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Stratford Road Gurdwara (Sparkhill, South Birmingham


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Election on Sunday 5th May 2013

- The current committee at Guru Nanak Gurdwara South Birmingham (GNG-SB) have been in power since May 2011. The elected Pardan (Committee President) at that time conveniently stepped down to allow the present incumbent non-elected Pardan to take his place without any public endorsement.

- The Sangat (Congregation of the GNG-SB) have approached the current committee to change the president and committee members due to the incorrect way they have been running the Gurdwara, with no regard to Hukumnamas (An Order issued to Sikhs) from the Akal Takht. Some events to consider:

- A recent Akhand Paath took place where the Japji Sahib Ji was NOT read at the request of a sangat member due to their own personal beliefs. Clearly this should not have been granted as Japji Sahib Ji is just like any other scripture in the Guru Granth Sahib Ji and should be part of the full reading of the Guru Granth Sahib Ji, which is what the definition of an Akhand Paath is. One can only assume that this request was entertained for the committee to make money.

- Interfaith marriages have been banned by the Akal Takht. Clear instruction has been given that only those with the surname Kaur or Singh may have an Anand Karaj. Yet this committee knowingly has ignored this Hukumnama and allowed such marriages to take place.

- The Sangat has tried in vain to sit down with the current committee to resolve the issues, some of which have been mentioned above. However, the current committee has refused such talks. In respect to the Gurdwaras past standing in the community the Sangat has turned to a previous Pardan to stand up to this bullying non sikh committee to fight in the upcoming election on Sunday 5th May 2013.

- A nomination was put forward some 3 months ago with the endorsement of the community of the Gurdwara, so that the Sangat would have a choice in the upcoming election. This is what has transpired since then

- Current committee sends by post the opposition parties nomination with a red cross, declining the right of entry of the opposition party to fight this election 1 week before the election date, stating the reason that the form was incomplete. The error being that the person named on the form forgot to circle if they were a member of the gurdwara or not! Something which they conviently forgot to mention over the last 3 months.

- Thankfully the GNG-SB has a written constitution, in which this would not void a persons application, however this has not stopped the election board, interestingly headed by a non-sikh (Hindu) who is clearly sided with the current committee. This Hindu chairman of the election board is clearly trying to waste time in the run up to the elections, trying to concentrate the opposition parties efforts on fighting the right to participate in the election so they cannot canvass any support.

- The opposition committee are prepared to fight the corrupt committee and have followed all rules of the constitution and are willing to take legal action at their own expense to be rid of these corrupt imposters misusing public trust and money.

- The current committee have replied saying that they will use Sangat money to pay any legal expenses!

- A final meeting took place on Monday 29th April 2013 where 5 election board members were to vote in front of the trustees of GNG-SB on whether the nomination should be allowed and the election should take place, if not then the current committee automatically would stay in power!

At this meeting 2 election board members resign due to the continuing politics.

3 remaining voted. 2 for the election on Sunday 5th May 2013, 1 against. The Hindu Chairman decided to vote against. Did you guess that?

The meeting was carried out in front of the trustees of the Gurdwara and it was decided that the election would go ahead.

- Tuesday 30th April 2013, the 2 resigned election board members decide to withdraw their resignations and decide to also side with the chairman and vote againt the election! I wonder who they spoke to overnight?

Attention Sangat!

Your local Gurdwara is being run by a pack of dogs intent on abusing you and our sacred Gurdwara. If they had nothing to hide why would they be so scared of an open and honest election?

Please come and show your support and opinion, as it is very very much needed!

Share this with as many people as you can, so they too can fight those in power in other Gurdwaras with similar struggles.

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I have NEVER heard anything positive about the running of that gurdwara in all these years !!

well we ar sikhs - we are to make a positive out of the negative -- the hardest is of youth to run gurdwaras due to their work,study life commitments.and the old boaks have plenty of time - their own family mostly fall out with them so they only linger in the Gurdwara playground politcs which they love and enjoy andhave a great passion drive and plenty of time for it too. so whats' the answer:

a bunch of 25 youth who can commit 5-10 hours a week in the Gurdwara can over take the whole lot of them - if they really had the passion for it.

5 - as main running of administraion of the gurdwara

5- for the darham parchar seva

5- for langar seva

5 - for building services

5 - for sport and other acitvities assoicateed

can we find 25 who will be commited - if you can then go for it and stand - you will win and knock these old guys for 6.

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I wish it were that easy, but I don't foresee that happening.

Problem is the politics,, too much politics and politics means power, power means ego............and so on. it NEVER goes to sikhi.

Politics is all about winning and Deception.

Whereas Religion is about MORALS.

If there was more focus on MORALS than the POLITICS, then you could have a winner.

Not being prejudice, but most of the Punjabis around that part of the midlands are more focused on money, greed, business and power... MORALS and Sikh Morals in particular are way down their achievement lists.

Some other areas of midlands have more Punjabis whose focus is the opposite and their gurdwaras are the most peaceful without any such issues.

Just my personal opinion from what I have seen, witnessed and learnt from !

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