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Waheguru jee ka khalsa

Waheguru jee ke fateh

Our forums were hacked because of the security lapse in the forum software. We upgraded the forum and added few security patches and so far we are safe with gurus grace. We lost several websites and the database of the picture gallery. When our forum was hacked, all of our sewadars were on vacation and some were away from their home. We would like to thank several individuals who took their personal time to inform us about the activities of the hackers and their several attempts. Many members are suggesting us who can be behind these attacks and deletion of the websites. To clear the misunderstanding, we still don't know who the hacker was and why he did it but we can assure that it wasn't any *SIKH* individual/group who attacked us. We may have differences in nature with many ppls but that doesn't mean that we all have personal grudge against each other. So it wasn't our Sikh Brothers/sisters who did this to us (we hope). Several other famous forums who use Invision Board platform were attacked and sadly some of them lost their data, so it was global hacking rampage which came to end with the new release of forum version by the company.

We are also having problems with our hosting company and we ordered the dedicated server recently to avoid downtime and infamous sql errors that many members were having. Having lot of pending work to do, we will not be doing "Youth of the Month" for this month. SikhGiving.com project shifted to next month. We enabled the NEW member registration but we haven't enabled the "Search" option of the forum yet. We haven't took the look at the failure function of the POST EDIT option, we will look at it soon. Besides the current updates, this summer we are bringing many new projects including the Non-Profit Sikh Shop (khalsaMart.com) for Sangatan, audio website (GurkiBani.com) and the new project of SikhGiving.com.

We apologize for any inconveniences we caused for the past few days. We thank you for your patience!!








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