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Watch Out Nindaks

Mehtab Singh

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UKGuptKaur is partially correct, Naam does reside inside the body. Of course, no one is going to believe me, so here is Dhan Guru Nanak Sahib Jee:

dyhI AMdir nwmu invwsI ]

dhaehee a(n)dhar naam nivaasee ||

The Naam, the Name of the Lord, abides deep within the body.

Awpy krqw hY AibnwsI ]

aapae karathaa hai abinaasee ||

The Creator Lord is eternal and imperishable.

nw jIau mrY n mwirAw jweI kir dyKY sbid rjweI hy ]13]

naa jeeo marai n maariaa jaaee kar dhaekhai sabadh rajaaee hae ||13||

The soul does not die, and it cannot be killed; God creates and watches over all. Through the Word of the Shabad, His Will is manifest. ||13||

Dhan Guru Amar Daas Sahib Jee:

iehu mnu dyhI soiD qUM gur sbid vIcwir ]

eihu man dhaehee sodhh thoo(n) gur sabadh veechaar ||

So reform this mind and body, by contemplating the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

nwnk iesu dyhI ivic nwmu inDwnu hY pweIAY gur kY hyiq Apwir ]8]10]32]

naanak eis dhaehee vich naam nidhhaan hai paaeeai gur kai haeth apaar ||8||10||32||

O Nanak, within this body is the treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord; it is found through the Love of the Infinite Guru. ||8||10||32||

Dhan Guru Tegh Bhadur Sahib Jee:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

DnwsrI mhlw 9 ]

dhhanaasaree mehalaa 9 ||

Dhanaasaree, Ninth Mehla:

kwhy ry bn Kojn jweI ]

kaahae rae ban khojan jaaee ||

Why do you go looking for Him in the forest?

srb invwsI sdw Alypw qohI sMig smweI ]1] rhwau ]

sarab nivaasee sadhaa alaepaa thohee sa(n)g samaaee ||1|| rehaao ||

Although he is unattached, he dwells everywhere. He is always with you as your companion. ||1||Pause||

puhp miD ijau bwsu bsqu hY mukr mwih jYsy CweI ]

puhap madhh jio baas basath hai mukar maahi jaisae shhaaee ||

Like the fragrance which remains in the flower, and like the reflection in the mirror,

qYsy hI hir bsy inrMqir Gt hI Kojhu BweI ]1]

thaisae hee har basae nira(n)thar ghatt hee khojahu bhaaee ||1||

the Lord dwells deep within; search for Him within your own heart, O Siblings of Destiny. ||1||

bwhir BIqir eyko jwnhu iehu gur igAwnu bqweI ]

baahar bheethar eaeko jaanahu eihu gur giaan bathaaee ||

Outside and inside, know that there is only the One Lord; the Guru has imparted this wisdom to me.

jn nwnk ibnu Awpw cInY imtY n BRm kI kweI ]2]1]

jan naanak bin aapaa cheenai mittai n bhram kee kaaee ||2||1||

O servant Nanak, without knowing one's own self, the moss of doubt is not removed. ||2||1||

Now I await to get bashed...as my point will entirely missed, as usual.

Oh and another thing, perhaps you all should let this go now. It's clear that no one is willing to stop posting, the thread been turned over it head in typical SS fashion.

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Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj!!

Exactly and yet we are busy with other bani besides Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee. Only Bani in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee is "Gurbani".

The above is a prevert logic fabricated by sex offender kala afghana.

Bani of all gurus is Gurbani. Those who do not agree to that should form a separate sect just like nirankaris.


Guru Gobind Singh jee gave "GURUSHIP" to Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee therefore Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee IS "GURBANI" from now on. We metha thek ONLY to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee as its now our "Guru" [Guru = Bani and Bani = Guru.]

This is the whole bases of your arguement, but what don't you get. Your have rejected what you proclaim as your base. You reject Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji's Bani and in doing so you have also rejected Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji's Hukam of Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji is Guru. You can't pick a choose what you want of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji's.

So the last 6 pages or so of your rant hold no merit. You could present any Bani from Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji and it don't matter because where does it say Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji is the Guru.

The fact you add Kaur to your name comes from Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji. Tell me where in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji it says to add Kaur. Tell me where it say to say Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

Inder singh, have you attempted vichaar on Gurbani "ikv sicAwrw hoeIAY ikv kUVY qutY pwil ]

kiv sachiaaraa hoeeai kiv koorrai thuttai paal ||

So how can you become truthful? And how can the veil of illusion be torn away?http://www.sikhitoth....asp?ShabadID=1

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UKGuptKaur is partially correct, Naam does reside inside the body. Of course, no one is going to believe me, so here is Dhan Guru Nanak Sahib Jee:

dyhI AMdir nwmu invwsI ]

dhaehee a(n)dhar naam nivaasee ||

The Naam, the Name of the Lord, abides deep within the body.

Awpy krqw hY AibnwsI ]

aapae karathaa hai abinaasee ||

The Creator Lord is eternal and imperishable.

nw jIau mrY n mwirAw jweI kir dyKY sbid rjweI hy ]13]

naa jeeo marai n maariaa jaaee kar dhaekhai sabadh rajaaee hae ||13||

The soul does not die, and it cannot be killed; God creates and watches over all. Through the Word of the Shabad, His Will is manifest. ||13||

Dhan Guru Amar Daas Sahib Jee:

iehu mnu dyhI soiD qUM gur sbid vIcwir ]

eihu man dhaehee sodhh thoo(n) gur sabadh veechaar ||

So reform this mind and body, by contemplating the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

nwnk iesu dyhI ivic nwmu inDwnu hY pweIAY gur kY hyiq Apwir ]8]10]32]

naanak eis dhaehee vich naam nidhhaan hai paaeeai gur kai haeth apaar ||8||10||32||

O Nanak, within this body is the treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord; it is found through the Love of the Infinite Guru. ||8||10||32||

Dhan Guru Tegh Bhadur Sahib Jee:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

DnwsrI mhlw 9 ]

dhhanaasaree mehalaa 9 ||

Dhanaasaree, Ninth Mehla:

kwhy ry bn Kojn jweI ]

kaahae rae ban khojan jaaee ||

Why do you go looking for Him in the forest?

srb invwsI sdw Alypw qohI sMig smweI ]1] rhwau ]

sarab nivaasee sadhaa alaepaa thohee sa(n)g samaaee ||1|| rehaao ||

Although he is unattached, he dwells everywhere. He is always with you as your companion. ||1||Pause||

puhp miD ijau bwsu bsqu hY mukr mwih jYsy CweI ]

puhap madhh jio baas basath hai mukar maahi jaisae shhaaee ||

Like the fragrance which remains in the flower, and like the reflection in the mirror,

qYsy hI hir bsy inrMqir Gt hI Kojhu BweI ]1]

thaisae hee har basae nira(n)thar ghatt hee khojahu bhaaee ||1||

the Lord dwells deep within; search for Him within your own heart, O Siblings of Destiny. ||1||

bwhir BIqir eyko jwnhu iehu gur igAwnu bqweI ]

baahar bheethar eaeko jaanahu eihu gur giaan bathaaee ||

Outside and inside, know that there is only the One Lord; the Guru has imparted this wisdom to me.

jn nwnk ibnu Awpw cInY imtY n BRm kI kweI ]2]1]

jan naanak bin aapaa cheenai mittai n bhram kee kaaee ||2||1||

O servant Nanak, without knowing one's own self, the moss of doubt is not removed. ||2||1||

Now I await to get bashed...as my point will entirely missed, as usual.

Oh and another thing, perhaps you all should let this go now. It's clear that no one is willing to stop posting, the thread been turned over it head in typical SS fashion.


Naam is inside, but it's only attained by attaching yourself to the True Guru. The Lord exist inside, but you can't attain the Lord without the True Guru. Please pick up on the subtly here.

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In My Opinion,

Just as there is water in the Ground, a Pump is needed to bring it out. It the same way, Naam is in the Body, but the 'Panj Pyareh' are Needed to Bring it Out. And The Rehit is Needed to be Maintained.

This is not going to sit too well with most; LOL!! But I will still say this. I believe that Sri GuruGranth Sahib Ji is Only Understood by those with Gurmantar, Gur Deekya, Gur Sikya, Etc. From RehitVaan Panj Pyareh. And all others Talk with Very Little True Understanding and Feeling. Patits (those who broke their vow with RehitVaan Panj Pyareh; committed Bujjer Kureits, etc) and still Talk of GuruGranth Sahib Ji, Just Hiss like Cobras.

But it Doesn't Mean Everyone Cannot Benefit from Sri GuruGranth Sahib Ji! Of Course Everyone Can! But the more they are Truly Benefiting, the closer it will bring them to RehitVaan Panj Pyareh and Khalsa Dharama.

Chardi Kala!!

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^ Right, that's why I said she was partially correct. Perhaps you should follow your own advice and "pick up on the subtly here" My last post in this thread, just wanted to bring something to people's attention.


The True Guru is the whole part. The stress is put on the True Guru.

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You have totally missed the point. The point is how do we get that naam.We are talking about sikh way

and not general philosophy.

In sikhi guru's way is the only way.So naam we get only from Guru.

suir nr muin jn AMimRqu Kojdy su AMimRqu gur qy pwieAw ]

sur nar mun jan a(n)mrith khojadhae s a(n)mrith gur thae paaeiaa ||

The angelic beings and the silent sages search for the Ambrosial Nectar; this Amrit is obtained from the Guru.

ang 918

Those who do not follow Guru are called sakats

swkq inrguixAwirAw Awpxw mUlu pCwxu ]

saakath niraguniaariaa aapanaa mool pashhaan ||

You worthless, faithless cynic-recognize your own origin!

Ang 68

So just posting one liner then disappearing from the scene is not a sikh's way.

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Kala afghna cult does not believe in instituition of Amrit sanchar. Their philosophy is based on doing away with this ceremony.

They do not say it openly but thrust of their arguements is on that.They say that amrit is bani only then why to have khande bate di


By saying this they are rejecting sikhism.Sikhi stresses on concept of Gurmukh and manmukh. SGGS ji divides human in these two

categories. Gurmukh is that who follows Guru's way and manmukh follows his way.

Gurbani comes down heavily on those who ndo not follow Guru's advice.

siqgur bwJhu guru nhI koeI ingury kw hY nwau burw ]13]

sathigur baajhahu gur nehee koee nigurae kaa hai naao buraa ||13||

Without the True Guru, there is no Guru at all; one who is without a Guru has a bad reputation. ||13

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^ Right, that's why I said she was partially correct. Perhaps you should follow your own advice and "pick up on the subtly here" My last post in this thread, just wanted to bring something to people's attention.


The True Guru is the whole part. The stress is put on the True Guru.

Who is the true Guru?

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