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is dhunda doing katha in delhi gurudwara anymore?


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UK = The answer to your question is "NO" Waljinder Paji

UK = The reason is I do not have even 0.1% of the knowledge of Gurbani as Giani Sher Singh Ji. Meri ehni aukath nai haii ke maii ohna de saamnay gal kar'rah. I respect each and every sincere Giani within the Panth that is propagating Sikhi.

UK = However, as Sikhs we owe loyalty only to Akaal Purakh and Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj so having a differing interpretation to respected Giani Sher Singh Ji on 1% of matters does not entitle others to define such people like myself as non-Sikhs.

UK = However, i'm happy to discuss the issue if you will kindly join a petition to declare SikhSangat a neutral forum on the matter. Until such point that open debate can occur there is really no point discussing the topic further. However, allegations about me on a personal level feel free and I will gladly hit them for six :-)

UK = I do believe that it is in the interests of the Panth for scholars (of which I am not - i am just a random Sikh on an internet forum) to thrash out this issue for the forward benefit of the Panth at Sri Akal Takht Sahib.

If you have no understanding then who gave you the certificate to question the authenticity of Guru Gobind Singh ji's bani ? You might be convinced by your 8th grade masters and not by the answers that Giani Sher Singh has to every illogical questions fake missionaries have put? If you have doubts about Dasam bani, then go to Giani ji (and other knowledgeable Gursikhs - not 8th grade profs. ) and ask the questions you have and clear your doubts. If you have joined Sikhsangat just to create controversies on Dasam bani and create doubts in others mind (which I believe is your main reason), then we can have a poll on who you have been able to convince so far with your illogical stand and you will come to know that your mission has failed badly. There should be no compromise in the firm stand regarding qeustioning authenticity of Dasam bani in the name of a 'debate' on a forum such as SikhSangat.

Furthermore, I never mentioned from whom I listened that age so do not lie.


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If those brothers like you see that others to whom Dhan Dhan Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj is the highest of the high have a different interpretation of what are truly Guru Sahib's words then it can be seen that both have equal reverence for Dashmesh Pithah and we should focus on those objectives where we all united for the Panth's Chardi Kallah such as drugs, alcohol, illiteracy, infanticide, bakhre bakhre Gurdwaray and pushing the agenda of Sikhi forward in Punjab, outside of Punjab and globally to have an impact globally with greater numbers (in a way that we cannot do with our current population)

another one of your evading posts.

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Giani Sher Singh live

Very good interview, really shuts up all missionaries.

All those who are creating controversy or kintoo are anti-Sikh agencies trying to separate Sikhs from each other.

Dividing is just one of the motives.The main motive is to discredit bani of Dasam Pita so that sikhs do not get inspiration to fight injustice and tyranny.

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UK = As you know I cannot discuss this subject properly with you as Moderators are deleting my posts and i will get banned if I debate it with you properly. However, never have I stated that Rama and Krishna are revered. I have said that Hinduism's Rama Chander is elevated by association with the greatest of the great -Dhan Dhan Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj

GPS = If you happen to be a sodhi, you (can) claim belonging to King rama chander's family.Understand structure of caste affiliations in India.

UK = Nobody in the pro-Gurmat camp has any problem with condemnation of figures who have zero relavance to Sikhi

GPS = That is why this granth is at hit list of RSS and they have their agents posing as sikhs to create confusion.

UK = Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj’s true ideology is what the RSS have on their hit list. That’s why they want people like yourself to emphasise upon Sri Hemkhunt Sahib becuase they fear what occurred in Vaisakhi 1699 at Sri Anandpur Sahib. You say 1698 the year prior to Vaisakhi 1699. Others claim your Sodhak Committee from 1897 was responsible for the name change. Have you ever asked yourself why all the crooked Mahants allied with the British Empire were so vociferously in favour of the 1897 happenings and work of the Arya Samaj printing presses?

UK = My opposition to certain parts is not based on reverence for deities, I have stated to you before what I have trouble with but I won't repeat it here now due to Mod Paji's instructions. If you wanna hit the topic in full i suggest you raise a petition to Mods that SikhSangat maintain a neutral position on the issue, so that we can debate it openly. If my viewpoint is locked down or in handcuffs we can hardly discuss this properly. Nevertheless, I will answer each and every one of your off topic allegations as I 100% have faith in Sikhi and I believe your stance is wrong for the future of Sikhi as you are determined to make our Sikh Panth into a smaller and smaller demographic force.

GPS = Some Hindu devtas have faces of animals and that is unbelievable. Have you found any Hindu refuting that.

Religion is a matter of faith and i do not find fault with them in observing their faith.

UK = Well good for you GPS if you respect the half-elephant half-man and monkeys gods. After all the Bedi Kings at Kashi were Hindu weren’t they. And those Hindu’s had such great foresightabout who would be our Guru Sahiban in the future.

GPS = We have allowed you enough freedom here even though religious texts are above introspection by human minds. Religious scriptures are word of God and are to be believed. If you do not believe in them then find another religion, if you claim to be a sikh.

UK = I will never leave Sikhi. But youre welcome to join your Arya Samaj or RSS friends if you see such virtue in their beliefs. Obviously you're very adamant about reducing the population of the Sikh Panth and increasing the Hindu population!

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GPS = Anyone who go to a Gurudwara sahib bow to Guru Granth sahib ji irrespective of religious affiliation.

UK = Only those that seek to reduce the demographic potential of the Sikh Panth maintain that those devotees who bow before Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahin Ji Maharaj are not Sikh, according to GPS who personally decides who and who is not a Sikh.

GPS = Kabir panthis are not sikhs as they have belief in Kabir's granths.

UK = They are Sikh. They believe in Shabad Guru. It was people like yourself that prevented Dr Ambedkar from joining the Khalsa Panth with such attitudes.

GPS = They do not maintain sikh appearance. Can you tell me how a sikh looks like?

GPS = Sikhs can be Amritdhari, Kesdhari and Sehahdhari. Dhan Dhan Kabir Ji Maharaj kept kes so true followers of theirs would have partaken Amrit had people like yourself not decided to restrict the definition of a Sikh to suit your own agenda's.

GPS = Their otehr granth is anti Gurmat.

UK = That's because people like you declare them non-Sikhs and then wonder how Indira separates them away from Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji Maharaj. Why not focus on how to join them to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj instead of classifying them as non-Sikhs?

GPS = For you cigarette smoking sindhis who believe in Hindu deities are also sikhs.

UK = Yes I would much rather see them as members of the Sikh Panth who can make their way towards Amrit rather than sending towards the Hanuman Mandirs and the RSS and their allied political parties as you would wish to do.

GPS = Did not you say that? You said that. That means you have no belief in sikh code of conduct.

UK = Every Sikh believes in Guru Sahib's Rehit. Just not the one that suits your agenda and the RSS agenda of keeping the Sikh Panth's numbers small.

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UK = Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj’s true ideology is what the RSS have on their hit list. That’s why they want people like yourself to emphasise upon Sri Hemkhunt Sahib becuase they fear what occurred in Vaisakhi 1699 at Sri Anandpur Sahib. You say 1698 the year prior to Vaisakhi 1699. Others claim your Sodhak Committee from 1897 was responsible for the name change. Have you ever asked yourself why all the crooked Mahants allied with the British Empire were so vociferously in favour of the 1897 happenings and work of the Arya Samaj printing presses?

I am at a loss to understand what bukwas you are writing here.Where did we talk about name change. THis is just evading the topic. Can you point out where name change topic came. What is the relation between 1698 and sodhak committee?

Why did not you answer my questionabout dhundha being labelled khalsa by you inspite of the fact that he shuns dasam bani?

Admin: This man is here not to get any clarifications but present his agenda in a twisted way. It is high time you put him under Quality control for casting doubts on Dasam granth sahib and ridiculing our Gurudawar sahib Hemkunt.

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GPS = Anyone who go to a Gurudwara sahib bow to Guru Granth sahib ji irrespective of religious affiliation.

UK = Only those that seek to reduce the demographic potential of the Sikh Panth maintain that those devotees who bow before Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahin Ji Maharaj are not Sikh, according to GPS who personally decides who and who is not a Sikh.

GPS = Kabir panthis are not sikhs as they have belief in Kabir's granths.

UK = They are Sikh. They believe in Shabad Guru. It was people like yourself that prevented Dr Ambedkar from joining the Khalsa Panth with such attitudes.

GPS = They do not maintain sikh appearance. Can you tell me how a sikh looks like?

GPS = Sikhs can be Amritdhari, Kesdhari and Sehahdhari. Dhan Dhan Kabir Ji Maharaj kept kes so true followers of theirs would have partaken Amrit had people like yourself not decided to restrict the definition of a Sikh to suit your own agenda's.

GPS = Their otehr granth is anti Gurmat.

UK = That's because people like you declare them non-Sikhs and then wonder how Indira separates them away from Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji Maharaj. Why not focus on how to join them to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj instead of classifying them as non-Sikhs?

GPS = For you cigarette smoking sindhis who believe in Hindu deities are also sikhs.

UK = Yes I would much rather see them as members of the Sikh Panth who can make their way towards Amrit rather than sending towards the Hanuman Mandirs and the RSS and their allied political parties as you would wish to do.

GPS = Did not you say that? You said that. That means you have no belief in sikh code of conduct.

UK = Every Sikh believes in Guru Sahib's Rehit. Just not the one that suits your agenda and the RSS agenda of keeping the Sikh Panth's numbers small.

Can you tell us how many granths kabir panthis have? Only that bani of kabir sahib was included in SGGS that was in line with Gurmat.

You cann't call all and sundry as sikhs.Sindhis have more belief in hinduism than sikhism.Any person with duality is not a sikh.Learn this.

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