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What is Yoga?

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Here is one form which the 3HO teach to do yoga.............they call this white tantric yoga

The article link posted in the original post as done an excellent job of explaining what yoga is and how many are miss using this word and distorting the actual practice of yoga as described by Sarguru Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj.

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I know the articles a bit long, but after reading it, you will understand yoga more clearly and know when someone is taking you off Guru's path. Knowledge is power and keeps us awake spiritually.

Also before copy and pasting the article in the original post anywhere else, ask the person who wrote it. They a policy on not copy and pasting their articles without permission.

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I think what makes yoga ie- kundalini yoga performed by 3ho sikhs "unique" compare to other typical yogis (raw breathing up to navel to invoke navel chakra) is that they incorporate gurbani such as gurmantra- vahiguroo, parapoorbala mantra- satnaam, bij mantra- ikongkar, gurmat mahavak- ikongar satigurparsad, jaap sahib shands, gayatri mantra from jaap sahib, aad sach jugad sach hai bhi sach nanak hosi bhi sach- shaloks- similiarly aad gureh nameh, jugad gureh nameh, satgureh nameh, sri gurdev eh nameh etc in their sadhana which is same as sas gras/swas (breathing) simran which is encouraged in gurbani...raw sas gras breathing is what typical yogis do but once gurbani is incorporated into sas gras it becomes sas gras/swas simran..both sas gras (breathing) simran and raw kundalini yoga opens up kundalini which is sitting reversed at navel/nabhi.

Raw kundalini yog or synomounous swas gras(raw breathing) is condemned in gurmat but incorporating sas gras simran/incorporating simran with it its parvan in Gurmat. In gurmat, there are many ways as many of us are sitting at different stage as much there are different ways to suit each individual based on their avastha, based on individual mindset,there is sas gras/swas simran (breathing/kundalini-navel pull in + shabad), there is shabad surat (listening to shabad with surti at tip of nose) among others.

​One start knowing these things when one start doing simran, naam abhyas..i think prab millan ka chao* is doing excellent seva- study their slideshow/listen to their audio then come up with your opinion ...they are doing excellent seva to bring awareness of exploring own one's body/energy points among sikh masses otherwise unintentionally we do khandan-mandan of things that we don't know in insecurity, hindu phobia..next thing we will do khandan mandan is panj tatvas- earth, water, air, fire, sky/ether..no no these are all bhraminvad...lets brand them- gurmat earth, gurmat water, gurmat air, gurmat fire, gurmat sky..lol..hehe :p


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Yoga is practiced by all of us without even realising !!!

It's when we assume certain bodily positions to conduct ourselves through life and tasks.

When we sleep or rest, we take the postition of lying down with a cushion under our head!

When we eat, we sit upright and usually prefer to have our legs still,..ie.not walking or moving unless we have to. It is more healthier and convenient if we are stationary with only movement of mouth,jaw and hands/arms.

So, if you can understand HOW bodily postioning is essential to maintenance of life, then it is only natural and convenient to assume a bodily position when showing or expressing devotion to God. When I say a 'position', I mean when we are not performing an action or seva for mankind and creation, but we are stationary and want to devote Mind,body and Soul.

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However, the Kundalini yoga is a kind of 'cheat' or forced action of raising one's kundalini.

This energy itself can be raised with grace and meditation by all of us without any special yoga.

This is what we need to understand!!!

It's just like opening your 3rd eye chakra, where some of us can do it within a few weeks of meditation and some have to meditate for years to get there. On the other hand, some are actually born with already having an open 3rd eye, so it seem perfectly natural to them!!!

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I personally think there are many naam jugtiyas/ meditation techniques parvan in gurmat as long shabad/naam is incorporated in it, main idea is to control mind ..no one is claiming kundalini yoga or any naam vidhi is be all or end all as mentioned in the video after 7.19.....no one is disputing grace or kirpa aspect in sikhi...grace,hakum and free will are all intertwined with each other...main goal in sikhi is to get rid of one's ego and meet vahiguroo/real self of one which is atama-paratma...these naam jugtiya be it via kundalini yoga/swas gras simran by 3ho and others, shabad surat marg by sikhs are just tip of ice berg just small baby steps to get mind attuned in divine...real test is one giving up shuksham maya, anand in dasam dwara and one giving up their ego be it asthol humaie and shuksham humaie with baiaraag and prem.

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