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Taking Amrit And Keeping Kesh

Guest guptsingh

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Guest guptsingh


I am 23 years old and I live with my parents and I have great desire to take amrit. I have wanted to take amrit for the last 5 years. My mom does not approve of me keeping my hair as she has a very western lifestyle. I know I could easily move out as I am no longer a minor, but I would like to stay ultimately with my parents as I also believe strongly in family, as guru ji's also taught.

Is there any tips on how I can convince my parents for myself take amrit and keep my hair? Is there some bani I should read to gain courage and do ardaas to gain their acceptance?

I don't know what it is with this western world :stupidme: that won't let their children in sikhi, but rather having them live the typical "youngster" lifestyle.

Also, does anyone have times on what it is like to grow your hair and first time go out with a dastar, like to work/school... iam very nervous of the empty stares! :omg:

Some help from my fellow bro's and sisters would be very helpful!

Guru Ang Sang

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HAHA well first of all Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji ke Fateh :) , Your thoughts are right. Its not easy finding a family that is loving and caring , I think they don't want you to do amrit because i don't think they believe you are ready to take this big step because once you are "Amrit- Dhari" you are apart from everybody else , If you make one mistake that guru ji told forbiddingly not to do such as: Cutting your hair , Doing Drugs , Cheating on your wife , Your paap is forever it cannot be forgiven and you will definitely go to hell. You should start of by showing them that you won't do any mistakes. Do "Nitnem" every single morning and start keeping your hair and always be firm about your decision .. Amrit is not something you can experiment once its in your body its in your body forever! Also to help your mom to get your approval you should do ardaas every single day , Go to the gurdwara and do seva once in a week , Waheguru will definitely help you as you are as to become Guru Gobind Singh JI's Son. The topic of keep your hair isn't very hard. Keeping your hair isn't the problem

but to take care of it is the problem! Tying dastaar is hard .. But it doesn't hurt or anything. Lastly you should never be afraid of who you are you should be proud to wear a dastaar and be a "Sacha Sikh" it doesn't matter about anybody's opinions it matters what the "Akaal Purakh" thinks and if is pleased with you. Keep up the great work hope i was of some help. Waheguru JI Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ke Fateh!

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Guest Waheguru

I experienced something same what you are feeling and going through . I totally feel you.

I would say talk to them again, any parents friends are in sikhi, talk to them and them to talk to your parents.

Find at least one person who could talk to him.

If not take them to Gurudwara sahib.

Explain them with love because getting mad or saying I will leave is not the right way.

While you are doing all that, keep Guru Nanak in your thoughts. Listen to Kirtan, simran. Do Waheguru jaap!

Never bring negative thoughts, because there is power in thoughts!

Trust yourself and not importantly trust Waheguru!

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Guest Waheguru

I experienced something same what you are feeling and going through . I totally feel you.

I would say talk to them again, any parents friends are in sikhi, talk to them and them to talk to your parents.

Find at least one person who could talk to him.

If not take them to Gurudwara sahib.

Explain them with love because getting mad or saying I will leave is not the right way.

While you are doing all that, keep Guru Nanak in your thoughts. Listen to Kirtan, simran. Do Waheguru jaap!

Never bring negative thoughts, because there is power in thoughts!

Trust yourself and not importantly trust Waheguru!

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Guest Waheguru

I experienced something same what you are feeling and going through . I totally feel you.

I would say talk to them again, any parents friends are in sikhi, talk to them and them to talk to your parents.

Find at least one person who could talk to him.

If not take them to Gurudwara sahib.

Explain them with love because getting mad or saying I will leave is not the right way.

While you are doing all that, keep Guru Nanak in your thoughts. Listen to Kirtan, simran. Do Waheguru jaap!

Never bring negative thoughts, because there is power in thoughts!

Trust yourself and not importantly trust Waheguru!

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Guest Waheguru

I experienced something same what you are feeling and going through . I totally feel you.

I would say talk to them again, any parents friends are in sikhi, talk to them and them to talk to your parents.

Find at least one person who could talk to him.

If not take them to Gurudwara sahib.

Explain them with love because getting mad or saying I will leave is not the right way.

While you are doing all that, keep Guru Nanak in your thoughts. Listen to Kirtan, simran. Do Waheguru jaap!

Never bring negative thoughts, because there is power in thoughts!

Trust yourself and not importantly trust Waheguru!

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I know how you feel, I'm in a similar situation and it's hard to break away from the social norm of pleasing society and fitting in. I think you're parents are just concerned that you won't be able to find someone to marry who is also amridhari and that you will be left with little options. I think you should find someone going through the same situation, get married, and then take Amrit together as a couple. This way, your parents won't have anything bad to say, because they know you're already married and have a secure family future. In the meantime, keep your focus on naam and amritvela as this will fulfil all your wishes. All the best :)

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I know how you feel, I'm in a similar situation and it's hard to break away from the social norm of pleasing society and fitting in. I think you're parents are just concerned that you won't be able to find someone to marry who is also amridhari and that you will be left with little options. I think you should find someone going through the same situation, get married, and then take Amrit together as a couple. This way, your parents won't have anything bad to say, because they know you're already married and have a secure family future. In the meantime, keep your focus on naam and amritvela as this will fulfil all your wishes. All the best :)

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I experienced something same what you are feeling and going through . I totally feel you.

I would say talk to them again, any parents friends are in sikhi, talk to them and them to talk to your parents.

Find at least one person who could talk to him.

If not take them to Gurudwara sahib.

Explain them with love because getting mad or saying I will leave is not the right way.

While you are doing all that, keep Guru Nanak in your thoughts. Listen to Kirtan, simran. Do Waheguru jaap!

Never bring negative thoughts, because there is power in thoughts!

Trust yourself and not importantly trust Waheguru!

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