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Situation Regarding Kashmiri Sikhs And Current Agitations By Muslims


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I've been hearing that some of our Kashmiri Sikh brothers and sisters have been facing increasing threats and attacks by extremist muslim protesters in kashmir who are venting their angry and intolerance on non-muslims in that state.

There is a facebook group that the owner is saying situation is getting worse, Sikh youths are beaten a few days ago and it alleged a mob killed a Sikh policeman (doubt thats true) but nether the less. We need awareness and action as a global Sikh community to draw spotlight to the sufferings of our brothers and sisters. We closed our eyes when afghan Sikhs were hounded and murdered in early 1990s by extremist muslims, we closed our eyes when Sikhs in pakistan were hounded by muslim extremists (pakistani taliban) recently and did not protest and now in Kashmir home to large ingenious Kashmiri Sikh population right next door to the largest Sikh majority state punjab our brothers and sisters are feeling isolated and living in fear.

What are we gonna do as individuals and collectively to help them? we couldnt do anything for the Sikhs in new delhi in 1984

how to best respond to threats to our community? we can not ignore any longer

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send over money for weapons and equipment if need be...tell them to form a millitia that will protect the community at any cost...and if the situation gets too hard for them to handle...send over tyaar bar tyaar khalsa faujis and get them armed and trained to protect the kashmiri sikhs with their lives...OO SORRY I WAS DREAMING THATS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN..TOO MANY PAPPUS LOL...ummm honestly brother i dont know what we can do...we are a homeless community with no political power..no one cares what happens to the sikhs except for us...only way you can safeguard the kashmiri sikh population is if you are willing to give blood for their protection...we will have to stand in the way of the jihadis ..soo be prepared..dont know what else to say

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send over tyaar bar tyaar khalsa faujis and get them armed and trained to protect the kashmiri sikhs with their lives...OO SORRY I WAS DREAMING THATS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN..TOO MANY PAPPUS LOL

Even if we didn't have the massive pappu problem, if we tried what is being suggested above, see how quickly and loudly western governments would start screaming "terrorists, terrorists!" towards Sikhs.

Seems like whenever Sikhs are risking or giving their lives for nonSikh causes, like bharat or Britain, everyone is happy. The moment Singhs want to defend themselves, the whole world and their mum gets upset about it and turns on them.....

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Even if we didn't have the massive pappu problem, if we tried what is being suggested above, see how quickly and loudly western governments would start screaming "terrorists, terrorists!" towards Sikhs.

Seems like whenever Sikhs are risking or giving their lives for nonSikh causes, like bharat or Britain, everyone is happy. The moment Singhs want to defend themselves, the whole world and their mum gets upset about it and turns on them.....

Couldnt of said it any better my brother...sometimes i wish i was born during the 18th century..a time when the sikhs were actually warriors and didnt fear any estabalishment...we were called terrorists in the past for defending the weak downtrodden and opressed...i think now we have forgetten why the khalsa fauj was even created...to make tyrants tremble on their thrones...now were scared of being called terrorists by the people who are trying to destroy the panth...the pappus have nearly killed off all bir raas in sikh thinking...were turning into a bunch of ahimsa loving cowards..who beg for help

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