words. Make yourself a better Gursikh, work at becoming a true Gursikh. Upon seeing your Chardikalaa, people will be inspired, and there will be no need for you to do anything else.

bhull chuk maaf

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

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There is too much 'we/us' and 'them/they'. The first step is to learn to consider them as 'us', and consider ourselves as 'them'. Nothing can be done before this wall is broken down. Take your own post for example - people thin Amritdhaaris are snobs. To be honest, that is 'our' own fault. ie, the Amritdhaaris. 'We' do think we are better than 'them', just because 'we' have taken Amrit.

Once 'they' see that 'we' are not considering ourselves better, one 'us' and 'them' have come together - the solutions will begin to unfold themselves. Actions speak louder than words. Make yourself a better Gursikh, work at becoming a true Gursikh. Upon seeing your Chardikalaa, people will be inspired, and there will be no need for you to do anything else.

bhull chuk maaf

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!


nice post :TH:

but what i think that you just explained was not what i was trying to say...i dont really think "them" and "us"

as i said in the begining: i dont mean all parents...same goes for all kids...i was talking about the "some" they are the ones who i was refering to as "them", "they" etc...

...i think you took what i said the wrong way...

i was just talking about the ones who need our help..im not here to jump at anyone...just to try to help and to get advice...cuz it hurts to see a little kid wanting to know, but then not getting the knowledge they deserve to have...


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That's exactly what I meant, Bhainji. I never meant to offend you, I think you took what I said the wrong way. I understand that you are not attacking anyone. The thing is, so often we say, they shoudn't do this, don't they know better, we should tell them how to do it right, etc. etc. Lekin we don't stop to notice our own shortcomings.

As for the kids, answer their questions. It's really quite simple. If we see children who are not getting their questions answered, who are not being educated, we should take the initiative to educate them ourselves. Parents can only avoid them for so long. Once the questions become more serious, and the children's thirst for knowledge, for Sikhi, grows, parents will have to look the 'issue' in the face, and deal with it.

We should also take the initiative to have discussions with parents. Talk to them about Sikhi, about their children. It's not only kids who need to find the right path, hena?

Well, gotta cut this short. Sorry for all my murakh mistakes. Forgive me, Bhainji.

bhull chuk maaf

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

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well tell them to SCREW OFF!!!! ... highly doubt tht this helps.... LOL.gif


im speachless...what a great advice... :umm:


a-hahahahahahahA LOL.gif

i feel special... hehe :lol:


you are speacial....

in a special kind of way... :umm:


now give advice please...

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