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Why Are So Many Moderate Sikhs Against Khalistan


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Bro, the fundamental point to remember is if any enemy attacks us because we are Sikhs, myself and you would stand shoulder to shoulder (despite our differences on individual issues) to fight them back. However, one point I strongly wanna make to you, respectfully, is that the murder of innocent Muslims on the East Punjab side was against the tenets of Sikhi (and something we cannot have any pride in). Killing innocents "to get them back" is not justifiable. Getting them back in its true sense would have been killing the murderers on the West Punjab side that killed so many hundreds of thousands of our people there. However, any Muslim males that attacked us on East Punjab side certainly got exactly what they deserved and as a whole all the Malwa, Majha and Doaba Muslims that voted for Pakistan, clearly had to go there so they could they could happily be part of an apartheid state (Pakistan).

Also don't forget forget that if the Muslims lost 400,000 innocent lives (which we should never be proud about - instead we should be sad at how innocent people of all faiths suffered) out of a total population of theirs of say circa 100million that means they lost 0.4% of their community during Partitition. On a percentage basis we suffered at least more 12 times times more casualties than them on the basis of our community's population being far smaller.


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UKLondonSikh, I'm sorry my friend but having you here is almost the same as having a representative from the Indian High Commission in London here to argue the Indian line.

Despite having the ability to write coherently you don't actually have enough knowledge about these things to be able to argue with reason. Like all the other patriotic Indians your reason is blinded by bigotry against Pakistan / Muslims.

I, therefore, recommend you do 2 things :

Firstly, read the census reports from before 1947 and see what just a small percentage of sikhs it was that lived in what is now Pakistan.

Secondly, talk to people like my grandparents and other elderly doaba Sikhs. As them what happened in doaba in 1947. Tell them to narrate the stories to you of how the muslims were killed at such a frenzied rate. As a human being you should never forget this one fact : Imagine the number of Sikhs that were massacred in 1947. Then imagine the same number were murdered again. Then imagine another half that number were murdered again. What you then get to is the number of muslims massacred in 1947. As bad as our death toll was their death toll was a 150% higher.

I've said it before I'll say it again......It is the tactic of the Indian to manipulate us Sikhs into fighting the wrong 'enemy'. Hand on my heart, having visited Pakistan, I can honestly state that I recieved so much love and respect from the people there for being a Sikh it was awe inspiring. Truly awe inspiring. I will not be the puppet dancing to the tune the puppet-master (India) dicates. If we want a free Punjab....If we want an end to this slavery....we need to acknowledge that our one and only enemy in this world is the nation that is occupying us and enslaving us : India.

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UKLondonSikh, I'm sorry my friend but having you here is almost the same as having a representative from the Indian High Commission in London here to argue the Indian line.

>>Wow Paji, I didn't realise I was coming across that badly :-) Naah Paji seriously, I'm not a pimp for the GOI. Trust me if we could get an azad Punjab via a "velvet divorce" like Czechoslovakia i would be well happy so that Sikhs could be free to sort out our own issues ourselves. But I think we need internal Unity among the Qaum before that stage ideally.

Despite having the ability to write coherently you don't actually have enough knowledge about these things to be able to argue with reason. Like all the other patriotic Indians your reason is blinded by bigotry against Pakistan / Muslims.

>>I'm not a patriotic Indian. I'm Sikh full stop. I never consider myself Indian. I don't have any allegiance to India whatsoever ... Plus I even have a UK passport :-) I don't have anything whatsoever against any good Muslim. Islam may be a false religion that supports slavery and believes in the virgin birth of Jesus but that doesn't make all Muslims bad. After all, a lot of Indians pray to cows and monkey gods - which similarly doesn't make them bad people per se.

I, therefore, recommend you do 2 things :

Firstly, read the census reports from before 1947 and see what just a small percentage of sikhs it was that lived in what is now Pakistan.

>>That would only serve to prove that a greater PERCENTAGE of the Sikh population were killed there! You've disproven your own point as to who suffered most in per capita terms. Do you now admit that Sikhs suffered the most of any Punjabi community in percentage terms?

>>For clarity, if 300,000 Sikhs were killed and say 1.5 million Sikhs lived on the Pakistan side then that equates to 20% of the Sikh pouplation being killed there. If say 3 million Sikhs lived on the Pakistan side, then that would mean 10% of the Sikhs there were killed.

Secondly, talk to people like my grandparents and other elderly doaba Sikhs. As them what happened in doaba in 1947. Tell them to narrate the stories to you of how the muslims were killed at such a frenzied rate. As a human being you should never forget this one fact : Imagine the number of Sikhs that were massacred in 1947. Then imagine the same number were murdered again. Then imagine another half that number were murdered again. What you then get to is the number of muslims massacred in 1947. As bad as our death toll was their death toll was a 150% higher.

>>The "150% higher" figure is nonsense dreamt up by Muslim propagandists. Btw "half as much again" means 50% more and not "150%" as you stated. Paji if the Sikhs did not defend themselves the Muslims would have tried to get Jalandhar in Pakistan (via ethnic cleansing) ... because there were just as many Muslims in Doaba as us Sikhs (if not more). I know for a fact (as I'm half Doabi :-) that the Muslims kicked off first in order to ethnically cleanse us Sikhs out as kaffirs. Amritsar they would have taken as well as they outnumbered us there too. Say 350,000 Muslims dead out of a total Muslim population of 100million or thereabouts in 1947 = 0.35% innocents from their population sadly died. Statistically we lost by most estimates around twelve times as many innocent people (IN PERCENTAGE TERMS) for the size of our community ... or are you denying that undisputed fact?

>>But just to get this point crystal clear to you let us consider the following:

>>Population A = 100 million (this population the Quran teaches them to support slavery, paedophilia + caste discrimination)

>>Population B = 6 million (this population has been taught by SGGS Ji to OPPOSE slavery, paedophilia + caste discrimination)

>>Population A loses 300,000 people in a tragedy

>>Population B loses 299,999 people in the same tragedy

>>On paper, the Muslim propagandists can say that "oh the Muslims suffered more casulaties, look how evil + horrible those Sikhs are because they dare to believe in 1 God + oppose slavery at the same time"

>>But we have have clearly shown above that Population B has suffered 16-17 times greater losses for it's smaller population base

>>I say to you point blank Paji that we Sikhs suffered more - between 10-15 times greater losses than Muslims on a per capita basis in 1947. That's why Pakistan is an apartheid ideology supporting snake that cannot be trusted.

>>So I hope you will agree with me that we shouldn't be spending tourist dollars in Pakistan enriching those that butchered our Qaum and their descendents.

I've said it before I'll say it again......It is the tactic of the Indian to manipulate us Sikhs into fighting the wrong 'enemy'. Hand on my heart, having visited Pakistan, I can honestly state that I recieved so much love and respect from the people there for being a Sikh it was awe inspiring. Truly awe inspiring. I will not be the puppet dancing to the tune the puppet-master (India) dicates. If we want a free Punjab....If we want an end to this slavery....we need to acknowledge that our one and only enemy in this world is the nation that is occupying us and enslaving us : India.

>>Paji I get love and respect from all different people and races for being Sikh ... the only difference is the Muslims consistently inflicted the worst ghallugharas+holocausts on Sikhs repeatedly for 350 years ... next time you want to be friendly to them ... encourage them to visit East Punjab instead (rather than you spending your money in Pakistan ... which in turn helps Pakistan's ISI to supply drugs over the border that helps addict Sikh youth). Go to Slough, Alum Rock, Bradford etc and spend some time with our Punjabi Muslim friends whether they be Muslim Jatt, Rajput, Arain(Kamboh+Saini), Sheikh(Khatri+Arora), Butt(Brahmin) castes etc and trust me the majority of male Punjabi Muslims are 100% united in their utter hatred of Sikhs (because we are a true monotheistic faith) and their pride at how they ethnically cleansed West Punjab of Sikhs and how they converted+raped our women in 1947. Guess which landowning population segment of the Sikhs suffered worst in the rural areas of West Punjab? They probably treated you like a prince because you were enriching their economy + because they know that you are the enemy of their enemy ... as Pakistan's ISI (that kept Bin Laden in Punjab) thinks ... "let's get these gullible Sikhs thinking Islam is suddenly all friendly now" (despite 1947) ... that way we Pakistani's can supply weapons to get Sikh naujawaans killed by GOI as was the case between 1984-1995 ... whilst supplying drugs over the border for the additional bonus profit of hundreds of millions. It's a win/win situation for Punjabi Muslims. Check with the people that you know what great respect Aurangzeb + the Mughals are revered with by the Punjabi Muslims.

>>Rabh Rakha

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Bro, the fundamental point to remember is if any enemy attacks us because we are Sikhs, myself and you would stand shoulder to shoulder (despite our differences on individual issues) to fight them back. However, one point I strongly wanna make to you, respectfully, is that the murder of innocent Muslims on the East Punjab side was against the tenets of Sikhi (and something we cannot have any pride in). Killing innocents "to get them back" is not justifiable. Getting them back in its true sense would have been killing the murderers on the West Punjab side that killed so many hundreds of thousands of our people there. However, any Muslim males that attacked us on East Punjab side certainly got exactly what they deserved and as a whole all the Malwa, Majha and Doaba Muslims that voted for Pakistan, clearly had to go there so they could they could happily be part of an apartheid state (Pakistan).

Also don't forget forget that if the Muslims lost 400,000 innocent lives (which we should never be proud about - instead we should be sad at how innocent people of all faiths suffered) out of a total population of theirs of say circa 100million that means they lost 0.4% of their community during Partitition. On a percentage basis we suffered at least more 12 times times more casualties than them on the basis of our community's population being far smaller.


My friend i never meant that by stating "Gettin them back" was praising the killing of innocents, rather those fanatic muslims who carried out attacks first, especially on lahore and amritsar. altho the amritsari sikhs handed the muslims their backsides on a plate later on. This has already been discussed 2 months back, me and 'WestlondonSingh' were explainin 2 others of the true unbiased events of 47'.

Here is the link of the discussion, (by the way - my username was previously "KopSingh")

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My friend i never meant that by stating "Gettin them back" was praising the killing of innocents, rather those fanatic muslims who carried out attacks first, especially on lahore and amritsar.

>>100% agree with u on that brother. All the Muslims that kicked off attacking us first on the East Punjab side ... had it coming and deserved to die ... no doubt ... I know our family fought because it was us or them. Jinnah + the Muslim Punjabi's wanted all of this side to be in Pakistan. Same thing goes for the 10,000 scum that put tyres around Sardars necks and set fire to them with petrol in 1984. All of those scum deserve to die.

altho the amritsari sikhs handed the muslims their backsides on a plate later on.

>>It's lucky we fought to defend ourselves from Amritsar being annexed into Pakistan.

This has already been discussed 2 months back, me and 'WestlondonSingh' were explainin 2 others of the true unbiased events of 47'.

Here is the link of the discussion, (by the way - my username was previously "KopSingh")


>>Thanks I'll check that out

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Pakistanis ancestors were coward hindus who converted to islam one thing never trust pakis

Against killing inocent people but its ok to kill muslim terrorist

Anyone who kills inocent is no different then people involved in anti sikh riots 84

Stfu and stop talking about people like that.

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