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We Are Sikhs - We Are Not Behind 9-11


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This was the worst: 'Sikhs are not Muslims' sends a sinister message.


Any wonder that the article is written by this person

Scott C. Alexander is an associate professor of Islamic studies and director of Catholic-Muslim studies at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago.

Only someone living in the secluded and privileged world of academia and probably not having lived in the real world would write an article like this. He's probably living off Saudi money.

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Any wonder that the article is written by this person

Only someone living in the secluded and privileged world of academia and probably not having lived in the real world would write an article like this. He's probably living off Saudi money.

Unfortunately we have some moorkhs in our kaum as well who think that we shouldn't upset Muslims by distancing ourselves from them. Look at this picture which shows a group of Sikhs visiting the opening of the Park51 (Ground zero Mosque) exhibition and which was and is plastered over the official website of the so-called community centre. The problem is that over 70% of Americans were against a mosque being put on that site and this even included many liberal types. So why are Sikhs putting themselves in a position where the Sikh identity could be linked to a supremacist Mosque put up on a site where Muslims murdered over 3000 Americans?


Sikhs need to be more careful where and when they can be photographed especially if it could reflect in a negative way.

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