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Sikh Prophecy

Guest mehtab

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Whaeguru Ji Ka Khalsa

Whaeguru Ji Ki Fateh

No Veera, it says when sikhi is left only in name, referring to Ranjit Singhs reign. I refuse to accept this "prophecy" for this statement among others as well. Also why would Guru Ji return in human form? He left us with the instrucions of following Guru Granth Sahib as our eternal Guru. Why is it that many insist that the Guru "will return", when our Guru is already with us, is it that these people refuse to accept Guru Granth Sahib? Our Guru is already here so there is no coming back of the Guru since, "Bani Guru, Guru hai Bani" remember this and stay the course.


Khalistan Zindabad

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Sat Sri Akal:

The above texts are not accepted by everyone as authentic texts. They seem to be at opposite with Sikhism's "Sarbat Da Bhala" concept. Nut nothing can be said for sure.

Other things at the site are also a little strange. Unfortunately, Sikhism's scholar structure is not at all organized or uniform to present clear views on many things.

Hopefully, Sikhism will have a solution to this problem soon!!!

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  • 11 months later...

in every jug a great prophet/massiah comes sent by akal purakh himself. In this jug it was guru nanak, sent to save us from kaljug.

In previous jugs it is unkown as our history does not go back that far, but it is a safe bet that the vedas, puranas, etc are all relics of the religions of previous jugs (Which are outdated in this jug) and they are misunderstood (ie hinduism). In the next jug khalsa (ie pure ones will rule) under the prophet of satjug. This is most likely why guru sahib said he would return and most likely the translation/interpretation could be off, ie guru granth sahib jee says know that the guru and akal purakh are one, so perhaps this guru/messiah of satjug is such that he is sent directly by guru sahib etc..

or i could be totally wrong and have no idea what im talking about (Which is more likely).

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in every jug a great prophet/massiah comes sent by akal purakh himself. In this jug it was guru nanak, sent to save us from kaljug.

In previous jugs it is unkown as our history does not go back that far, but it is a safe bet that the vedas, puranas, etc are all relics of the religions of previous jugs (Which are outdated in this jug) and they are misunderstood (ie hinduism). In the next jug khalsa (ie pure ones will rule) under the prophet of satjug. This is most likely why guru sahib said he would return and most likely the translation/interpretation could be off, ie guru granth sahib jee says know that the guru and akal purakh are one, so perhaps this guru/messiah of satjug is such that he is sent directly by guru sahib etc..

or i could be totally wrong and have no idea what im talking about (Which is more likely).

vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

^_^ :wub: ^_^:)^_^:)

vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

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Guest rsingh

there are many interpretations of Prophecies in all religions i belive a time will come, call it the appocolypse the jihad, what ever you want but the khalsa shall rule.

i recently lernt khalsa is not the pure but khalis is pure, when i say the khalsa i do not mean sikhs alone i mean only the true people who love the lord and are true shall remain of all and any religion, race.

as talked bout in the bible code of something. a man from the east shall rise ( bieng guru ji of his true saint soldiers, baba deep singh/sant jarnail singh) shall rise whith an army riding on hores as they go bringing peace to the land they ride on and peace will once again prevail over this world.

Pull Chuk Maff.

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