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Wahs The Pic All About?

Menu Ke Patha

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thats wicked.. i thought i'd be the last person to be called "rss" . ."hindu mat" .. or just in general tryn ta screw sikhi over.. but its all good..

fareeda jo ta marni mukeeyan tina n maare ghumi, aapnarrai ghari jaayeeai, pair tina dey chumi

since u know so much bout bani, u prolly already know what that means.. so all im gonna say is ur right, i dunno jack about anything so who am i to say anything, my bad

now as to ur questions about who was showing me these copies of guru dasam granth sahib ji.. well one is on display at akaal takth i beleive.. n i THINK there is one a takth sri hazoor sahib ji.. iunno ur gonna have to ask someone who lives in india to tell u where they are.. but i can tell u for sure that we still have 5 original guru dasam granth copies.. n i've seen one because my buddy went to india to do darshan n took pics of the 3 or something n thats how i saw that pic up there..

maybe ur right, maybe sri akaal takth is carrying hindu mat things, who knows.. its u gursikhs that know best so lets end this entire discussion righ here.. the khalsa has spoken



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Just cos these pics were there , doesnt mean that Sikhs or Sikhi sanctioned or approved of them. in the 1800s sikh came under the powerful influnce of brahminism, and this could be becasue of that. Dasam Guru Granth talks about the warrior aspect of Sikhi, and the chaubis avtar bani is a huge part of Dasam Guru Granth. So to have these pictures, ( which arent probably even a true likeness anyway) is probably just to tell the reader of whats to come. I have Dasam Guru Granth Sahib, and there are no pics in it at all. Im glad there isnt.

remember that at no time has idol worship been approved by Guru, but at the holiest shrine of sikhi, there were idols in the parikrama, at the same time these pics were created.

So at one time or another SIkhs and sikhi came under the influnce of hinduism. Even some gurdwaras have murals like these on gurdwara walls. thankfully most of them have been erased. So to sum up remember that these came from a period in which Sikhs had strayed from the Guru path, so dont get too angry or sad about it.


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vaheguroo ji ka khalsa

vaheguroo ji ke fatehh

wah the hell is rong with u ppl?

were u dropped as a baby or sumfink?

cnt u jus discuss the post.. not whether of dhan dhan shree guroo nanak dev ji maharaj wore a toppi or dastaar

dat wnt the topic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

discuss the picture


any ideas about the pic..thanks for the last couple of post..on topic (y)

However your “here’s one I made earlier” Neo-Sikhi mentality may prove to be more of a hindrance.

sorry could you please explain what you mean by that comment, went straight over my dastar, and another thing, please come up with a new insult other than neo-sikh/khalistani its getting abit boring now, you dont see me calling you nang all the time now do you? :wub:

Sikhi is realism and comes as a complete package, all of it.....Until the last page…..wink wink :nihungsmile:

Once again could you pleae clear up the confusion as to what you mean by this statement, unless you mean what i think you mean, to which i would say, don't make incorrect assumptions 'wink wink', and dont use page in reference to that (then again i may have interpreted what you said wrongly, so please do explain)

If its up to you fools, i m sure this foolishness existed in guru's time too, you probably give tankhiya/peshi to sri guru nanak dev ji for dressing up like fakir muslim as seli topi, almast hindu sadhu - sadhu levaj to give updesh. Guru Maharaj adapted cultural dress of the country , people - he went and deal with.

Call me a fool, your most completley correct, however like I said earlier I would request you not comment on what would go on between me and Guroo Ji as you, to be frank, havent got a clue.

But getting back to the topic at hand, the crux is whether or not Guroo Ji would or would not follow his OWN rehit of "hoe sikh topee", please share what you think?

and bhai sahib ji the topic in hand is not the toppi!!!!!!

vaheguroo ji ka khalsa

vaheguroo ji ke fatehh

bhul chuk maaf karneee

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u'd be surprised but once u start ur santhiya n start learning the true arth of bani, u start learning alot about hinduism.. like u learn a lot of the fasts/rituals they do a lot of their history etc.. cuz maharaj writes about it.. just like that these pics were put in the original copies of guru dasam granth sahib ji.. n even in a couple of the first copies of guru granth sahib ji.. its just used to explain things..

not saying that sikhi is hindu mat or we beleive in these guys.. but they were around whether u guys like it or not.. n guru sahib talks about all of em being alive.. so iunno from everything i've learnt so far in my santhiya i dont doubt this picture at all.. not to mention me seeing relative pics n pictures that look just like this n i think this one exactly in a copy of it..

n to answer someone's point of having guru sahib's saroop at home.. well im blessed (for no reason) lol .. with guru dasam granth saroop at home too n ur right there are no pics.. its all just printed text... back in the day it was different.. our guru sahibaan are too poets n stuff so i dont doubt it at all

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Gurfateh !

Getting back to the original topic as 'Menu Ke Patha' has requested - here is another image of the painting.

'BulldozerWarga$ingh' asked where it was from - the painting is from the collection of the Government Museum and Art Gallery , Chandigarh. It dates from the late 19th century and it's style is that of the 'Punjab plains'. The painting depicts Guru Nanak and Guru Gobind Singh seated and flanked by Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Ganesh and Devi. In the centre you see Shiva's bull Nandi.


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we only have oursleves to blame at the end of the day...............we put pictures up in our homes of Gurus and also have little statues etc............key rings with khanda on them etc................why do we put khanda et al on tacky things like that...........sikhi i think can be promoted in better ways than that! actually nobody will ever know what the Gurus looked like lets focus on what they were trying to teach us than what they looked like.

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Well if the topi fits then good luck getting it over that big head of yours.

So lets see if I understand you correctly, what you are telling me is that you have never actually seen these “original copies of Sri Dasam Granth with this image” with your own two eyes? But you are regurgitating what your mate has shown you in a photograph? If your answer is that you have not, then that’s a shame because it would have been interesting to know if the images posted by Menu Ki Patha & Freed as well as the one on the shatanan website are the exact replication of those images. The 3 that I have seen so far from these 3 mentioned sources seem to show the same image with the same detail, blemishes, water damage etc. bar the varying frayed edges and general aging! Hummm, very interesting!

I also find it hard to believe that “baba deep singh, mata sundr kaur & bhai mani singh” (as quoted by yourself as being the reproducers of the original Sri Dasam Granth with these images) all had the technology to draw the said images in exact replication and with the same imperfections etc. detailed above!

Now as for this:

“maybe ur right, maybe sri akaal takth is carrying hindu mat things, who knows..

As someone else said and as I posted previously, brahmins have had sikhi set firmly in the sights from the initial coming of Guru Nanak Dev Ji all the way through the next 10 guru’s to the present day (while the mogals dealt with sikhi face to face our brahmin friends stood behind us and have continually stabbed us in the back, (make of that what you will)). Now through these times various people and groups have come in the guise of sikhs and been tasked by these brahmins with the blatant job of distorting sikhi as well as creating confusion amongst the less learned population / masses. The attacks carried out on Sri Darbar Sahib as well as various other sikh shrines in 1984 was a direct attack on the sikh faith as well as an excuse to remove some of the key reference literature after which came the fake encounters which acted as a means to flush out and kill any person that could promote GurMat and continue to spread the true message of Sikhi. These are slowly being replaced with fake individuals like Nang Giddar who spouts his Jack’a’nory version of Sikhi and then sends his stooges out on to forums like this one to further spread this nonsense.

So in a nutshell, what I say is that I do not disagree that these pictures exist, but what I do disagree with is that they are or we’re produced by any of our Guru’s or any Gursikh that follows the Path of the Khalsa.

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