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This guy and me...

Guest Poster321

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Guest Poster321

Basically i came across this guy a few months back and from the very first time i met him, i was hooked. He is like no other person i have ever come across. Its not about looks etc but his personality...i feel connected with him on another level. It sounds corny but it feels like we were meant to meet...obviously we were lol Maharaajs hukum but i meet loads of people many amazing people but just this one guy has touched me so deep...i feel like theres a solid soul connection. And whats weird is that he feels the exact same way. I know his not lying...he is possibly the most truthful person ive come across. I know him inside out now. So yeah we have this amazing thing where we both feel the same way about each other and both feel like there is a much deeper meaning to it. Its something neither of us have ever felt. So my question is...what is this?

All this has me really confused. I dont know what to make of it anymore. I've tried ignoring him and walking away, tried putting him off etc but none of it works...i can not stop talking to him. I've given up fighting it... And to be honest, i am no longer sure i want to stop talking to him. Coz what we have is so unique. Neither of us have experienced it. I am taking all this as Maharaajs hukum...i honestly dont know where i would be without this guy now.

Though i dont agree wth most labels, i can say with all surety that i am not homosexual. Nor bisexual. Im a kesadhari Singh...very much into Sikhi, an integral part of me. I have always wanted to get married to a woman with whom id have 3/4 children lol! but right now i can not see past this guy. I want to spend my life with this person whos so attached to my soul. I could happily live a life of celebacy just to be with this guy...thats how i feel right now.

I'd appreciate people not jumping to conclusions and assuming this is some kaam related thing or that i am trying to justify homosexuality. Im not against it either. Its fine in its own place...not my business or the point of this post.

It sounds weird even as i read it back to myself but this is the reality of it. I guess im looking for someone to tell of a similar thing...im not sure. I just dont need bakwaas cheap digs. Please do yourself a favour and keep them to yourself. If anyone has anything worth saying, please reply.

I apologise if i offend anyone, it is not my intention.

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Wait your a dude? jk

I think it sounds like you have a platonic bromance which aint nothing wrong with. It's like intense camaraderie. As long as it isnt sexual there isnt really anything wrong with it. There are groups of guys who are more like brothers to each other than their own blood. Maybe you should just count yourself lucky to have found a brother?

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I have always wanted to get married to a woman with whom id have 3/4 children lol!

Oh hoyyeeee!! LOLOL.

Maybe you're just connect really well. If your not sexually attracted to him, then your not homosexual. And seeing as you want to make kids, I don't think you are gay. BUT, I'm slightly worried about you wanting to spend your life with him and being celibate. You shouldn't spend your life chasing after a person. You should focus on your relationship with God.

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Please just explain one thing. You say you're not homosexual nor bisexual. However, you want to live a life of celibacy and spend your life with him. Doesn't really add up..why can't you just be best mates with this guy and still do the whole wife marriage 10 kids thing?

Hope this doesn't come across as rude, that wasn't my intention.

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The world could do with more of these honourable, "I've got your back" type bromances as described by HSD2. Nothing wrong with them. I'd just be careful you don't give the impression that all the intensity and "brotherhood" is purely from your end, and the other fella is strictly ambivalent about the whole thing, lol. Just don't go all Brokeback on us.

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It sounds like you have found a person you are well connected with, perhaps you have alot in common or are on a similar level spiritually... whatever it maybe, as others have suggested i would consider it as a brotherly relationship.

However, I would also like to stress, that people come and go, regardless of how close you might be today... so don't let yourself get too involved in his life, keep some space... continue to pursue your hobbies / interests etc.

It is very likely that I am much older than you, and therefore I am advising based on life experience. I have a girl friend who I have known for 12 years, at the time we met we were very close and I would still say we have a sisterly relationship... however we don't talk or meet very often, she is married with a little boy and lives about 70 miles away now, so things change as life goes on. You need to see past the here and now, if you want to get married then no friendship should stand in the way.

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You can quite easily connect with someone on a level beyond friendship without there being any sexual connotation. I had a good mate at uni who had similar thoughts and outcomes on life as I did.

But remember, you travel alone on the path to God with only Guru as your guide. Friends will come and go. Friends can become enemies and enemies can become friends. Nothing is fixed nor final except Akaal.

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Everything is kama based, we meet people, engage with people have good or bad experiences with people all because its pre-ordained and to balance karma with them..karam philosophy itself is deep philosophy- i would highly recommend to listen karam katha by sant hari singh ji randhawale..it will blow your socks away..anyway once one have understanding of karam, its easy to move on, come to terms on many things in life..gurmat teaches us not to look at people avguns (bad qualities) see essence(jot) behind each person ..be the person is good or bad and don't take it pesonally because that person be it good or bad has pre-odained karam be it good or bad...no one can change no one, you can only change your perception.

Nothing needs to be changed or modify just our perception, with a blink of eye everything is dissolved in the Supreme consciousness divine with another blink everything re appears as it is, either way world exist in mind not mind exist in this world.

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Beware of putting anyone on a pedestal. The people that we make our heroes are often the same people that we end up resenting. If you find admirable qualities in your friend, then I would recommend finding and developing those qualities in yourself. I would also encourage you to see the downsides to this person, to keep them human in your eyes and appreciate the person as a whole, including their faults and weaknesses.

Otherwise, the day inevitably comes when our heroes disappoint us. We then resent them and ourselves for what the lesson costs us. Infatuation and putting anyone on a pedestal is unwise; learning from others around us and improving ourselves is a step towards greater appreciation of ourselves and of Mahraj who created us. As we become aware of who and what we really our, our gratitude to Mahraj skyrockets and we remember and thank him. Otherwise we wander lost in the illusion.

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u might be metrosexual . It happens it happens it noting to worry about it is modern society and demands. If i find someone i like i talk to them lots and then get feeling for them that is natural. It happens. These days if U play wit yor frend 2much ppl say U R gay. In india bein close to men on men is normal. Its nice cos U R friend not of gay!

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