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'Trapped' Illegal Immigrants Sleep On Streets


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So......the Sikh Channel came, threw bars of tolberone chocolate at the sikh homeless, took away 7 of them, gave them shelter, put them on our screens every day to tell us how great the sikh channel was for sorting the problem, patted itself on the back for sorting the problem and never mentioned it again.

Now we find out the sikh channel helped the 7 that were willing to tell the viewers how great the sikh channel is and left the other 300 out in the freezing ice to die.

Anyway, I'm just thankfull the Sky News crew didn't venture out to the Broadway in the night. There, they would have seen the female equivelent to the male rough sleepers selling their bodies.

Nothings gonna change though. We sikhs see ourselves through rose tinted glasses. When it comes to our weaknesses we pretend we just don't see. We'll never know how others are beginning to see us these days.

Sikhs homeless in the streets ? = We don't wanna discuss it. Lets pretend they're not there and discuss something else.

Sikhs living in abject poverty in the UK in the council flats of west London ? = We don't wanna know. Lets pretend they don't exist and discuss something else.

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don't get your knickers in the twist over sikh channel - west london - get your finger out of your a** and go and help out - each sikh is duty bound including me.no need to bring internet warrior proweress on this debate

I'm sorry if you got the impression I was acting like an internet warrior, fella. Sometimes my arrogance shows through in my writing and it makes me look far from kind. Thats all it was mate.

As for getting off my backside and actually doing something....Well, anyone that knows me here knows by now that I am prolific when it comes to getting things done. I've always believed that each and every one of us Sikhs worldwide has our own unique individual skill that waheguru gave us in order to benefit Sikhi. I think I've mentioned here before how, because I'm working on my postgraduate thesis, I, every now and then, take time off work and am on the computer for weeks on end. (You've probably noticed how I seem to be forever present on sikhsangat during these periods). Whilst keeping sikhsangat open on my browser is indeed a welcome distraction whilst I'm working I also like to do my bit. To that effect, THIS is what I did today :

After reading the world's news today I noticed, from online Indian newspapers, that today is international mother tongue day. From these Indian newspaper articles I found that young students at Punjab's most exclusive, elite, private schools, staged demonstrations because they were banned from speaking Punjabi on school grounds...i.e must only talk in Hindi or English. "Ummm"...I thought. "Nothing new there". But, the Indian newspapers today, also went on to name the elite schools that have this policy. After conducting a little research, to my horror as a proud English(man), I found that of the elite schools in Punjab that have banned the use of Punjabi on its grounds, 75% are funded by and affiliated to, Cambridge University !!! :wow:

Cut a long story short, i've spent the day sending e-mails to Cambrdige explaining the systematic genocide of Sikhs and the Indian attempt to anihilate them through the one thing that unites them : Their language. And then asked them how they can reconcile this with their supposed, highly publicised, ethics policy. Just so the message hits home, I have given them, via the research i conducted into the faculty dept of the schools, the stats that show that in these schools (they fund) in Punjab (a state with a 60% Sikh population), Sikhs make up just 4% of the staff. At the same time I have written to the student union and activists of Cambridge, many of whom pride themselves in being the human rights activist elite in the world, informing them of what kind of 'human rights' are being done in their name without them even knowing.

Call me alot of things 'ks55' ; 'arrogant', 'full of self-importance', a 'pain the derrier'......Yes. I am all those things. But if you think I don't actually get up and do things for the benefit of my people you could not be more wrong, my friend. (leaving aside all blatant human rights considerations here bruvs....this is not the time or place for me to teach you how, these supposedly rich private worldwide elite universities of Cambridge and Oxford, actually get millions and millions of our taxpayers money by playing semantic games of 'educational charity'. i,e...our parents on the western avenue work their socks off in the factory, pay some of the highest rates of tax in the western world....only to find that that their hard earned tax money is paying for schools in Punjab to have deliberate policies to exclude Sikh staff and students and to enforce blanket bans on the language of the Sikhs. - If nothing else, my actions today might help ease the 80% unemployment rate amongst Sikhs in Punjab.....and bring it more in par with the 40% unemployment rate of hindus). And all this, is done in yours and I's name and with yours and I's money !!!

So......now that we're friends, tell me, what have YOU done today for your people ?

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west london singh jeeo - great and beautiful actions yep you indeed smashed it. I am a banker International Commoditeis/Index trader by occupation - i trade against every tom/<banned word filter activated>/harry (mostly the western world) in the worldwide markets as - in most markets. As well as generating income - part of the proceeds go to all charities such as:

prisoner welfare

animal rights

sangat tv

sikh channel


various charities in India

united sikhs

khalsa aid

i only come here on occassions apologies to have a rant - didn;t like the tone of your comments as you mentioned.

all contribution by any sikh is commended no matter how small - without any need for criticism.

now i must go and work. thanks

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