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Science And Religion: Is There A Conflict ?


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It's true that there are many research findings of physics that point toward there being an Ultimate Cause (which believers call God).

I disagree, however, that God is restricted by an absolute reference frame. I think that God is free of any bounds, and create any laws for any given universe that he happens to be creating.

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It's true that there are many research findings of physics that point

toward there being an Ultimate Cause (which believers call God).

I disagree, however, that God is restricted by an absolute reference frame.

I think that God is free of any bounds, and create any laws for any given universe

that he happens to be creating.


Does God create woman from Adam's rib by physics laws ?


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like millions before us when we could not explain what we saw,

we turned to the gods for the answers.

But Zeus never gave the answers, nor did Neptune or Ra.

No answers are given by the most modern one!

The answers come from mankind.

It is us and only us who can unravel this mystery.

With no help from any divinity.

It is this mystery of who we are and what we see around us,

that gives birth to gods.

If there is a string theory then we will find it.

But to suppose there is a single theory of everything,

seems like we are still much like the ancients.

Posted by " canadapiper"


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Mr. 'FF ' wrote:

' There is only one place where "God" has been

demonstrated, even proven to exist - in human brains.'

=== .

God and Consciousness.

It seems you are right saying: 'There is only one place

where "God" has been demonstrated, even proven

to exist - in human brains.'

Why? Because if God exist, HE /SHE/ IT must be

in every place it means in human brains too.

Question: is it possible to prove this ?

I will try.

Our brain works on dualistic basis: usually consciousness

(logically) and rarely unconsciousness ( at first it seems

illogically but at last it shows as very wise act) .

In his book ' The Holographic Universe' Michael Talbot

on the page 160 explained this situation in such way:

' Contrary to what everyone knows it is so, it may not be

the brain that produce consciousness, but rather consciousness

that creates the appearance of the brain - . . . .'

But as the 'Bhagavad Gita' says:

Fools deride Me when I descend in the human form.

They do not know My transcendental nature and

My supreme dominion over all that be.

/ Chapter 9. Text 11./

========== . .

Best wishes.

Israel Sadovnik. / Socratus.




================== . .

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' The idea that the universe can be viewed as the compound

of two basic orders, the implicate and the explicate, can be

found in many other traditions.

The Tibetan Buddhists call these two aspects the void and

nonvoid. The nonvoid is the reality of visible objects. The

void, like the implicate order, is the birthplace of all things

in the universe, . . .

. . . only the void is real and all forms in the objective world

are illusory, . . . .

The Hindus call the implicate level of reality Brahman.

Brahman is formless but is the birthplace of all forms in

visible reality, which appear out of it and then enfold back

into it in endless flux.

. . . consciousness is not only a subtler form of matter,

but it is more fundamental than matter, and in the Hindu

cosmology it is matter that has emerged from consciousness,

and not the other way around. Or as the Vedas put it, the

physical world is brought into being through both the

' veiling' and ' projecting' powers of consciousness.

. . . the material universe is only a second- generation

reality, a creation of veiled consciousness, the Hindus

say that it is transitory and unreal, or ' maya'.

. . .

This same concept can be found in Judaic thought.

. . . . in shamanistic thinking . . . . . .

. . . . . .

Like Bohm, who says that consciousness always has its

source in the implicate, the aborigines believe that the

true source of the mind is in the transcendent reality of

the dreamtime. Normal people do not realize this and

believe that their consciousness is in their bodies.

. . . . .

The Dogan people of the Sudan also believe that the

physical world is the product of a deeper and more

fundamental level of reality . . . . . .'

=== .

Book / The Holographic Universe.

Part 3 / 9. Pages 287 – 289.

By Michael Talbot. /

==================== . . .

My questions after reading this book.

Is it possible that Physics confirmed and proved the

Religion philosophy of life ?

How is it possible to understand the Religion philosophy

of life from modern Physics view?


My opinion.


The detected material mass of the matter in the

Universe is so small (the average density of all

substance in the Universe is approximately

p=10^-30 g/sm^3) that it cannot 'close' the

Universe into sphere and therefore our Universe

as whole is 'open', Endless Void / Nothingness /

Vacuum : T=0K.

Quantum Physics says the Vacuum is the birthplace

of all ' virtual' particles . Nobody knows what there are,

but 'the virtual particles' change the Vacuum in a

local places and create Nonvoid / Material / Gravity

World with stars, planets and all another objects and

subjects in the Universe.

=== .

Without Eternal/ Infinite Void / Vacuum physics makes no sense.

But . . . . . . .

" The problem of the exact description of vacuum,

in my opinion, is the basic problem now before physics.

Really, if you can't correctly describe the vacuum,

how it is possible to expect a correct description

of something more complex? "

/ Paul Dirac ./


Best wishes.

Israel Sadovnik. / Socratus.




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Only human being have come to a point where they

no longer know why they exist. They don't use their

brains and they have forgotten the secret knowledge

of their bodies, their senses, or their dreams. They

don't use the knowledge the spirit has put into every

one of them; they are not even aware of this, and so

they stumble along blindly on the room to nowhere - . . . . .

/ - the Lakata shaman Lame Deer

Lama Deer Seeker of Visions /


From book / The Holographic Universe. Part 3 / 9. Page 286.

By Michael Talbot. /

========== . .

Best wishes.

Israel Sadovnik. / Socratus.


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Different points of view.


In Physics we trust. / Tarun Biswas /

and plus millions of other believers .


Science is not always as objective as we would like to believe.

/ Michael Talbot. / and plus few others.


Religion or Physics ? Faith or Knowledge ?

/ some doubtful people. /


Science and religion in tandem can become a great force

to liberate the mind and help the humans to a fuller and better

understanding of reality.

/ G. S. Sidhu / and plus some individuals .

===== .


In Physics we trust. Is it correct ?

Yes, it is logically correct. Why ?

Because only Physics can logically explain us

the Ultimate Nature of Reality.

Israel Socratus.


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What does Religion expect from modern Science ?

What can modern Science learn from Religion ?


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Do you believe in Physics ?

You don't have to be so sure. Why ?

=== .

How does Physics look now?


The basis of the Physics consists of:


Abstract ' inertial movement'.


Abstract 'ideal gas and ideal particles.'


Abstract 'absolute black body.'


Abstract 'entropy'


Abstract SRT negative 4 - D space,

abstract 5D, …….and 11 - dimensional spaces. .


Abstract separated absolute space and time of Newton.


Abstract 'virtual particles', 'dark matter and dark energy'.


Abstract 'big bang'.


Abstract " method of renormalization ". . . . . . etc.


And therefore we can read.

Conclusion from the book ' The Holographic Universe '

by Michael Talbot.

' Science is not always as objective as we would like to believe.'


Conclusion from some article:

' One of the best kept secrets of science is

that physicists have lost their grip on reality.'

============ . .

In my opinion to understand the paradoxes we must

reconsider the old basis of the Physics.

=== .

Best wishes.

Israel Sadovnik. Socratus.

. .

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Science or Religion ?

Religion tells us nothing but fables and fantasies!

That is the truth

So, what is Religion?

Religion is the poor man's philosophy

Modern Physics tells us nothing but fables and fantasies!

That is the truth

For example: One Galaxy can eat another Galaxy


Cosmic cannibalising:

Images show one galaxy engulfing another



The Discovery of one Galaxy "Attacking" Another


. .. . etc

So, what is Physics?

Physics is the poor man's philosophy

== .

What to do?

I think we must answer to the simple classic question:

what did come first the chicken or the egg ?

If somebody didn't understand this question, I will ask it simpler:

What was before Vacuum or Gravity ?

Does Gravity exist in Vacuum or vice versa?

Why I ask these questions

Because the Universe ( as a whole ) is Two- Measured,

there are two Worlds: Vacuum and Gravity

=== .

Israel Socratus.


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