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I Am A Foolish And Ignorant Child; Father Please Teach Me.

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kilAwn mhlw 4 ]

kaliaan mehalaa 4 ||

Kalyaan, Fourth Mehla:

pRB kIjY ik®pw inDwn hm hir gun gwvhgy ]

prabh keejai kirapaa nidhhaan ham har gun gaavehagae ||

O God, Treasure of Mercy, please bless me, that I may sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

hau qumrI krau inq Aws pRB moih kb gil lwvihgy ]1] rhwau ]

ho thumaree karo nith aas prabh mohi kab gal laavehigae ||1|| rehaao ||

I always place my hopes in You; O God, when will you take me in Your Embrace? ||1||Pause||

hm bwirk mugD ieAwn ipqw smJwvihgy ]

ham baarik mugadhh eiaan pithaa samajhaavehigae ||

I am a foolish and ignorant child; Father, please teach me!

suqu iKnu iKnu BUil ibgwir jgq ipq Bwvihgy ]1]

suth khin khin bhool bigaar jagath pith bhaavehigae ||1||

Your child makes mistakes again and again, but still, You are pleased with him, O Father of the Universe. ||1||

jo hir suAwmI qum dyhu soeI hm pwvhgy ]

jo har suaamee thum dhaehu soee ham paavehagae ||

Whatever You give me, O my Lord and Master - that is what I receive.

moih dUjI nwhI Taur ijsu pih hm jwvhgy ]2]

mohi dhoojee naahee t(h)our jis pehi ham jaavehagae ||2||

There is no other place where I can go. ||2||

jo hir Bwvih Bgq iqnw hir Bwvihgy ]

jo har bhaavehi bhagath thinaa har bhaavehigae ||

Those devotees who are pleasing to the Lord - the Lord is pleasing to them.

joqI joiq imlwie joiq ril jwvhgy ]3]

jothee joth milaae joth ral jaavehagae ||3||

Their light merges into the Light; the lights are merged and blended together. ||3||

hir Awpy hoie ik®pwlu Awip ilv lwvihgy ]

har aapae hoe kirapaal aap liv laavehigae ||

The Lord Himself has shown mercy; He lovingly attunes me to Himself.

jnu nwnku srin duAwir hir lwj rKwvihgy ]4]6]

jan naanak saran dhuaar har laaj rakhaavehigae ||4||6||

Servant Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of the Door of the Lord, who protects his honor. ||4||6||

Shabad by Guru Raam Daas Ji in Raag Kalyaan on Pannaa 1321 pray.gif

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in gurmukhi :TH:

kilAwn mhlw 4 ]

kaliaan mehalaa 4 ||

Kalyaan, Fourth Mehla:

pRB kIjY ik®pw inDwn hm hir gun gwvhgy ]

prabh keejai kirapaa nidhhaan ham har gun gaavehagae ||

O God, Treasure of Mercy, please bless me, that I may sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

hau qumrI krau inq Aws pRB moih kb gil lwvihgy ]1] rhwau ]

ho thumaree karo nith aas prabh mohi kab gal laavehigae ||1|| rehaao ||

I always place my hopes in You; O God, when will you take me in Your Embrace? ||1||Pause||

hm bwirk mugD ieAwn ipqw smJwvihgy ]

ham baarik mugadhh eiaan pithaa samajhaavehigae ||

I am a foolish and ignorant child; Father, please teach me!

suqu iKnu iKnu BUil ibgwir jgq ipq Bwvihgy ]1]

suth khin khin bhool bigaar jagath pith bhaavehigae ||1||

Your child makes mistakes again and again, but still, You are pleased with him, O Father of the Universe. ||1||

jo hir suAwmI qum dyhu soeI hm pwvhgy ]

jo har suaamee thum dhaehu soee ham paavehagae ||

Whatever You give me, O my Lord and Master - that is what I receive.

moih dUjI nwhI Taur ijsu pih hm jwvhgy ]2]

mohi dhoojee naahee t(h)our jis pehi ham jaavehagae ||2||

There is no other place where I can go. ||2||

jo hir Bwvih Bgq iqnw hir Bwvihgy ]

jo har bhaavehi bhagath thinaa har bhaavehigae ||

Those devotees who are pleasing to the Lord - the Lord is pleasing to them.

joqI joiq imlwie joiq ril jwvhgy ]3]

jothee joth milaae joth ral jaavehagae ||3||

Their light merges into the Light; the lights are merged and blended together. ||3||

hir Awpy hoie ik®pwlu Awip ilv lwvihgy ]

har aapae hoe kirapaal aap liv laavehigae ||

The Lord Himself has shown mercy; He lovingly attunes me to Himself.

jnu nwnku srin duAwir hir lwj rKwvihgy ]4]6]

jan naanak saran dhuaar har laaj rakhaavehigae ||4||6||

Servant Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of the Door of the Lord, who protects his honor. ||4||6||

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in gurmukhi :TH:

kilAwn mhlw 4 ]

kaliaan mehalaa 4 ||

Kalyaan, Fourth Mehla:

pRB kIjY ik®pw inDwn hm hir gun gwvhgy ]

prabh keejai kirapaa nidhhaan ham har gun gaavehagae ||

O God, Treasure of Mercy, please bless me, that I may sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

hau qumrI krau inq Aws pRB moih kb gil lwvihgy ]1] rhwau ]

ho thumaree karo nith aas prabh mohi kab gal laavehigae ||1|| rehaao ||

I always place my hopes in You; O God, when will you take me in Your Embrace? ||1||Pause||

hm bwirk mugD ieAwn ipqw smJwvihgy ]

ham baarik mugadhh eiaan pithaa samajhaavehigae ||

I am a foolish and ignorant child; Father, please teach me!

suqu iKnu iKnu BUil ibgwir jgq ipq Bwvihgy ]1]

suth khin khin bhool bigaar jagath pith bhaavehigae ||1||

Your child makes mistakes again and again, but still, You are pleased with him, O Father of the Universe. ||1||

jo hir suAwmI qum dyhu soeI hm pwvhgy ]

jo har suaamee thum dhaehu soee ham paavehagae ||

Whatever You give me, O my Lord and Master - that is what I receive.

moih dUjI nwhI Taur ijsu pih hm jwvhgy ]2]

mohi dhoojee naahee t(h)our jis pehi ham jaavehagae ||2||

There is no other place where I can go. ||2||

jo hir Bwvih Bgq iqnw hir Bwvihgy ]

jo har bhaavehi bhagath thinaa har bhaavehigae ||

Those devotees who are pleasing to the Lord - the Lord is pleasing to them.

joqI joiq imlwie joiq ril jwvhgy ]3]

jothee joth milaae joth ral jaavehagae ||3||

Their light merges into the Light; the lights are merged and blended together. ||3||

hir Awpy hoie ik®pwlu Awip ilv lwvihgy ]

har aapae hoe kirapaal aap liv laavehigae ||

The Lord Himself has shown mercy; He lovingly attunes me to Himself.

jnu nwnku srin duAwir hir lwj rKwvihgy ]4]6]

jan naanak saran dhuaar har laaj rakhaavehigae ||4||6||

Servant Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of the Door of the Lord, who protects his honor. ||4||6||

ty jio :umm: :TH:

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