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Pak Sikh Thrashed For Not Converting?


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Pak Sikh thrashed for not converting

Yudhvir Rana, TNN 29 November 2009, 12:12am IST Text Size: | <a href="http://netspiderads2.indiatimes.com/ads.dll/clickthrough?slotid=36257" target="_blank"><img src="http://netspiderads2.indiatimes.com/ads.dll/photoserv?slotid=36257" border="0" width="670" height="50" alt="Advertisement"></a> Topics:

AMRITSAR: A Sikh advocate in Pakistan was reportedly thrashed and threatened with dire consequences recently if he did not convert to Islam,

forcing his family to run for safety to a gurdwara in Hassanabdal near Rawalpindi.

While the victim, Anup Singh, was yet to regain consciousness, the incident has left the Sikh community in Pakistan rattled and insecure. Talking to TOI from Islamabad, Anup’s brother, Ravinder Singh, recalled horror of November 21. ‘‘A group of at least eight men kidnapped my brother from his office and took him to Mohammad Amin’s residence, where he was stripped and photographed with Amin’s wife.’’

Undergoing treatment for fractures and severe head injuries in Holy Family Hospital, Ralwalpindi, where doctors said it might take a few months before Anup could start leading a normal life, the advocate was reportedly assaulted for fighting a separation case for Amin’s wife, Safina Kanwal. ‘‘The goons made my brother sign on a blank paper, after which they cut his hair, beard, moustaches and threatened him to convert to Islam if he wanted to live in Pakistan.’’


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Also In My Opinion,

People who think what Guru Nanak to Guru Gobind Singh Ji Did was for the Past, are GRAVELY MISTAKEN!!! And This is Not ONLY "THAT PART OF THE WORLD!!!!" Guru Sahib Gave Us The Foundations of What to Do For the FUTURE!!!! All of Guru Gobind Singh Jis' Blessings and Teachings are FOR THE FUTURE TOO!!! What to think of These Sort of Turks, and The Bir Ras Needed for THIS has All Been Provided in The Palace of Guru Gobind Singh Ji!!!!!!

For ANYONE WHO EVER THOUGHT "oh, we now like in year….blah blah blah…and Guru Sahib Talked of the Past…blah blah blah!!!" have ZERO CLUE of WHO GURU SAHIB IS!!!!!


Sharia is REAL!!!!!! Their Populations are REAL!!!!! Sharia Lives in the Hearts of All Muslims!! Enough So, that if the Tyrants amongst them Do Something, The Majority of the Rest WILL NOT Stand Up!!!! ACCEPTANCE OF SHARIA TO A LARGE DEGREE IS PART OF EVERY MUSLIM!!! IF IT IS NOT, THEY CANNOT CALL THEMSELVES MUSLIMS!!!!!

Be The Best Khalsa You Can Individually! The Technology of Bir Ras for When NEEDED IS GIVEN IN THE MANSION OF GURU GOBIND SINGH JI!!!!!




Governments, Media, Organizations, Etc. All Over The World!!! Should be Getting Involved as Well! Don't EVER look to BADALS, SARNAS, MAKKARS ETC!!! THEY JUST TALK FOR VOTES!!!

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In Situations like this the thought comes to my mind that what is Babbar Khalsa, KZF etc doing about this

After comments like this the thought comes to my mind that what are ME and YOU doing about this...

Why do we always push the load onto other's shoulders? Are we not Khaalsay capable and responsible for tending to these situations? Why are we relying on others to do OUR job?

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In Situations like this the thought comes to my mind that what is Babbar Khalsa, KZF etc doing about this

After comments like this the thought comes to my mind that what are ME and YOU doing about this...

Why do we always push the load onto other's shoulders? Are we not Khaalsay capable and responsible for tending to these situations? Why are we relying on others to do OUR job?

Singha You Have got me.... To many anti Sikh elements have come up.... Kala Afghana, Gurjeet (Singh Sabha), darshan singh.... we Sikhs need to act.... I want to do something for the Sikh Kaum

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My friends and I tried to do something to change the current situation. We started a club at our college that was based around Sikh principles. Our biggest enemies were other Sikhs, not anti-panthic forces. They(SSA) felt angry that we had gone behind there backs and registered another club. The SSA at our school had failed to reach out the community. Our club worked through the drama and is still going strong. The truth is that we have to unite and get over these stupid controversies. There are so many threats coming our way, and we are still bickering at each other. Conversions out of Sikhi are gonna increase. It is about time we get our sh(i)t together to handle our enemies. Wanna do something for Sikhi lets use this forum to start light the fire of revolution in the Panth. The old men in our panth our the Mughals of the times. They may appear Sikh, but they are no different from the monsters that tortured our brethern in the past. The success of Sikhism rests with our actions. It is about time to we come together. One thing I have noticed is that there is many like minded people in this forum. We share a passion for the welfare of the Panth. This passion is not sadly found within many local communities. Lets get this started. I leave you with the first Sermon of Guru Hargobind Singh Ji.

Vangaar: The First Sermon of Guru Hargobind Sahib

Guru Hargobind Sahib’s first sermon must be heard again today and applies just as much now as it did when he first gave it.

Guru Arjan Dev had been brutally tortured and embraced martyrdom, becoming an example for the Panth. The Sikhs were grief-struck and felt a sense of despair. The small Panth of Guru Nanak had been targeted by the mighty power of the Mughals.

Guru Hargobind Sahib, became the next Guru as per the orders of his father. In front of all the gathered Sikhs, Baba Buddha jee put the two swords of meeri and peeri on Guru Hargobind Sahib. Guru Sahib was dressed like and emperor and there was a kalgi (aigrette) on his dastaar.

The Dhadis, Bhai Abdullah and Bhai Nath Mal, at the hukam of Guru Hargobind Sahib sang a vaar filled with bir ras.

Then, Guru Hargobind Sahib rose and gave his first sermon to the Sikhs:

“Today the offerings that are beloved to me are good weapons and good youth. If you want my happiness, then exercise your bodies, wrestle, play gatka, go into the jungles to hunt and learn to ride horses. Weakness is now a crime to the Nation that cannot be forgiven for anyone. You will take up the sword and I now wear the sword so that the swords of tyranny and oppression will stop forever.

You have all come from far and wide today. The cool tranquillity has been stolen from not just your heart and my heart, but from the entire world. Our swords will not rest until we bring this oppression to an end.

Make day and night one. Go into the villages and light the inferno of revolution. Tell the people that we need their youth. Only that is a good youth that sacrifices itself for the cause of the Nation. We need sacred hearts and pure minds. Enshrine “pihlW mrn kbUl” in your hearts. We fear death because we have not experienced true life. We feel worry because we have not enjoyed a taste of life. We feel fear because our destination and goal seems so far off. But if you challenge death, death will flee from you. If you learn to walk with your heads held high then worry will depart. If you are determined to walk, the destination will not be so far away. Have faith in Vahiguru and all fears will vanish. If fear has left you then even death will seem like bliss.”

Guru jee continued,

“Do not think that you are too few. You are all like springs. Oceans flow out of these very springs. There are hundreds of thousands of springs like you in our Nation. When you come together and flow forward, you will create a flood.

A small and insignificant piece of wood, when made into a match, can light the entire jungle on fire. But you are humans! And furthermore, those humans whose heart has just now been scorched on hot iron plates [reference to shahidi of Guru Arjan Dev jee].

Addressing the poets in the Sangat, Guru Sahib said,

“See, God has given you the gift of poetry. When nations are built, you are the foundations. Stop all these other untimely songs and work to bring the Nation out of this deep dark pit. Tell those stories which will make the people willing to lose their skin like they would be willing to change their clothes. Fill the people of our Nation with the spirit and fervour to be like moths so they will sacrifice themselves in the flames of our cause.

Our blood has become cold. Tell us stories of Shahidi and become the furnaces that will boil our blood. Give us the passion to make the trampled Punjab and our crushed Nation rise to its feet once again.”

Speaking to the Dhadis, Guru Sahib said,

“Now is the time that your instruments should call out a challenge. Your notes should stir the Nation. The beat of your dhads should awaken the people and the bells on your bows should make hearts fill with the zeal of sacrifice.”

We must hear Guru Sahib’s message again today and rise to the challenge.

Taken from “Gur Bhari” by Pr. Satbir Singh

Translated by Admin www.tapoban.org

In Situations like this the thought comes to my mind that what is Babbar Khalsa, KZF etc doing about this

After comments like this the thought comes to my mind that what are ME and YOU doing about this...

Why do we always push the load onto other's shoulders? Are we not Khaalsay capable and responsible for tending to these situations? Why are we relying on others to do OUR job?

Singha You Have got me.... To many anti Sikh elements have come up.... Kala Afghana, Gurjeet (Singh Sabha), darshan singh.... we Sikhs need to act.... I want to do something for the Sikh Kaum

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I was just about to put this on Sikh Sangat as a new topic when I read this topic. This is very upsetting and something needs to be done maybe if we attend below and sign the petition that will be a start. I havent really seen our major leaders or organisations doing too much in regards to this. The Vice Chairman has pleaded to me that please Sikhs attend lets do a joint effort. Maybe we should please see below:


Dear all,

We are holding a protest on the 19th December 2009 to campaing for Equal Rights and Parity of Opportunity, an end to persecution and justice and compenastion for victims of religious intolerance in Pakistan.

We are seeking partnesrhip groups from all faiths to support our campaign and aware of the significnat persecution of Sikh minorities in Pakistan. We beleive a collaboration could be of great benefit to both our communities and would like to hear from you.

Only recently the City of Gojra (near Faisalabad) was razed to the ground and 9 people killed when religious fanatics attacked their city. The City of Sumbrial had a similar fate without deaths. Perpetrators of crime have not been brought to justice and the inhabitants of these cities are still in fear of their live and threatened daily. The list of atrocities is ever increasing....

Please follow this link to learn more about our group :


This one explains about our protest:


If you could broadcast this protest through any of your media activities - or if you would like to collaborate with us please advise

Kind regards

Wilson Chowdhry

Vice Chairman of the BPCA

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I think you should try to avoid making this into a Muslim vs. Sikh or Christian situation. I agree that if it were a Muslim vs. Sikh issue, it should be presented as such.

But I think the majority of Punjabi Muslims and Balochis don't care for the kind of governance (or actually anarchy) being promoted by the Talibs and other extremists.

If you present this as a march for a democratic Pakistan, you may get much more support, as well as get further to our target. (After all many, many Punjabis are upset at the killing Benazir Bhutto and other lawlessness occuring in Pakistan.)

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I have been collecting facts about the fate of Sikhs in Pakistan, and see a rising trend of anti-Sikh elements.

19 February 2003 – A 6 years old Sikh girl, Harvinder Kaur was kidnapped and converted.

May 2008 - Pakistan lone Sikh police officers quits after harassments by fellow and senior officers. His turban was removed at one instance, and he was often made fun of.

16 April 2009 - The homes of ten Sikh familees were vacated by Taliban.

30 April 2009 - Taliban militants demolished 11 homes of Sikhs in Orakzai tribal region after they failed to pay 'jiziya' of Rs. 50 million.

5 September 2009 - Birs of Guru Granth Sahib burnt at Guru Nanak Darbar at Kandhkot. No case was registered. Later a panel was ordered to probe into the matter, with no effective results.

24 September 2009 - A group destroyed the building of the Gurdwara Kiara Sahib on 24 September. The police didn’t register any case.

29 November 2009 - A Sikh advocate, Anup Singh was kidnapped and mercilessly beaten and threatened with dire consequences recently if he did not convert to Islam.

I collected all info I have found over months, and as a conclusion I can say the rate of crimes against Sikhs are rising and frequenter.

Do something Khalsa Ji.


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