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The Nonsense In Islam


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The reason why the stone is in that meatal is because people were fighting over it and it broke and that holds it together.Hes not sticking his head into it hes kissing it.

They say they wouldnt kiss it if Mohamed himself didnt.

That monster thing Ive never heard of but it looks like a gremlin

I would say what the fire is but Im getting in trouble for being on the cpu from Jessica.

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whose jessica? wacko.gif

"*ADMIN NOTE: Veerjee, If you edit Mod's Comments in future, we will put your id/ip under Ban settings."

Hey bro, why did my original post get editted and taken off? and I did not see mod's comments either so how could I have editted them unless I did it by mistake, if so please post the mod's comments again. I want to know why what wrong with my post.

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Thanks Killah veerjee for positive reply :|

The Mod comment was "Sikhi respect other religions"

We have our own religion and social problems to worry about thus we try not to encourage topics ridiculing other religions. This forum is not to find faults in other religions but instead to talk and discuss sikhi among sikh youth or with other community members. How would we feel when members of other faith posting Sikh history pictures on their website/forums and throwing negative comments on the lifestyle of sikhs.

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true but it makes a change to look at the obsurdatites of Islam and Hinduism who target our people and faith in various points of history. Hinduism I can chill with but with Islam they always shoving it in our faces with what they view as negative aspects of other religions therefore I think having a pop at Islam is fair game.

But your right maybe this aint the place for it. I have made a site where people can discuss stuff like this openly. If they wish to join they can pm me.

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When guru ji went around and traveled on foot and all that, he learned about other religions and put together the good in them, he didn't try to find faults... after all, that's why we have all the different people of different religions quoted in the SGGS, but only the good stuff.

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Your not allowed to anilize what other religions do. They can only defame Sikhs and shove things in our face.

Oh well I guess some start to cry if you expose others practices.

We do have out own problems but lets just allow hindus to hindu-ize Sikhi and just sit back and wait for it to stop. Remeber you cant be educated about what the Gurus condemn in the Guru Granth, youll just have to guess or never know.

Pretty weak that we have hindus that have infultrated as Sikhs and they cry over hindu things as if there are only 20 people, when I didnt post the pics about the congregaetions of 10000 plus of these people and thats only a small percentage of Sadhus that do these things.

There are many many many more of these things so hiding it from the main stream is just showing who are hindus that pose as Sikhs.

This man buries himself to beg for money even though its a trick


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Hm talking on relations with Muslims...

I have a Muslim friend.. We often hang out and talk about religion and I really enjoy it; Becuase There are no true Singhs/Muslims in that college. We pushed our differences aside and became eachother's sangat.

Anyways I was walking home from college with him, on the last day of college, and then he told me a Sakhi about Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

It was about how he asked for Milk from a cowherd, but the cowherd complained that the cow doesnt give milk. Guru Ji said just milk it. So he did, and milk came out. But then he complained that he didnt haveanything to put the milk in. Then Guru Ji found a Batta with holes in it and gave it to the cowherd. Cowherd thought what the..?! Guru Ji said "dont worry, just do it" and when he poured the milk into the batta, it stayed in there.

Now that batta is carefully looked after by a Muslim family. And Sikhs from everywhere have been coming to the Muslim's home to see it. Because of the donatoin of the Sikhs, the Muslim become rich!

That inspired me. The Muslim friend said that His grandad had a Singh friend, who told them this sakhi, and he didn;t care about the difference in religion. He even helped out in making a Mosque! Then I HAD to tell him about Baba Miah Meer Ji and Harimandir Sahib. rolleyes.gif

Anyways, it made my day :|

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