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Man'S Turban Stolen In Southampton Race Attack


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To filter this thread.. most of the sensible & mature replies that agree with:

I am really surprised by the comments .People here are discussing what style of pagg to wear may be the next step is just attach it so tightly so no one can remove them.The victims are here are at no fault there is no way an unarmed Sikh could defeat 5 drunken white men in face to face fight.Strength lies in numbers The best way to deal with these cases is make Sikh pride groups Just go after the culprits catch 1 or two of them and beat ,insult them like blacken their face or anything.Make sure next time they will remember that insulting a singh could backfire them.If our soormey can fight in gurdwarey then they should be able to fight them on streets.
Im preety sure the singh did not voluntarly allow chicken bones to be placed on his dastar. He must have been picked upon by the black youths. He must have felt intimidated by a group who most probably wanted to cause trouble. They may have just thrown the bones on him, without his consent. Some guys can handle themselves some can't, some would have sorted them out, but remember doesnt matter how big or strong you are if theres a group of trouble makers who may or may not be carrying knives, or other weapons is it worth the risk if you are one and a gang of them. Also the thing is if he is illegal he may not wanted to risk being arrested if there was a fight.

A bit reality of us here:

IT's so easy to say the community has fear in them, but what about the person writing the comment. What have they done. Tell others to go infront of a knife is easy, but when the tables are turned then it's always an excuse.
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wait hang on just read ur quote lolol what in sikh history no singh has faught seva lakh lolol

is that what u ment or is this a error on YOUR part

Sikhs Fought sava lakh but at that time they knew that they are embracing death.We cannot say that Sikhs always applied that tactics.Sikhs Used Guerrilla warfare technique when their numerical strength was low which is a kind of hit and run technique.

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I think so many apnay live in a fantasy world these days. Living off the glory of their ancestors. Despite all the macho warrior posturing, plenty of Sikhs still seem to get bullied and bashed about at ground level in the diaspora. As usual most of the community doesn't seem to want to face this ugly truth and that almost guarantees it will continue.

Anyway, it isn't worth saying any more on it because it's obvious that we seem to have crossed some threshold and are set on a trajectory that ensures our financial/economic well being but at a cost. Am I the only one who feels somewhat embarrassed at the dichotomy between our supposed warrior credentials with what often goes on at street level?

I know it's a complicated issue, but still, if a problem does exist, unless we first acknowledge it, we have no chance to trying to resolve it.

The only way people are going to think twice about messing with a singh or his dastar is if some sort of group like the SP is formed again. They had pride and no fear. They stuck together. Mind you, there were probably even more attacks on singhs back in those days but at least they were dealt with.

Pride in being sikh has fallen due to corrupt influences of bollywood, western culture, and a decline in religion overall. If more people got into sikhi, were taught it early on, it would just be a matter of time before we had a group like SP surface again.

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Pride in being sikh has fallen due to corrupt influences of bollywood, western culture, and a decline in religion overall. If more people got into sikhi, were taught it early on, it would just be a matter of time before we had a group like SP surface again.

It's more complicated than that. The guys I knew from that crew weren't all religious. Sure some were, but the majority weren't practicing. They would drink too. Many were as proud of being Panjabi as Sikh. They were a very diverse group. But you are right in that they had a strong sense of pride in their heritage.

What united them all was a sense of being attacked from outside and the understanding that a failure to unite would cause even more problems. That's why it worked despite being filled with monay and keshdharis. They weren't as judgmental with each other as we seem today?

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vjkk vjkf

Sikhs need to learn self protection and up-to-date, modern combative systems. The focus should be on avoidance of conflict and the use of verbal deterrants and controlling of personal space via a 'fence', backed up with a small but highly aggressive skillset to end violence quickly, as a last resort. The problem with Sikhs is that they dont take this kind of thing seriously. Even in Nottingham I have tried to run self protection classes but young people dont wanna know. There are two different kinds. Some just think that its not important and they dont need it. Others think that they are some kind of super hero babbar shere that are so hard that they dont need to learn this kind of stuff. ... Both get equally battered when it comes down to it. Even Singhs who do alot of 'combat sewa' for the panth could learn alot from modern combative systems and become alot more effective.

I do not believe that vigilante groups are the answer to this problem. Because whilst the members of these groups may be able to handle themselves, they cant be everywhere all the time and weaker sikhs and the vulnerable will still get targeted. in fact attacks on weaker sikhs would probably increase with the rising of vigilante groups due to revenge attacks on easier targets. Whilst, I encourage people to defend themselves if there is no other choice, I do not think that it is wise to encourage sikhs to go out and fight and end up in jail with criminal records as that is simply not wise and not the sign of a well thought through and tactical strategy. Especially when our community will be the first to criticise them.

In essence, Sikhs should take it upon themselves to take responsiblity for their own safety. I have said this a million times. People agree with me. Some come and train for a class or two then you never see them again. Every day you hear on Sikhsangat about sikhs getting battered, racism and beadbi. As a kaum we are all over the place. We have no strategy and get battered every day. When we do fight back, we just come out aggressively and attempt to fight battles that we cant win and still get battered as it is not co-ordinated and is more an emotional reaction than a tactical one.

For more info on modern combative methods designed for people who deal with violence for a living such as bouncers, police, special forces, guards etc, read up on Lee Morrison, Urban Combatives, Geoff Thompson, Bill Kipp, FAST defence

Vjkk vjkf

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