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Namdhari Exposed: Alliance With Anti-sikh Forces


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Greetings and salutations ...!

Having read through this post, there are rather bold statements being written down without what seems to not have any firm evidence behind them.

Also one particular post got my attention and I'm not sure what (s)he means ...

“Isn;t it ovious to tell from the pughs tied the "wrong" way round? Lol” – guru_da_chella

Do you mean the pugh ties across the forehead that the namdhari's wear ?

Or the pugh not tied across the forehead "patiala shahi" pugh i believe its called

If you mean the the former I would like to query that didn't Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Bhindranwale wear a pugh tied the "wrong" way as you claim !

And if you mean the latter, don't most orthodox Sikhs like ourselves wear this pugh, so what exactly is your point ?

I would be grateful if you could get back to me on this guru_da_chella

“That 3HO guy is also there if you search Namdhari on google pics of Jaggi Guru Pakhandhari will appear and next to him the Radhaswami god” – sarpanch

In reply to this post, someone has questioned 'what radhaswami god?'. As far as I am aware they do no have a "radhaswami god" as sarpanch has put it, I think they believe in a baba who is their spiritual leader. I do not know the ins and outs of their conduct, I just wanted to clear up that.

Posts like the above by people like yourself are very frequent on this forum making bold statements without any firm evidence which go a long way in influencing readers views on people of whom they may have no prior knowledge of.

Also I would like to add this is in no way a personal attack on the authors of the posts, I would just like people to take greater care in what they write before they do ... as mr sunnybondsingh84 ji says "Think before posting something that doesnt make sense...", ... but thats another story ...

Regarding the quotes below, I am not saying they are false nor am I agreeing with them, what I would like to say is that they are very bold statements indeed and I would be grateful and possibly other members on this forum if you could provide firm evidence of the following quotes without saying things like ... ' its obvious, they blatantly do it , therefore they must' ... etc etc

“yes these sly kukaz had involement with 1984 too, they r the reason why punjab is run by gadars of the khalsa panth.” – harvinder singh babbar

“They may have had a hand in Operation Blue Star......” – sunnybondsingh84

“Jaggi also helped Indira Gandhi after operation Bluestar. The Indian government produced thousands of video tapes which it sent overseas in 1984 showing Kukas saying how good it was that 'terrorists' had been removed from the Durbar Sahib. These Kukas must have been supplied by Jaggi.” – proactive

Also on a lighter note, using the same logic applied by some on this post, I have proof that the namdharis are to blame for the credit crunch, high inflation, gordon brown, the war in iraq, the scandal of money for honours, and also I have proof that the namdhari's have an alliance with the labour government, because it is obvious due to the following link ... please note the sarcasm intended !


If i have said anything in this post which you think is unfair or out of order or you have taken offence to, please let me know as it is not my intention to do this




NB. the quotes are not underlined for them to stand out but for the purpose of letting the reader know that it is a quote, i do not like the quote button facility on this forum, the quotes then take up too much unnecessary space. :)

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Radhaswami god i meant the leader - they treat him like a God so - Radhaswami god,and SS Bhindranwale never wore his pag the wrong way round Kookeh do ,they have a weird style unlike no other,Kookeh did have a hand in 84 by agreeing to the Govt actions and supporting the crushing of the movement

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Greetings and salutations

"Radhaswami god i meant the leader - they treat him like a God so - Radhaswami god." - sarpanch

sarpanch bhaji/bhenji thankyou for explaining this quote above. Even though in your opinion they treat him like a god, it is not warrantable to write down god, because when you write down god you cant say you mean leader, because if you did mean leader, you would type in leader. God and leader merely as words do not resemble eachother.

In my longer post, post #43, i have quoted: Isn;t it ovious to tell from the pughs tied the "wrong" way round? Lol - guru_da_chella, it was not I who said anything about pugh tied (in)correctly. I was merely asking the respected writer of the post what he meant by the post, because looking at pictures of Sant Jarnail Singh Ji, he ties his pugh across the forehead, i have yet to see a picture of him wearing a "patiala shahi" pugh. So I asked guru_da_chella what he means by the quote above, I am still asking. what does he mean by "wrong" way round ?

SS Bhindranwale never wore his pag the wrong way round Kookeh do ,they have a weird style unlike no other,Kookeh did have a hand in 84 by agreeing to the Govt actions and supporting the crushing of the movement - sarpanch

Again I havent said anything about Sant Ji's dastar. To the second part of the quote above could you please provide some sort of evidence to back up your claim and not just base it on your own personal opinion or what you have been told by hearsay etc ... (im not saying your wrong, or right)



P.S thank you for replying in a respectable manner :)

P.P.S I would also be grateful if the respected quoted members can get back to me regarding the queries I have raised in post #43

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"Isn;t it ovious to tell from the pughs tied the "wrong" way round? Lol" – guru_da_chella

Do you mean the pugh ties across the forehead that the namdhari's wear ?

Or the pugh not tied across the forehead "patiala shahi" pugh i believe its called

If you mean the the former I would like to query that didn't Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Bhindranwale wear a pugh tied the "wrong" way as you claim !

And if you mean the latter, don't most orthodox Sikhs like ourselves wear this pugh, so what exactly is your point ?

I would be grateful if you could get back to me on this guru_da_chella

Basically, its just something people say about their pughs being the "wrong" way round, hence why I put the word "wrong" in speech marks. :) But still, they are easily recgonisable from their turbans, no?


Kooka Terrorists

I guess the red dots are added in for extra effect?

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Greetings and Salutations,

"wow Dilrubarb.. ur realy the advocate of the kukas.... cool to know

u wont support ur brethren (us) but u will even fight for ur enemies (kukas)" - sunnybondsingh84

Thank you for including me in this 'us', with the kirpa of dictionary.com I have obtained the definition for advocate: to speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument; recommend publicly.

Please do not think or more importantly suggest that I am in favour of or supporting the namdhari's, my posts do not convey this message, what they do say is for those members who chose to express their views in the form of those bold statements to simply provide evidence for them that's all, how hard can it be? Namdhari's have good and bad points (just like every one) but this is not a pro vs cons debate, of which I am sure there will be one very soon judging by the frequency of namdhari related topics on this forum.

Also I did write about the "radhaswami god" post, does that make me an advocate of them also ?

Seeing as you chose not to reply in a sensible manner, gives me the opinion that you believe my posts to be correct, that you are writing in a incorrect manner influencing other readers views. If this is not the case, please provide evidence.

"Basically, its just something people say about their pughs being the "wrong" way round, hence why I put the word "wrong" in speech marks. But still, they are easily recgonisable from their turbans, no?" - guru_da_chella

Thank you bhaji/bhenji for replying back to me, which is more than what can be said of some people, however that could just be because they have not had the time to get back to me, which I understand.

Just because their pughs are tied differently to our pughs doesnt make it wrong jio, just because people say it doesnt make it true, those who do so are naive. If you look at the tasveera of our satgurus one can notice that their dastars are tied across their foreheads, albeit one can not use this theory as solid evidence as only those lucky to have had darshan of our satgurus truly know of their appearance.

I do agree with you that yes namdhari's are easily identifiable from their turbans, tied across the forehead.

"I guess the red dots are added in for extra effect?" - guru_da_chella. I guess too.



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"Isn;t it ovious to tell from the pughs tied the "wrong" way round? Lol" – guru_da_chella

Do you mean the pugh ties across the forehead that the namdhari's wear ?

Or the pugh not tied across the forehead "patiala shahi" pugh i believe its called

If you mean the the former I would like to query that didn't Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Bhindranwale wear a pugh tied the "wrong" way as you claim !

And if you mean the latter, don't most orthodox Sikhs like ourselves wear this pugh, so what exactly is your point ?

I would be grateful if you could get back to me on this guru_da_chella

Basically, its just something people say about their pughs being the "wrong" way round, hence why I put the word "wrong" in speech marks. :) But still, they are easily recgonisable from their turbans, no?


Kooka Terrorists

I guess the red dots are added in for extra effect?

Yep shows the real image of them

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