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Problems At Gurdwara

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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa!

Waheguru Ji Ki Fathey!

We have this problem at our gurdwara. There is this guy who is anti-dasam granth. One day at gurdwara he was distributing CD's. I come to see what he is passing out. It was CD's of Ragi Darshan. I asked him why are you distributing this at gurdwara and he said that dasam granth has many problems with it. I left because i didn't want to listen to him. I told my cousin who told the committee. The committee told the dude to stop doing that stuff. 2 weeks later he brings in this guy from Canada who's name was something like Gurcharan Singh Jeonwala. All i remember is the last name of the dude from Canada was Jeonwala. He was an anti-dasam granth person. The committee had a meeting and they let the guy talk, but not about Dasam Granth. A lot of the youth there were with this guy. It's been about 3 weeks since I haven't been to gurdwara since the closest one is preety far away. So, next time when I meet this guy who distributes CD's what should I do? The committee is not going to do anything at all I'll tell you that. Also, this guy who distributes the CD's claims to know so much, but when he's at a party he usually gets drunk and 2 times his pagg got knocked off(Eye-Witnessed).

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Guest mehtab1singh

Show your Gurdwara sangat ALL of the following videos of how Jeonwala got thrashed by Tapoban Singhs just last Sunday on Feb. 7th.

Sri Dasam Granth Discussion - Panthic Singhs vs. Jeonvala Kalaa-Afghana

part 1: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=hgf2TvjT9RI

part 2: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=pAeBAOj4q4s

part 3: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=dAlNP2hfkLs

part 4: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=TbxNDjK8nt8

part 5: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=qXmKkHaRF90

part 6: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=D_cGeBHFPsw

part 7: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=CGWZPY7xKLA

part 8: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=Cs-IqFv5Bqg

part 9: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=g_MCSFxXaxA

part 10: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=Phv6hhZt4tI

part 11: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=3ZuTqQVLq6Y

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Such self made "SIKH SCHOLARS" shuld be avoided and no

importance be given to such fools as is said in GURBANI:-

"Moorkhe naal na lujjhiye"

(Asa di vaar)

"Jin mun hor mukh hor se kandhe kachchya"

(Baba farid ji )

Ajehe guru dokhiyan nu muh na lagaao jo sade satguru di Baani

nu manan to inkari han.

Bhul chuk khima


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Savtej singh

Until you give the name and location of Gurudwara..

So please provide details of gurudwara. Jeonwala is too notorious not to be noted and he is also excommuicated person.

I will request Admin to delete the link of Singh sabha video as it may be a means of posting propaganda

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savtej why are you posting this man. ragi has been kicked out of panth as per sri akal takht sahib hukamnama. the person who was handing out cd's has nothing to say now, just leave this as it is. ragi is done for, and thats the end of it.

the guru ghar is in ohio. but this happend before ragi got excommunicated, so yea, now these supporters of anti-dasam will slowly start to shut up cuz they have ragi darshan singh who they can look up to. and i doubt any of them want to be in the same position.

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savtej why are you posting this man. ragi has been kicked out of panth as per sri akal takht sahib hukamnama. the person who was handing out cd's has nothing to say now, just leave this as it is. ragi is done for, and thats the end of it. just drop it man.

the guru ghar is in ohio. but this happend before ragi got excommunicated, so yea, now these supporters of anti-dasam will slowly start to shut up cuz they have ragi darshan singh who they can look up to. and i doubt any of them want to be in the same position.

savtej, go do ur homework

I'm sorry.

I know Ragi Darshan Singh got excommunicated. I just wanted to know if anything like this is happening anywhere else. I go to Bedford Gurdwara. I am sorry for the link also. I just wanted people to know who I was talking about. I am terribly sorry for this. sad.gif

Also, Thank You for the link of Jeonwala getting thrashed. I showed it to my dad and he got a kick out of it.

Again, I'm Sorry

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