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19th Century Murals Of Punjab


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Gurfateh and pyar bhari Sat Siri Akaal to all the Cyber sangatan and heritage lovers !

I always receive positive feedback for my posts on the wealth of Sikh and Punjabi heritage - in this post I have a humble Benti and request.

As this is the season when many of us go to Punjab I am posting an inventory of Nineteenth century Murals. It is my hope that this will inspire you to visit the sites and - here comes the humble request - PLEASE photograph what you find - and then PLEASE share your findings with the world - You can put watermarks on them,( if you're worried someone will steal them), you can post them on Flickr or on any of the many Sikh sites - but please SHARE them and help to archive the fast disappearing heritage of Punjab.

The inventory is over 20 years old so many may not exist or you may have trouble getting access - but that's part of the fun - 'the hunt'.

Majha Malva and Doaba are all represented and if your going to Pakistani Punjab so is West Punjab - So unless you get bogged down with the 'visiting long lost relatives' part of a trip to Punjab you've got no excuse - take your camera everywhere and remember SHARE your findings!

**Note - I must admit - the request is not that 'humble' or innocent - as you all know I have an obssession for pictures so I'm always looking for new ones - but hey my heart is in the right place - isn't it ? !

Here is the inventory




* Taken from Punjab Painting - R P Srivatava - Abhinav - 1983

Get out there and take some pictures !!


Ranjit Singh 'Freed'

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